Thursday, April 1, 2010

H Pylori Causing Lymphedema

The wave

It once long ago a very young, playful and full of character wave. This wave was particularly happy, she had the mischievous and loved to aufzuwallen and foam and dance in various circles. She enjoyed her wavy existence of heart and played like a lifetime.

One day, the wave a few particularly perky movements, as they have a deep, almost inaudible Sound heard, coming from the depths of the sea and the like "ocean" sound .... heard

As the wave that deep, melodious tone, began in their hearts something to stir, and she felt a deep curling from the most authentic part of their nature and the desire to understand its meaning. It sounded fascinating and mysterious, and the young wave could not stop thinking about him.

your deep need to understand this mystery, was always bigger, and by swimming one day when a dolphin in the area, he asked the young wave for advice: "Oh, dolphin, before you swim further - you've always looked so smart and clever - you can tell me something? I've heard that there is something that "ocean" is, only I do not know what that means or where it is. ? Can you tell me "

The dolphin back squealed that he had heard for some time like this, and that a few theories swirling about what could well be - there were even a few older, learned dolphins, which regularly met in an attempt to understand its meaning - but to date no one had discovered the truth: the concept was still nothing but an idea.

The dolphin wish all the best of the young wave, waving her parting with his fin as he laughed merrily and it was swimming. And when he almost her eyes had vanished, he exclaimed: "Good luck. Maybe you'll be the first to uncover the great mystery. "And then he dived away.

Later in the day swam slowly past an old, wise turtle, and turned the young wave of the same old question and pricked ears. Assuming that this old turtle had won in the long years of her life much wisdom, hoping the wave, they may know the answer to the question.

"Oh, turtle, you're certainly traveled far and have in your long Life seen a lot. I'm just a young and did not wave the treasure of your experiences .... Can you tell me, so please .... Have you ever heard of the "Ocean" is ...? Have you ever seen him? Every time I hear the word in my heart, it touches something deep inside me. I have to understand it and absolutely will experience what it's all about. ? Can you please help me, oh wise old beings "

The tortoise still listened to the impetuous wave, and answered in a slow, deep voice:" Oh dear, this is an issue about which I also thought all these years again and again have .... But if I'm honest, I can not to say that I've ever seen him. I can not even claim to know what it's all about. I feel that there is a profound mystery, and there are many complex theories about its nature have been set up, but I can not say that I really scientific about it No, my daughter, I am afraid that you know the rest of your days looking for the answer will.

I wish you good luck, little one. You have your whole life still ahead of you;. Maybe you'll have the rare good fortune and really learn what is the ocean ... "The young

wave was sad that she was destined to find the ocean so little success and was afraid that maybe no one could really give an answer.

The next day a big, old, well-shaped wave rolled in her direction. Excited and in the idea that this majestic grandfather had to know the answer simple, the ripple asked boldly: Oh big wave - you're old and wise and have lived much longer than someone who is as young as me. I heard somewhere from within me a deep rumble, and the word "ocean" leaves me no peace. I need to find him. I just have to learn what it's all about! Where can I find the Ocean "

The old shaft was heard a deep sigh: Oh my little one ... This is a question that only the wisest of the wise. You have to be a very special wave that you hear such a deep inner calling, trying to understand the mystery of the ocean .... I wish I could help you ... I myself have traveled all my life, and this thirst for the ocean - to find him, to know its meaning - has never left me, yet so much I've tried, let me know its meaning always remained an inexplicable mystery ....

Oh, many have speculated and thought they had figured out what is the ocean, while others countless complicated theories have created. All agree that the Truth is not likely to find out is, at least I have never experienced. To be honest, I'm not even sure if this so-called ocean really exists. "

The little wave of disappointment was quite flat, and she felt sad, had become the little wave, she boldly invited the big wave type: "Listen, my little one ... Why not travel with me? If we go together to the search, perhaps the mystery will meet, perhaps we will discover the secret. The older I get, the bigger of course I will, but also all the more easier. I just can not do anything with all the high-flown theories about what it has with the ocean itself. I always feel in the depths of my being that the presence of the ocean is very close - if I could only understand them. .

Let us travel together, and we will see what will bring us the life "

And that's what they did: the small, cheeky, playful wave developed their strength and volume, while next to the big, old, exhibit wave who traveled here.

began after many miles, both of which flow from her heart of hearts feel and felt that their trip was faster. In total devotion they opened the power that came up mysteriously from the depths.

And then she saw something in the distance, which they have never caught sight of what they have heard the fish but whisper. The old Wells said: "Oh God! That is certainly what my fish when they talk about the coast and beyond to the country. I never thought I would see it ever with my own eyes! "

The power inside them became greater, and when they got near the coast, seemed to be a compelling force, the two shafts to drive faster and faster ... faster and faster ... to the beach. Their pace accelerated as never before, until it suddenly pitched ... splashing and foaming, ... they surrendered and totally melted into the ocean from which they came. In a second, the knowledge was there: they themselves had always been the ocean - it was her very own essence. They were made of him. They were met by his infinite presence. He has always been her true nature - only had they identified themselves in the past with the wave to be on the surface of the ocean and never realized was that they were the infinitely vast, limitless ocean itself since the beginning and always would be ...


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