Saturday, January 30, 2010

What Kind Of Car Does Tia Mowry Drive

In the beginning was the Word ...

I awake with a headache that comes to me not now located ... Sitting on the sofa, why I have always just a headache? Is it true that I always have a headache? No. It is also true that I have NOT always a headache.


headache is just a word. I feel that this word is associated with the importance I give to him. My Grandmother comes to my mind, which suffered many years of her life from a headache and so took tablets. The word says that pain in the head. Head on itself is still neutral, but pain ... pain is suffering. I let the word work on me and the pain is even more headaches .... The word reminds me of different places and times when I had a headache ...

headache is just a word. Now I want to know! As it is, if I do not know this word, it had never heard of? A word without origin, without history and without evidence. I dare ... What happened? - The pain is simply gone - I feel peace, love and happiness - a distance, space - pure consciousness.

the chain I went back - after the word behind the creation, in the Ungeschöpfte, Unmanifested ... ... behind the cause behind the stories, opinions, experiences ... back to its original state, the source of all being. I experience consciousness free of the entanglement in the branches of the tree of knowledge.

We are creators ... there is nothing that we have drawn themselves.

All day I may enjoy this awareness and I am free of headaches.

No word itself is a problem - only the meaning we give it ... we know this also from the orthodox medical diagnosis, do the affected people often irreversible.

Already stimulus words? Some people react to a single stimulus word as of a bumblebee stung or gets excited to kick off a long monologue. In another word the same zero-effect ...

I have bathed in the source. It is 100% pure from grief. In truth, every word that is derived from pure and free to do

Let us cleanse the water of the source of all life and peace, love and unity.

In the Beginning Was The Word

In the beginning was the Word,
And the Word was with God,
And the Word was God

And the Word became flesh And dwelt
among us
Full of Glory and Truth

All things were made and came into existence through Him
And without Him was not even one thing made
That has come into being

He came into the world,
And though the world was made through Him,
The world did not recognize Him.

But to as many that did receive and welcome Him,
He gave the authority,
To realize their inner Divinity.


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