Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Sony No Voice Sound Dvd

children of the ONE

Garden Getsehmaneh
In April 2009 I visit Israel during a spiritual journey with Trudi Thali, the founder of the beams of light therapy .

Getsehmaneh In the garden at the foot of the Mount of Olives in East Jerusalem, we take time for quiet meditation. I feel the urge to open my eyes and on the skyline to views of Jerusalem. I see a golden dome of deep blue light, which spreads from there throughout the city. High from the sky, a wide, slightly curved bright beam of light in rainbow colors tend to the highest point of the golden dome. In my perception I see this dome as a power center, which on the whole city and beyond broadcasting.
view of Jerusalem
Impressed by watched I ask the Jewish tour guide for the golden dome. I know that this is the Dome of the Rock. The Dome of the Rock was in Muslim hands, and for me inaccessible. I tell her what I saw. She regrets that she could see nothing subtle, but give it my perception faith. The Dome of the Rock was the place where Abraham was prepared according to the Bible and the Koran to sacrifice his son. The Dome of the Rock (Al-Aqsa Mosque) was regarded as the 3rd sacred place of Muslims. I hear that as the Ark of the Covenant with the Ten Commandments - the sanctuary of the Jews - to have been originally stored there.

Then we stroll through the Old City of Jerusalem. Now and then I look to the sky and see the sky again and again reflections in the rainbow colors. I ask a young man of the group if he could see this also, and he sees it too.

At the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem
day we go in the morning to the Western Wall. After I after some time of watching the hustle and bustle - it goes to and fro like a bazaar - am in my mid back, I'll find a place about 20 yards from the wall and go into the silence. Suddenly, I take this blue light exercise again, coming from the left. I feel the urge to sing OM. An incredible vibration disclosed to me. By the sound I merge completely with the sound that permeates everything.

I tell them about the perception of Jewish travel guide. She tells me that the Western Wall is connected with the Dome of the Rock.

birth grotto in Bethlehem
The following day we visit the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem. After Palestine, the Jewish tour guide not be admitted and we say goodbye at the wall from her.

In the Church of the Nativity, both Muslims and Christians. Where Jesus was born, is therefore not stable, but a cave. It's given me a few minutes alone in the vicinity of the cave to be in silence. In my solar plexus, it is quite warm and I am flooded with infinite love . The scales fall it from my eyes.

view from the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem
The golden dome of the rock is a symbol of the solar plexus chakra. This chakra is the cosmic gate, where we take in life energy, food for the soul and the body. We show here the Cosmic Christ Light, the Light of the world.

It is this light, from which ALL-ES: stones, plants, animals, people ...

I can learn from the depths of my self, that all religions have the same root.

We are ALL children of the ONE!

On the way to the Golan Heights:
Trudi Thali with a white hat (left), Karin Luescher with blue bag (right) was


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