Sunday, March 28, 2010

When Does David's Bridal Have 99 Gown Sales

William Nonog: Filipino faith healer

short seminar with William Nonog on 28/03/2010, organized by the Basler PSI-Verein

My Description is subjective, fragmentary and does not match the end of the seminar. William Nonog speaks English and is translated by Mrs Sütterlin excellent. I'm a few notes in the sense of an addition to what I at first Visit and second Visit heard and would like to keep to myself.

It is therefore the third Time I attend a short seminar by William Nonog. For me it is very fulfilling and uplifting to bathe in its presence. I experience him as a man is 100% authentic. Last Sunday, William celebrated his 50th Birthday. He works as a spiritual healer for 40 years. He is himself It is this consciousness, this self-consciousness full of confidence without a doubt, which elevates me. It is for me a model for the unlimited connection between healer and client - to the relationship of human to human.

He distributed to each seminar participant his business card, which he offers as a possible connection to him when he is at home in the Philippines. It receives SMS, answers them by text message or a reply on the spiritual path that the sender of the help, or feel the answer in itself. Although I have long been one of his business cards, I see first time the 8 around the water drops. The night as a symbol for the connection to the source - the symbol for the infinite, eternal, time and space lots.

William is clarified for me a man. listening to His life story is the example of his way to itself as it comes, that he became a spiritual healer. It turns out that we are on our way to our self-realization can not avoid, just what we reject and also, if we resist, eventually volunteered to accept unconditionally. Often there are unresolved issues that will be passed down through generations, which to wait to be saved.

William stressed that all of us in ourselves the Ability that connect us to the source. It is often the case that we have forgotten this connection and neglected. Likewise, it is possible for everyone to take power of his mind with the dead contact. Healing can not be learned. It happens for us out for yourself. It is inherent in us. A diploma because of a training as a healer is only a piece of paper in his hand. Real conditions are opening, dedication and humility, to serve as an instrument. This requires more to look inward.

All modern technologies sees William Nonog than one copy of the spiritual possibilities. A prayer is like a click in the internal website, the Inner-net. In meditation, we can open up everything. We determine focus. It's about everything to come to one, to believe that the Spirit can find clarification. Deep meditation is a sacred art, can transform everything. William Nonog us through a short meditation. Meditation as food for the spirit. The spirit communicates with each of our cells.

agent photo, date of birth and name is William Nonog successful in the long-distance healing. He tells of a recent example. In a woman regress in this way 5 tumors in the head in no time. The family from America will visit him after his return from his current residence in Switzerland and the Philippines to meet him personally.

That cure is not to Time bound, we all experience, in the last hour of the seminar, where he treated us all with one short. We are about 70 people.

The treatment I am experiencing extremely intense. I feel a very strong heat, especially in the solar plexus and heart chakra. While he treats people, I feel in me a lot. My head feels very far and exempt. Interestingly, I feel the body, which I had not felt in a long time, such as tingling in the eyelids, also old scars from surgery, I felt completely healed.

The humorous and cheerful nature of William awakens the joy of life and get me all the here and now.

Karin Lüscher mit William Nonog anlässlich des Kurzseminars, organisiert vom Basler Psi-Verein am 18.3.2010 I have long wished for a photo of William Nonog. My brother was so nice and asked if he could take a picture with me. Thank you.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Harlem Globe Trotters Pin Ball Machine

at the "Old Forge": A good idea catches on! What

As part of the nationwide urban development program "Urban Redevelopment West" is to be started this year to enhance the environment of the St. Nicholas Church structurally. Where the now demolished "Old Forge" was a beautiful place design is provided. The design by Professor Gebhardt, the urban planner, includes good access to the church and the cemetery and also improved the parking situation in this area.

Goldbach CSU is delighted that it has paid off her efforts for more freedom at this point eventually. That was of course not, because in the City Hall there were other plans!

What was the situation? In December 2006 the Building Committee members visited the site of the old forge and discussed already had a redesign. In February 2007 the municipality bought the property. The administration then made, supported by a planning office, a blueprint for a car park / parking garage on. It should have three levels of over 36 locations.

As part of a CSU-site inspection in November 2007, we were able to discuss in detail the situation with the neighbors on the corner Unterafferbacher Road / Willow Road Börner. We agreed: A parking garage is there in any case go! We developed the ideas for a design space and presents them to the current local election campaign. But the investment plan of the market Goldbach for the year 2008, which became public in January 2008 to advise the Building Committee still contained a "parking deck pastures Börner Street 5".

alternative plans were missing completely!

the end of 2008 were not on the building nor the market before other municipal planning. Therefore we introduced in January 2009 an application (download PDF here ) to give to our demands.

It is a success, that our expectations are met in accordance with the present planning now for the most part. The CSU Goldbach is pleased to be a good idea that has finally prevailed.

Our proposal for a design course in November 2007:
  • After the demolition of the "Old Forge" is a retaining wall, possibly set up in terraces. The optical design of the wall was adjacent to the St. Nicholas Church to be adjusted.
  • The resulting space is to defuse the curve to Unterafferbacher road. The space below the wall is planted and equipped with a bench.
  • arises in the Willow Street Börner the opportunity to expand the existing parking bay to a place. If necessary, there are parking spaces provide for citizens who are restricted in their movement.
  • The parking lot above the retaining wall is to be increased to facilitate the access and the in / out and to create more parking spaces. A barrier-free access from the parking lot to the cemetery is to create - and this is an important relief for people who are less mobile.
  • a proposed already in the planning of multi-storey car park and 36 parking spaces, we reject categorically. The creation of open space that remains the bottleneck is our highest priority. The free view of the church, one of the few architectural highlights of Goldbach's will enhance our city and quality of life increase in the area. Parking spaces, which are required only for temporary activities in and around the church, a short distance, eg at the old school and the town hall, in place and to take into account in further planning for the center.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Detectorde Ip Parablog

What we lost on this earth? Satsang with Sri Swami

Even as a child we learn what is desired by our environment and what is not. If the child as such and such a long silence, then it gets the desired toy. We focus more and more after the IF-THEN principle - like a computer program. We behave differently when we spontaneously feel the need for it to get something later desired. We learn that the people love us when we behave the way they want it. We learn that we can not be honest. Honesty is indecent. My Grandmother once said on the occasion of her 70th Birthday: "Oh, now I am an old woman ..." I said. "Yes, that's right" She was very offended ... and my parents said, "No, no, you're still young," and looked at me angrily.

noted the latest in the youth we that we never can make all the right and see the world very unfair and unjust. For this teacher we act, the other way when colleagues have a different way and with their parents or in a different way ... After all, we want to be loved ... Something seems wrong with us. Perhaps it also has to do with our appearance, or our race ... We are not the way we should be.

We feel increasingly disoriented - get lost sometimes here sometimes there ... Often the rescue as a hobby, with which we can identify with, belonging to a group of people, whether as a fan of a rock band or a political grouping, etc. . Maybe we can find solace in drugs, in sex or in the work.

The more we can do - in school, in sports, the more recognition and sometimes envy and jealousy, we reap.

We define ourselves through our performance and self-worth is high or very low ...

Eventually comes the great depression, illness or simply the question of meaning ... but we have to earn their special someone and a lot of money.

What we lost on this earth?

some point - we often go through years of ups and downs - we know - that we have lost even in the ideas, desires and expectations of others and of awakening, the awakening begins with ourselves.

The start to this state ... as we were one with our mother and father with the existence in our body on this earth - with all the experience we have now.

some point we discover in the bathroom mirror greatest love of our lives - our self--. From that moment on - where we have found ourselves - we see a new earth. We are, as we are. We are perfect. We are coming to life with love and gratitude.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Exgagement Thank You Words

Vishwananda in Switzerland

date and place: 27th

March 2010, 19.00 clock
Bahnhofstrasse 19, 4310 Rheinfelden

What is Satsang?
the term Satsang "gathering in truth." Usually get there with a spiritual master and has the opportunity to ask spiritual questions. But it is the primary concern, Satsang the encounter with oneself, with the one you are in truth. Music and singing are central elements of the event. With spiritual hymns and songs from all cultures, the divine is revered in his various names and aspects. Sri Swami Vishwananda encourages people to deepen their individual path to God and stop them from maintaining their personal faith and their own spiritual heritage.

"My job is to open people's hearts and to show them that they are in infinite love, and that it is very easy, this love unconditionally give to others."

Sri Swami Vishwananda

The events with Sri Swami Vishwananda are free. At the meeting with him, no strings attached.

For Registration and information:
Sakarananda & Kiran, E-mail:

Monday, March 1, 2010

Best Shirt To Wear With A Grey Suit

The most important thing - Our Topics

topics for discussion tables on the open market

at each table will provide a committee member for contact and your ideas and, if desired, write down your address. So we hope to enable new relationships to the real issues of our community life.

We go together!

At the beginning of our journey together
was the parish community

dieWallfahrt to the Cathedral on Saturday, 6 October 2007

1.Sakramente with a future?

- baptism, confirmation and first communion, as the lead in the future?

second On the way to a new parish in 2014 or 2018
- Ideas to grow together

3 As we continue with less money?

- The work of the church board members: finance, premises, staff

4th Make a wish!

- As a regular Sunday Mass attendees, I think about the future of the Church ...

5th Worship with children and families

- Family fairs, elementary schools, church services and other forms crawling

6th Kindergarten and community

- Cooperation is good: Lesefeen, Community festivals, church services, parental involvement

7th "I have long been in!"

- Experienced men of the 3rd Life stage see the future of the church

8th "Can not do anything with a difference?"

ideas of youth and young adults in our communities

9th Groups and associations - just keep it up?

- KFD, KAB, Kolping, KJG, men's and women's groups

10th Participate makes more fun!

- Liturgical services, from altar boy to lector, communion assistants and Kantor

11th Believe in the future - in sickness, death and grief

- Visiting services, anointing of the sick and sick Sunday

12th Diakonia and Caritas

- How can I help?

13th Living as couple

-weddings, parties with family life and living alone - separation and more

14th Because music is in it!

- 7 bands make our communities alive - what it is all

15th Faith celebrate different - parts of the Bible for devotions

- Who wants to help develop other forms of worship?

16th Courses faith, spirituality and more

- Who wants to deepen faith, beacon and things that do not exist yet ...

17th The Diocese of Osnabrück

- Why must we change ... background on the situation of the Church in our

18th Ecumenism with 7 communities?

- What do Christians think of our four neighboring communities? What in the ecumenical movement is doing ...

19th Your idea is appreciated!

- What say you've always wanted

20th From volunteering for Voluntary Agency

- We seek new forms of cooperating, are not too narrow: Our SOS team

21st My picture of the church and our 3 communities

graffiti wall for all sorts of thoughts

After Brazilian Wax Itchy Rash

trigger: Decision of the Diocese of Osnabrück

Our Bishop Dr. Franz-Josef Bode has decided that the communities in the city of Dean by 2018 to 6 new large parishes are merged.

Here you will find the link to the website with the Diocese of backgrounds ...

We wonder when the full-time in the community Täigen along with the bodies of the parish council and parish council, how we can live this new phase.

We do not know ALONE!

But we believe that each and everyone has to say something and has to bring into our existence. It is certainly different, not all 3 times so far ...

why we invite you now to make that first of all interested parties on the subject of the future of our church life on the road to another place and talk.

Here we meet on Sunday, 3 October: Here you will find the link to high school in the desert ... Have you ever anticipate a heartfelt "thank you" to the school management and Osnabrück to make our meeting possible!

Kates Playground 2010 Sets

insight into the preparation

Here you find the first video of our preparation work!
site meeting in high school in the desert with the caretaker.