Sunday, February 28, 2010

Birthday Inviation Rhyme For 4 Yr Old

What we say Western physics and Eastern mysticism have

Recently I me the book "God's secret thoughts" by Volker J. Becker and ordered a chapter in the early - read with pleasure at the first cup of coffee - from yoga and meditation. In the true spirit of the book: West meets East.

shaken in this readable book Mr. Becker world views with scientific evidence from the western physics and Fringe Science. He uses the consequences of verified theories such as Einstein's relativity theory, Rupert Sheldrake's morphogenetic fields, quantum physics and phenomena, Jung's collective unconscious, David Bohm's implicate order, uncertainty principle and the tunnel effect and much more.

These scientists come from their research results to the conclusion that the system based on the material world, is a discontinued model.

create mind and consciousness according to quantum theory, our reality! follow

This thesis, which may have been removed as well eastern Headlines:
  • The basic substance of all being is not material, but mentally.
  • The spirit is immortal, not physically, but spaceless, timeless and transcendent.
  • The totality of the manifested existence is a unit dar.
  • Nothing exists independently of the whole.
  • Everything is permeated everything.
  • Individual consciousness melts at a higher level to a collective holistic spirit.
  • Everything is spirit. Everything is creation.
deeper truths remain hidden even after this reading of the pure intellectual level of understanding.

you can can not be measured, not detected, not seen, not weighed and not proved - that experienced in the interior - beyond space and time - transcendent: East meets West ...

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Confidentiality Clause At End Of Letters

"Who has ears to hear ..."

Wer Ohren hat, höre... I allow myself more and more, listen to literally and get a gift after another: pearls of joy and inspiration, born out of simplicity.

I hear the words in themselves, take them exactly as what they are, nothing more, nothing less. I could even call literal listening. It often happens that we do not hear what someone says because we are only our own interpretations and conclusions and to continue listening. These interpretations and conclusions are the ones that are often painful and not what is actually said ...

We often hear people with an ear to listen when the other is ready, then give our thoughts on the best that we have already prepared during the "listening" ... or we have the habit, the rate for our thinking with respect to manufacturing and speak it out even. Sometimes we think we even know what to say and the other wants to interrupt him. Also unspoken thoughts during the "listening" are hindering mental interruptions that true communication. Thus it happens often in conversations no real dialogue. This is correctly described as "small talk".