Thursday, August 26, 2010

Stomach After Umbilical Hernia Surgery

Federal Constitutional Court: to grandparents with guardianship prefer and Youth Welfare Office has access rights note

The Federal Constitutional Court has in its orders dated 14.07.2010 1BvR 3189/09 and 1 BvR 2604/06 of 18.12.2008 on the following principles (Art. 6 GG) through:
  1. Unjustified use restrictions violate the parents' right under Article 6, paragraph 2, sentence 1 GG
  2. also the rights of noncustodial parent is under the protection of Article 6 para 2 sentence 1 GG
  3. The rights allow the access rights to convince continuously from the physical and spiritual being of the child and its development by visual inspection and mutual agreement to maintain their genetic relationship to him and to prevent alienation, and the need for love on both parts into account.
  4. Even if the child lives with one parent must be offered in principle the personal use of the child with access rights. The same applies if the child is placed externally. (Foster family, home)
  5. It corresponds to the welfare of children, that family relationships are maintained and the child is not completely separated from its roots.
  6. Only when a risk would give the mental or physical development of the child when exercising a right of access is a restriction or exclusion to protect the child initiated.
  7. The will of the child are taken into account, where it is well compatible with his.
  8. The child must be given the opportunity in court proceedings, his personal relations with his parents to be seen to leave.
  9. the limitation or exclusion of custody need of explanations, which a more detailed discussion can be necessary with this question.
  10. Article 6 § 1 Basic Law obliges the state to the respect of parents and children to existing family unit as independent and responsible.
  11. The Federal Constitutional Court has made clear on several occasions that Article 6 § 2 GG the primacy of parents in the responsibility for the protection and children in need guarantees.
  12. The constitutional principles require preferential treatment of family members in the selection of nurses and guardians.
  13. According to the European Court of Human Rights includes family life under Article 8 of the ECHR, at least - well - close relatives - such as grandparents and grandchildren - as they can within the family play a significant role. Respect for family life so understood reasons for the state the obligation to act in a way that allows for the normal development of this relationship (see ECHR, Judgement of 13 June 1979, NJW 1979, p. 2449 \u0026lt;2452>). It follows that the courts have to consider when choosing a guardian existing family ties between grandparents and grandchildren.
  14. If these relatives for guidance the guardianship suitable for the purposes of paragraph 2 Civil Code § 1779, so they may not be as ignored because an outside third party would be better suited to such a view to optimal spiritual support for the child.
  15. The access rights are under the jurisdiction of the Federal Constitutional Court and the European Court for grandparents as they falll also under the protection of Article 6 of the Basic Law and Article 8 ECHR (see Constitutional Court, 1 BvR 2604/06 from 18.12. 2008 - on the blog below)

Citation: Constitutional Court, 1 BvR 3189/09 of 14/07/2010, paragraphs No.. (1 - 31), entscheidungen/rk20100714_ 1bvr318909.html

- 1 BvR 3189/09 -

On behalf of the people

In the process of

the constitutional complaint

of Mr. L. ..,

- represented
lawyer Veronica Otten,
firm in Legal & Otten Otten,
Bergisch Gladbach Street 656, 51067 Cologne -
against a) Decision of the Higher Regional Court of Cologne of 20 November 2009 - 25 uF 126/09 -
b) the decision of the District Court of Cologne of 26 Mai 2009 - 313 F 49/08 -
has the 2nd Chamber of the First Senate of the Federal Constitutional Court by the judge
Hohmann Dennhardt
and the judges Gaier,
14 July 2010 unanimously adopted:
  1. The decisions of the District Court of Cologne of 26 Mai 2009 - 313 49/08 F - and of the Higher Regional Court of Cologne 20. November 2009 - 25 uF 126/09 - violate the complainant's fundamental right under Article 6, paragraph 2, sentence 1 of the Basic Law.
  2. The decision of the Higher Regional Court of Cologne is repealed and the case remanded for a new ruling to the Higher Regional Court of Cologne.
  3. The state of North-Rhine Westphalia has to reimburse the complainant the necessary expenses in the constitutional complaint procedure.
  4. The object value of legal work for the constitutional complaint is 8,000 € (in words: eight thousand euros) fixed.


The complainant objects to the rejection of his application for unescorted to the authority, and expanded access to his son.
first a) The complainant's father is a brief from a relationship with the child's mother then married dating in April 2006 born son. The child's mother put the boy out immediately after birth. He came to his 12th Of life in a foster family where he has lived ever since. The child's mother is the sole owner of parental care, with the exception of the residence determination, the delegate to the Youth Welfare Office was. Handling contacts with her son, she refuses.
In July 2006, the complainant, give him every Sunday afternoon dealing with his son. At the hearing in December 2006 represented the family court held that in order to develop a relationship with the complainant to his son, depending on the possibility of the carrier should take place once or twice a month accompanied handling. It then ordered the suspension of the proceedings. From January 2007, were accompanied instead handling contacts.
The complainant has in February 2008, implementation an unaccompanied dealing respectively Saturdays from 10.00 till 18.00 clock, and a holiday scheme because the rare recent handling contacts were insufficient to establish a real relationship with his son. After obtaining written opinions of the youth ministry and the foster parents held a hearing in which the district court announced a non-reasoned decision that accompanied a deal would take place every six weeks. On the complaint of the complainant raised the Higher Regional Court's decision in February 2009 on the basis of lack of support and referred the matter for a new decision back to the family court.
b) After another hearing, the district court ruled the challenged order of 26 May 2009 that the complainant has a right to be accompanied by a child care service use once a month in the afternoon was the presence of the father's care. had the further handling of the request it back.
The question of a policy on the one hand, the constitutionally guaranteed rights of parents and the other the interests of the child are observed. It should be borne in mind that the complainant had an intense interest in his child and wants to build a real relationship with him. On the other hand, it should be borne in mind that the boy grow up in a foster family and its integration in this environment is not disturbed or significant tensions should be exposed. The child knew the complainant, according to the foster-father, could it still does not rank as his biological father. It knows that the complainant came to play with him turn, but after a certain time to return to the foster father. In this situation a "normal" use every weekend and on holidays without companionship was not to advocate currently because of this the child's situation and would not do justice to this demand. The foster father had so far indicated that the visits - the last one lasted an hour - an effort the child would because it can feel the atypical situation and realize that something was expected of him. The ability of the complainant in an appropriate way to address the needs of the child were, however, no doubts have been expressed.
When asked how often should take place to deal, be taken into account that he had originally taken place every four weeks. It should also be borne in mind that this is not a "normal" child care situation, in a special situation but intense interest of the father of his child. The child's welfare is safeguarded by the growth of the child with the foster parents in full and the complainant did not mind that the foster father in the handling of contacts it was. The court think it beneficial in such circumstances for the welfare of children, accompanied by a deal to provide contact once a month.
c) The complaint filed against the complainant rejected the Court of Appeal also attacked with order of 20 November 2009, after the written opinion of the youth ministry and the foster parents without hearing back. A guardian ad litem was - not appointed for the child - as in the official court proceedings.
of the District Court had taken control of the situation currently adequate. Come in the growth of the still-small child in the foster family, which are supported by both parents - and the complainant would leave the child in the foster home - ask for the good of the child a careful design of access rights. It must remain clear for the child that his life had priority in the foster family. This is the life situation of the child in this case is different in principle from that of a child, growing up with separated parents, as they were parents as the primary caregivers of the child, and remained, even if they lived separately. As presently be only the foster parents as the main caregivers be a careful design of the handling of the child to his biological father is required.
The boy was still at an age where the distinction between biological father and foster father to him was almost impossible. With age, this situation will clarify for the child and he'll learn to deal with it. This is the handling of the district court established contacts enabled a sufficient degree. A more intensive use, as desired by the complainant would jeopardize the stability necessary for him in his personal life. This is true despite the fact that there was no objection that the complainant was likely to care for the child. The need of obtaining an opinion it is not in the given situation.
second In his constitutional complaint, the complainant with a violation of his parental rights by the challenged decisions.
third The Federal Constitutional Court, were submitted to the court's case. The constitutional complaint was served on the government of North Rhine-Westphalia, the youth of the City of K. and the child's mother. The participants also had the opportunity to comment on the subject value.
The Board accepts the constitutional complaint for decision and, instead of her.
The adoption of the constitutional complaint should be taken to enforce the parental rights of the complainant (§ 93a para 2 letter b Federal Constitutional Court Act). To this decision, the board is appointed, because the relevant constitutional issues are decided by the Federal Constitutional Court and the Constitution already appeal is to be obvious (§ 93c para 1 sentence 1 of the FCC).
first The complainant is violated by the challenged decisions in his parents' right under Article 6, paragraph 2, sentence 1 GG.
a) The rights of the noncustodial parent as well as the custody of the other parent under the protection of Article 6, paragraph 2, sentence 1 GG. Both legal positions arising from the natural parents' rights and the related parental responsibility and must be respected by the parents in proportion to each other. The rights allow the access rights, from the physical and spiritual being of the child and its development by visual inspection and mutual agreement to convince continuously to maintain the relationship to him and to prevent alienation, love and the desire of both parties to take into account (cf. BVerfGE 31, 194 \u0026lt;206>). The parent with whom the child normally resides, must therefore allow in principle the personal use of the child with the other parent (see BVerfGE 31, 194 \u0026lt;206 f.>, 64, 180 \u0026lt;187 , f.>). The same applies even if the child does not live with a parent, but with a foster family. Because usually it corresponds to the welfare of children, maintain family relationships and the child does not completely separate from its roots (cf. BVerfGK 4, 339 \u0026lt;347>; ECtHR, Judgement of 26 February 2004 - 74969/01 - FamRZ 2004, p. 1456 \u0026lt;1459> ).
of a dispute concerning the exercise of rights, the judges make a decision that takes into account the fundamental rights of parents and the child's welfare and their individuality as a fundamental right support (see BVerfGE 31, 194 \u0026lt;206 f.>, 64, 180 \u0026lt;188>). The courts need to in each case to a concordance of the various fundamental rights efforts (see BVerfGK 9, 274 \u0026lt;277 fmwN>). The circumstances of the case are not sufficiently taken into account when the courts without making specific findings, a specific regulation dealing with reasons for its case law in similar cases (see BVerfGK 9, 274 \u0026lt;278>; Constitutional Court, Order of the 3rd Chamber of the First Senate of 18 February 1993 - 1 BvR 692/92 - FamRZ 1993, p. 662 \u0026lt;663>). A limitation or exclusion of rights of access is only initiated if the circumstances of the case, the protection of the child requires it, a threat to his mental or physical development to ward off (see BVerfGE 31, 194 \u0026lt;209 f.>).
The measures taken by the competent courts, and the findings of fact made by them in the individual assessment has not verified the Federal Constitutional Court. The constitutional review is subject, however, whether professional judgments based on a fundamentally incorrect view of the significance and impact of a fundamental right (see BVerfGE 18, 85 \u0026lt;92 f.>). The intensity of this test depends on to what be influenced by the decision affects fundamental rights (see BVerfGE 83, 130 \u0026lt;145> with further references).
protection of fundamental rights must also be ensured through the design of the process (see BVerfGE 55, 171 \u0026lt;182>), the trial must be in its design suitable and adequate for the enforcement of substantive fundamental rights to serve effectively (see BVerfGE 84, 34 \u0026lt;49>). these requirements, the courts only right that they deal with the specifics of each case, the interests of parents and their views and dignified personality and respond to the needs of the child (see BVerfGE 31, 194 \u0026lt;210>). The will of the child is taken into account, as far as is consistent with its well-being. This requires that the child is in the court proceedings to make its personal relationships with their parents can be seen to. The courts must therefore make their procedures so that they can reliably detect the possible basis of a decision on child well-defined (cf. BVerfGE 55, 171 \u0026lt;182>; BVerfGK 9, 274 \u0026lt;278 f.>).
b) These standards are the specialized courts in this case is not done justice. The challenged decision reflects the parental rights of the complainant, both material and not in his charisma to the proceedings sufficiently into account.
aa) Although the specialized courts in the correct approach will assume that the best interests of the key measure for the handling system should apply. Also out of the district court correctly that, in addition, the constitutionally guaranteed right of parents is taken into account. The challenged decisions can not but recognize that the Specialized courts following the constitutional requirement of the above principles have been aware of the parental right to take in account the extent to which it is to be brought into line with the welfare of children (see Federal Constitutional Court, Order of the 3rd Chamber of the First Senate of 18 February 1993-1 692/92 BvR - FamRZ 1993, p. 662 \u0026lt;663>). The decisions provide any argument that parental access in all the circumstances of the individual case in the best interests of the child.
(1) What the district court essentially exhausted in the general statement that the boy grow up in a foster family and its integration in this environment should not be disturbed. It should also be borne in mind that the handling had been initially every four weeks. cause significant disruption in the relationship of the child Whether and to what extent the handling contacts with the complainant and the possible intensification actually his foster parents, the Local Court decision is not apparent. Neither the fact that the complainant nor the child could not be classified as his biological father, nor the statement that it is the whorls after a certain time - for unspecified reasons stated - again turn to the foster father can, then to draw conclusions. offers Neither the Local Court in the decision cited statement by the foster father, the visits would exert the child ample evidence that, even if only moderate expansion will harm the handling of the child's interests, especially since the effort of the child may stem from the fact that dealing in the company and thus takes place at several observation.
The adoption of the district court that the complainant would be required unaccompanied use every weekend and public holidays, the situation the child does not meet demand and it therefore lacks a comprehensible explanation. Above all, consider these remarks not think the court is not at the request of the complainant's revenue and between the currently practiced guided treatment every four weeks for one hour in the foster child agency and to the complainant handling a range of other regulatory options open.
24 (2) The reasoning of the Court of Appeal makes a more detailed discussion miss the question, which scheme specifically requires the welfare of the child. The Higher Regional Court justified rejecting the complaint of the complainant alone with the fact that currently serve only the foster parents as caregivers of the child and are therefore a careful design of dealing with his biological father is necessary. It refers to two decisions of the Senate and a reference in Palandt, Civil Code, § 1632 para. 13 et seq, which all do not deal with a similar question, but the problems of Verbleibensanordnung under § 1632 para 4 BGB. Detailed findings to the extent to which the welfare of the child involved here requires a careful handling of regulation and therefore a comparison with the previous practice of advanced treatment In any case, the child's interests would not be fair, is not found in the decision. The claim that greater use would endanger the child needed stability in his personal life, is neither justified nor is it is in any way. She would also therefore needed further discussion, because the Court of Appeal also noted that the complainant wished to leave his son in the foster family and there are no doubts as to its suitability care.
bb) Also selected by both procedures met constitutional courts Concerns. It was not such as to obtain the most reliable possible foundation for the welfare of the child-oriented decision.
The question of whether time or intensification of previously practiced handling a transition to unsupervised contact with the child welfare is compatible or not, requires a reliable determination as well as the will of the child. This is indeed a small child to discover heavy and has a rather small weight in determining the actual design of his association with the access rights. However, could a child of any express or indirectly voiced desire for more frequent or prolonged contact with the complainant or other activities with his expression of his bond developed with the complainant, which might make it seem necessary to make further arrangements. Conversely, the contrary statements of the child be an indication that intensifying the handling would be premature at present.
this will have (cf. BVerfGE 55, 171 \u0026lt;182>) to the specialized courts by a hearing of from the time the Local Court decision three year old child, at least according to a the child § 50 para FGG ordered a guardian ad litem can bring in experience (see BVerfGK 9, 274 \u0026lt;281>, 10, 519 \u0026lt;523>). If thereafter would still existed a need for clarification, the possibility of obtaining the expert opinion suggested by the complainant had not existed.
cc) The challenged decisions are based on the possible violations of the rights of parents. It can not be excluded that the courts in all the circumstances of the case and investigate the facts sufficient for a decision more favorable to the complainant were taken.
dd) It is appropriate to repeal only the decision of the Higher Regional Court and remanded the case for reconsideration by the Court of Appeal (§ 95 para 2 Federal Constitutional Court Act) because the complainant is any help to better . For it is in its interest to develop as quickly concluding a procedural decision on his rights (see BVerfGE 84, 1 -5, 94, 372 \u0026lt;400>).
second The arrangement of the reimbursement of expenses follows from § 34 para 2 Federal Constitutional Court Act.
third The amount of the item value is based on § 37 paragraph 2 sentence 2 in connection with § 14 para 1 RVG (cf. BVerfGE 79, 365 \u0026lt;366 et seq).
Hohmann Dennhardt Gaier


Citation: Constitutional Court, 1 BvR 2604/06 18.12.2008, paragraph no. (1 - 36),

- 1 BvR 2604/06 -

In the name of the people
In the process of

the constitutional complaint

first of Mr. J. ..,
second wife of J. ..,

against a) the decision of the Higher Regional Court of Dusseldorf on 13 September 2006 - II-4 UF 110/06 -
b) the decision of the Higher Regional Court Dusseldorf, 20 July 2006 - II-4 UF 110/06 -

has the 2nd Chamber of the First Senate of the Federal Constitutional Court by the judge
Hohmann Dennhardt
and the judges Gaier,

18 December 2008 decided unanimously

first the decision of the Higher Regional Court Dusseldorf, 20 July 2006 - II-4 UF 110/06 - violates the complainant in her fundamental right under Article 2, paragraph 1 of the Basic Law.

The decision is set aside and the case for a new decision to the Higher Regional Court of Dusseldorf remanded. The second
North Rhine-Westphalia has to report to the complainants their necessary expenses in the constitutional complaint procedure.

reasons: I.

The complainants seek as grandparents to transfer the guardianship of her grandchild D., alternatively, the transfer of guardianship.
first two
The complainants are the grandparents of the 30 August 2004-born child D. The child's parents on 16 Married in February 2005. The child's father is the son of the complainant. For the child's mother is a supervisor appointed for the child's father is the - in the way the court proceedings still exist - to care repealed in the meantime.
The child's mother has - from a previous relationship - another child, on 14 June 2000-born daughter in a set L. L. daughter of that proceeding before the district court, the expert in his report dated 10th L. January 2005 finds that the child's father is not capable of education and the child's mother was not legitimate, yet even one to look after their children or educate them.
a) The district court deprived the child's mother by interim order dated 7 September 2004, the custody of D. and gave that right for the youth office of the district V as a "carer". This ruled that D. should live with a foster family. D. has lived since the 14th September 2004 in the foster family as
b) On 30 August 2005, the complainants appealed to the district court with the desire to obtain guardianship or foster care for at least the D. after the complainant's request to 2) of 9 November 2004 to transfer the guardianship of her and D. publication of D. had been allotted for the care refused. By order of 7 April 2006, the district court rejected the application primarily on the grounds that the care situation of D. had not changed since the conclusion of preliminary proceedings. The regularly performed home visits would rather have shown that D. of mentoring is appropriate for children in care as family and have established a viable relationship with his foster parents.
c) directed against this complaint, the Higher Regional Court by order of 20 Back in July 2006 and led to the creation, in essence, the requirements of § 1915, Section 1, § 1887 BGB for intervention by the court did not exist. The Senate had already in its decision of 15 July 2005 in the pre pointed out that the family relationship to the complainant D. itself is not sufficient reason alone, repeal an existing guardianship for reasons of child welfare, after it had missed the complainant to apply to time and preferably before the birth of a D. guardianship. The Senate had in these proceedings no reason to depart from this view. It does not serve the best interests of the child, it is familiar from his foster family to take out where it had lived virtually since his birth, to make it live in the future with his grandparents, EXIST about their educational qualification to be adequately assessed. At this point have already mentioned the method of D. nurse.
The Senate was - as in pre-trial - the view that his foster family in D. is in good hands. The foster parents had raised three children of her own. The foster mother also had long experience with the care of foster children. The assertion by the complainant, D.'ve become his foster parents do not parent-child relationship, is misconceived. The foster parents also lend themselves better in age as surrogate parents for D. as the complainant, this already 50 and 51 years old, an age were they not predestined (more) for the education of a young child. Overall, therefore, would be available no circumstances that would enjoin the grounds of the child's best interests to amend the previous best state and the complainants, the guardianship or to transfer guardianship of D..
The Anhörungsrüge the complainant was also not successful.
second With its constitutional complaint, the complainants allege a violation in spirit of Article 2 paragraph 1 GG because the specialized courts have their close relatives position as grandparents in the selection of the guardian for D. respected nor the desire of the parents, should in D. the family grow up with them as grandparents.
is further a violation of Article 103 paragraph 1 GG given. A stage of their education qualification was made in either the first or the second instance. Doubted their Suitability and eligibility should have been informed by the court to initiating end expert opinion.
third The constitutional complaint was the state government of North Rhine-Westphalia, the District Youth Office V, the parents of the child and the foster parents for comment.
The Federal Constitutional Court, the court's case, the previous procedure, 7 F 447/04 and the following two procedures 7 F 7 F 440/06 and 30/07, and the procedure for termination of parental care and the transfer of guardianship 7 F 264 / 04 pre-set, including the appointment of the Youth Office on the guardian 9 VII 05.26.
are 13
The Chamber the constitutional appeal in so far as the complainant against the violation of Article 2 paragraph 1 GG by the decision of the Higher Regional Court of 20 July 2006 contact.
The adoption of the constitutional complaint should be taken to enforce the law, the complainant under Article 2 paragraph 1 GG (§ 93a para 2 letter b Federal Constitutional Court Act). This decision is called the chamber because the relevant constitutional issues are decided by the Federal Constitutional Court already and the extent permissible - in particular, sufficient evidence to substantiate (§ 92 Federal Constitutional Court Act) - constitutional complaint is well founded obvious (§ 93c Federal Constitutional Court Act Section 1).
first The constitutional complaint is - as far as the complainants in violation of Article 2 paragraph 1 GG claims - is acceptable. The complainants have exhausted the legal process and the monthly period of § 93 para 1 BVerfGG respected.
extent that the complainants allege a violation of due process is, however, the constitutional complaint inadmissible. The complainants, the objection of subsidiarity countered. Who in times of court proceedings fails to allege a procedural violation, goes to the possibility that infringement by the constitutional complaint as a violation of fundamental rights claims to make (see BVerfGE 16, 124 \u0026lt;127>, 83, 216 \u0026lt;228 et seq, 84, 203 \u0026lt;208>).
The complainants allege the failure to take account of her presentation, the question of their suitability and eligibility education is the need for an expert opinion. The complainants have not raised a Anhörungsrüge. Subject of Anhörungsrüge was not the allegation of failure to comply with her lecture on the need for an expert opinion on their educational qualifications. The applicants have therefore specialized court proceedings do not take all reasonable options taken to correct or prevent a breach of which they have accepted the defense. Moreover, the complainants have also provided no evidence directed to these formal request.
second The constitutional complaint is - if it is allowed - founded.
The impugned order of the Higher Regional Court of 20 July 2006 violated the plaintiffs in their right under Article 2 paragraph 1 GG and protection of the family under Article 6 § 1 Basic Law.
a) The measures taken by the competent courts, and the findings of fact made by them in the individual assessment has not verified the Federal Constitutional Court. Similarly, it in principle for the specialized courts to choose which procedural route them to access the necessary knowledge for their decision (vgl.BVerfGE 79, 51 \u0026lt;62>). The constitutional review is subject, however, whether professional judgments based on a fundamentally incorrect view of the significance and impact of a fundamental right (vgl.BVerfGE 18, 85 \u0026lt;92 f.>). The intensity of this test depends on the degree be affected by the decision-making rights (see BVerfGE 83, 130 \u0026lt;145> with further references).
b) The Federal Constitutional Court has repeatedly held that Article 6 § 1 Basic Law obliges the state to respect the existing family of parents and children to community-both in intangible personal as well as in substantive economic field as independent and responsible (vgl.BVerfGE 10 , 59 \u0026lt;83>, 13, 331 \u0026lt;347>, 24, 119 \u0026lt;135>, 28, 104 \u0026lt;112>). It also has made clear on several occasions that Article 6, paragraph 2 GG guarantees the primacy of parents in the responsibility for the protection and vulnerable children (vgl.BVerfGE 24, 119 \u0026lt;138 with further references). These constitutional principles enjoin a preferred account of the family members in the selection of nurses and guardians, unless a conflict of interest exists or requires the purpose of the welfare measure for other reasons, the appointment of a third party.
c) According to the European Court of Human Rights includes family life under Article 8 ECHR, at least - well - close relatives - such as grandparents and grandchildren - as it within the family an play significant role. Respect for family life so understood reasons for the state the obligation to act in a way that the normal development This relationship allows (see ECHR, Judgement of 13 June 1979, NJW 1979, p. 2449 \u0026lt;2452>). It follows that the courts have to consider when choosing a guardian existing family ties between grandparents and grandchildren.
The European Human Rights Convention and their Additional Protocols are international treaties. The Convention leaves it to the parties, how they meet their duty to respect the treaty (ECtHR, Judgement of 6 February 1976, Series A No. 20, Section 50 - Swedish Engine Drivers Union. ECtHR, Judgement of 21 . February 1986, Series A no. 98, paragraph 84 - James and Others: see Geiger, the Basic Law and International Law, 3 Edition 2002, p. 405; Ehlers, in id , Fundamental Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, 2003, § 2 para. 2 f.). The federal legislature has agreed to the said Convention at a formal statute under Article 59 § 2 Basic Law (Law on the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of 7 August 1952, Federal Law Gazette II p. 685, and the Convention, according to the notice of 15 December 1953, Federal Law Gazette 1954 II p. 14 on 3 September 1953 took effect in the Federal Republic of Germany in force; New publication of the Convention as amended by the 11th Additional Protocol inBGBl 2002 II p. 1054). He has transformed it into German law and issue an appropriate application of the law command. Within the German legal system are the European Human Rights Convention and its protocols - if they came for the Federal Republic of Germany in power - in the status of a federal law (vgl.BVerfGE 74, 358 \u0026lt;370>, 82, 106 \u0026lt;120>) .
Rank This assignment means that German courts to respect the Convention and other laws of the federal law in a methodologically justifiable interpretation and have applied. The guarantees of the European Human Rights Convention and their Additional Protocols are in the German legal basis of this rank in the hierarchy is no direct constitutional standard of review (see Article 93 para 1 no 4 a GG, § 90 para 1 the FCC). A complainant can so far before the Federal Constitutional Court did not directly challenge the breach of a contained in the European Convention on Human Rights with a constitutional complaint (vgl.BVerfGE 74, 102 \u0026lt;128> with further references; BVerfGK 3, 4 \u0026lt;8>). The guarantees of the Convention, however, affect the interpretation of fundamental rights and constitutional principles of the Basic Law. The text of the Convention and the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights can serve at the level of constitutional law as an interpretative aid for the provision of content and scope of fundamental rights and constitutional principles of the Basic Law, unless this is a - of the convention is not self-imposed (see . Article 53 ECHR) - Reduction or loss of fundamental rights protection under the Basic Law, the (vgl.BVerfGE 74, 358 \u0026lt;370>, 83, 119 \u0026lt;128>; decision of the 3rd Chamber of the Second Senate the Federal Constitutional Court of 20 December 2000 - 2 BvR 591/00 - NJW 2001, p. 2245 \u0026lt;2246 f>).
d) These requirements are sufficient, the challenged decision of the Higher Regional Court of 20 Th July 2006.
aa) The district court, the mother of the child D. hitherto only by way of interim measures provisionally deprived of parental care and it therefore only temporarily transferred to the juvenile office as guardian of the child D..
The decision on the termination of parental care and the transfer of guardianship of a child by way of interlocutory injunction is a temporary arrangement. It can be left open whether and to what Extent this legitimate interests of third parties - such as relatives - must be considered. These are certainly to be considered in the proceedings on the final termination of parental concern and the final appointment of a guardian in the selection of the guardian for the child D.. can
bb) Under Civil Code § 1697, the Family Court in the case that led to arrange because of it has taken a guardianship or trusteeship is to make these arrangements, and choose the guardian or caretaker. Unless otherwise specified, these decisions are subject to the child and the legitimate interests of the parties, § 1697a BGB. In this case, the family court - like the guardianship court - considered in the selection of several suitable persons including the presumed intention of the parents, the personal ties of the ward and the marriage or relationship with the ward, § 1779 BGB.

According to § 29 para 2 BGB in 1779 to select the guardianship court a person is suitable to their personal circumstances and their financial situation and other circumstances to guide the guardianship. Under the revised provision on the basis of childhood Reform Act of 16 December 1997 (BGBl I p. 2942) when choosing among several suitable to consider the person alleged will of the parents, the marriage or relationship with the child and its religious beliefs. Suggestions and wishes of the parents are therefore - in any case - not binding if the child's welfare would be jeopardized with the order. Preferably the consideration of family members and relatives of the child, according to the law of the Federal Constitutional Court a constitutional requirement, unless a conflict of interest exists or the purpose of the welfare measure for other reasons, the appointment of a third party demands (vgl.BVerfGE 33, 236 \u0026lt;238 f.> ). It is also widely taken for granted then that in intact families and kinship children when their parents for whatever reason, always resign as guardian, be taken up and reared by grandparents or other close relatives, they allow their conditions so warrant. This document is grown family relationships, connectedness and responsibility. If these relatives to guide the guardianship suitable for the purposes of paragraph 2 Civil Code § 1779, so they may not be as ignored because an outside third party would be better suited to such a view to promoting optimal mental child.
Other persons may be considered only as a guardian if a non-identified in accordance with the principles of appropriate relatives or present. Also an order of the youth office in accordance with § 1791b para 1 BGB only if a suitable person as an individual guardian is not present.

31 cc) The above principles will not meet the challenged decision. The Higher Regional Court, in its decision of 20 July 2006 on the fact that the request of the complainant seeks a change of guardian. A change of the guardian is to accept only if one is appointed permanently. If the appointment of the guardian as here, a temporary withdrawal of parental concern basis, notify the appointment of the guardian, the legal fate of this "fundamental decision". The initial final order is related to the final termination of parental concern. The appointment as guardian on the basis of a provisional custody of withdrawal can only be viewed as preliminary.
The Higher Regional Court in its order dated 20th July 2006 denied that the basis is the guardian of order, a temporary custody of deprivation, therefore the first definitive appointment of a guardian - as yet - has to be found in the framework of just the relative position of the complainant as grandparents taking into account needs. The Higher Regional Court has thus overlooked the importance and scope of the personal relations of the complainant as grandparents to their grandchild D., protection of the family is not sufficiently taken into account and therefore violated Article 2 paragraph 1 GG.
The appointment of a guardian for the child is D. - having regard to the child - the will of the parents to be observed and the relative position near the complainant to her grandchild. Admittedly, also left in office procedure with determination principle the trial court stay, which way it considers relevant to the statutory provisions to be appropriate to get to the necessary evidence for its decision (Vgl.BVerfGE 79, 51 \u0026lt;62>). The legal process must be in its design, however, suitable and adequate to serve the enforcement of the substantive fundamental rights effective (vgl.BVerfGE 84, 34 \u0026lt;49>). The courts have to design their procedures so that they can reliably detect the possible basis of a decision based on the child's welfare. The specialized courts are constitutionally held thereafter not always obtain an expert opinion (vgl.BVerfGE 55, 171 \u0026lt;182>). If they refrain, but by the assistance of an expert, they must dispose of the most reliable possible Basis for decision have (see Federal Constitutional Court, 1st Chamber of the First Senate decision of 18 January 2006
- 1 BvR 526/04 - FamRZ 2006, p. 605 \u0026lt;606>, 26 September 2006-1 BvR 1827/06 -, NJW 2007, p. 1266 \u0026lt;1267>; of 19 December 2007 - 1 BvR 2681/07 - FamRZ 2008, p. 492 \u0026lt;493>).
Where the Court of Appeal focussed objective of that education on the ability of the complainant was unconfirmed secure evidence and that the foster parents and in age more suitable as surrogate parents for the child than the complainants, who were at an age when the they do not (more) predestined for the education of a young child is to point out that the establishment of a full state of knowledge now an expert report has not been obtained and predestined, given the age difference between the complainants and the foster parents of two and three years of the argument, their age the complainant no longer for the raising of a young child, little appears viable.
third The violation of the right of the complainant on compliance with its close relatives in the selection of the guardian for her grandchild D. by the challenged decision of the Higher Regional Court of 20 July 2006, according to § 95 Para 1 sentence 1 BVerfGG determine. The decision of the Court of Appeal is set aside and the case for reconsideration by the Court of Appeal (§ 95 para 2 Federal Constitutional Court Act).
The arrangement of the reimbursement of expenses follows from § 34 para 2 Federal Constitutional Court Act.

Hohmann Dennhardt Gaier churchyard

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

How Long To Work When Pregnant

Frontal21 - today by 21 clock: how victims become perpetrators be made .....

The cover story in the recently published Wissenschhaftsmagazin

brain & mind 9 / 2010: Courage is in short supply :

New Study: One in four German was already victims of violence in public. Psychologists to develop training programs for more civil courage
is now in the broadcast on ZDF Frontal21 still lit from a different perspective. For moral courage in our society also means that workers affected by even the "offender" may be used, must pay fines or are even in prison.

The topics on the program
Critical reports on politics, economy and society

reported in the next shipment Frontal21 among other things, moral courage in court - from victims to perpetrators; expensive school - No Abi for poor children; speculators to profit from the hunger - price gouging in cereals, the dispute over the Wartburg - World Heritage Site at windmills; worthy Dying at home - A law and reality. be
courage must be rewarded in our society and not punished My conclusion. Here, the legislature is asking others to create the necessary conditions, starting with the fact that perpetrators of the legal system and should not be used to find, helpers to make offenders.

The theme of "morality" leads of our justice system in the shadows. Looking at the "moral action system", ie, the injunction (in) essence which is to prevent alleged infringement of personal rights effective, reversed in many cases the protection of individual rights into a system of violation of personal rights and freedoms of where defendant

  • .... because for a preliminary injunction, the mere claim, one had been injured
  • ...... for a court order, the applicant needs in some cases not even a credible demonstration that the cause of action is actually ....

I see injunction: Mayor Ulrich Janssen, city funds against Monika Armand:

In the application for site 8, the lawyer, who became mayor Ass Jur Ulrich Janssen and Vormündin represents, suggests that:

" It is not for the applicant to establish that the allegations of the respondent are incorrect

this: court date 09.06.2010 - Injunction II. Mayor Ulrich Janssen / Monika Armand

and are a famous example of it here:
Legal disputes around Jan Ullrich
quote from it:

"August 2006: The molecular biologist and anti-doping fighter Werner Franke claimed Ullrich had paid EUR 35 000 for doping substances to Fuentes - a year later, he even speaks of 120 000 € . Ullrich obtained against the claim for an injunction before the Regional Court of Hamburg
August 13, 2010. The district court denies an injunction against Ullrich Franke, the board decided that the claim Franke, Ullrich have money. paid for doping, as "should be considered true". "

has four years did it take to Franke successfully against the injunction was by Jan Ulrich. For an injunction can only one to defend, who do have the necessary financial resources, so much of omission defendant - even though the injunction plaintiff / omission applicant, is wrong - are wrongly convicted and contribute to high court and legal costs. See for more details

Press Hamburg Chamber: Question of the plaintiff
The Flying jurisdiction needs a ban. Part V of the series "Abmahnrepublik"

continued on .......

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

How To Cook Beef Chuck Eye Steak

Jugendamt city funds - Second program - today by 21 clock

addition to topics such

  • nuclear power splits Union - The way forward for the nuclear plants
  • moonlighting made easy - The failure of the inspectors
  • No one law for jetties, from the dream
  • ?
  • Swabian megalomania - citizens against Stuttgart 21

reported Frontal21 in the broadcast on 08.17.2010 by 21 clock also has two Child Protection Services cases

quote the show preview

From the home

Since spectacular cases of neglect and child deaths urged the public, uncertainty prevails in many youth services. The result: More and more are being torn apart on behalf of the child welfare families, the children placed in institutions. In just five years, from 2004 to 2009, is called into care has increased by thirty percent - including many cases in which it was everyday conflicts and education problems, the children were not in danger, experts criticize.
Frontal21 accompany parents who are fighting for a long time for a return of their children - to offices, experts and home management.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Reduce Face Swelling Wisdom Teeth

"Buddha Boy" - Palden Dorje - Dharma Sangha

A few months ago I heard from a friend the first time of "Buddha Boy" : a boy, the 15th since its Years meditating without food and drink. At home I was the keyword one time on YouTube and saw me a few minutes in his first speech in Nepali ... I felt on a monumental have landed Hollywood production to ... It seemed so unreal. Recently, this friend came back to "Buddha Boy" award to a third person ... So I searched again on the net ... What me weeks before appeared to be an illusion, met me now in its full reality - to the heart - to the deepest depths of the soul. I can not find words for it. The spiritual connection with Palden Dorje makes me happiness - makes me feel a soul. He gives me courage in my way ... Looking for the truth ... It is the only healing path of humanity, he teaches - Om Namo Buddha Gyani Guru -

"A Journey through Aesthetic Realms" Ram Bahadur Bomjan up in a two-part series before. He is known in the media as the "Buddha Boy" and under his Buddhist name Palden Dorje Tapasvi Bomjan. Tapasvi is Sanskrit and means "spiritual practitioner." Tapasvi Bomjan meditated since 16 May 2005 without food and water in Bara District in Nepal.

On 2 August 2007 said Tapasvi Bomjan Halkoriya the jungle, Bara district, southern Nepal, the first time before a large crowd.

A message of peace to our world today.

"murder, violence, greed, anger and Temptation to have made the human world a desperate place. A terrible storm has swept over mankind. And this will destroy the world. The only way to save the world, is the path of Dharma. If we do not tread the virtuous path of spiritual practice, this desperate world will be destroyed with certainty. Therefore, follow the path of spirituality, and pass this message to your fellow human beings. Does not obstacles, anger and doubt in the way of my meditation mission. I'll show you only the path. You must themselves seek. What will I be, what I will do will be obvious in the coming days.

The salvation of mankind, the salvation of all beings and peace in the world are my goals and my way. Namo Buddha Sangaya, Namo Buddha Sangaya, Namo Sangaya. I meditate on the liberation of this world from the sea of emotions, our anger, and renounce temptation to come off without even a moment from the path. For ever I say I go about my life and my home. I am dedicated to the salvation of all living things. But for this fleeting world is my practice mere entertainment. The practice and devotion of many Buddhas is directed at the improvement and happiness of the world. It is an essential but difficult, this practice and dedication to understand. Although this finding is simple to understand, they do not understand the people. But one day we must leave this uncertain world and walk with the Lord of Death. We must leave our long time friends and family members behind us, dissolve into nothingness. We need to let the accumulated wealth and prosperity behind us. What good is it if I'm happy, but all who love me from the beginning - my mother, my father, my brothers, relatives are unhappy? So I have to save all sentient beings be in the spirit of Buddha and emerge from my underground cave to follow in deep meditation the way of God and thus the to obtain the right path and knowledge. So please do not disturb my practice. By practice, I detach myself from my body, my soul and this existence. In this situation there will be 72 goddess Kalis. Different gods will be present. There will be the sound of thunder and many other sounds. At this time, offer up the heavenly gods and goddesses are their divine worship. Not come here until I have sent a message. And this explains your other. Spread the spiritual knowledge and spiritual messages in the world. Give the message of world peace to all on. Seek the virtuous path and wisdom will be yours. "

in September 2007 sent Tapasvi Ram Bahadur Bomjan a large crowd in the jungle in Nepal Holkhoria another spiritual message. Below is an excerpt from that message, which was grichtet to a large audience.

"prayers of Kunchu Suma - message of peace for all beings and the spiritual uplift of mankind I greet all religious seekers, saints, religions and all organizations after I was ordered by the threefold God, humanity and.. to save the beings of the world and to raise, I have the promise required to save this transient world of the sea of emotions and to free the world from the earthly sins, I meditate unwaveringly on the liberation of mankind and all living things. All sentient beings want from earthly sorrow and pain be relieved. But from birth, they are not equipped like a man in order to strive for spirituality and to be freed. They also pray to God. They are happy to be in this world. People create traditions that will destroy all humanity and all living things. In the name of religion, murder, violence, anger, jealousy and division are promoted. There is only one God, the souls of all people are equal, only the traditions and customs differ. Always follows the path of mercy, compassion, nonviolence, peace. That is the message I would like to inform our society and its citizens in the world. A true religion will always be looking for the truth. The search for truth is the only way beneficial to mankind. Although there are thousands of paths, chaos, greed, attachment, anger and jealousy of our society and people have taken. The world is thus on the path of destruction. It is high time that citizens have to think about the world. People should never be their highest religious duty and the company forgot. Let off the killing, violence, of greed, jealousy, and the arrests of spite. Shedding tears of mercy and compassion, showing the world the way of salvation. After death, it is very difficult to go back to being human. Everybody thinks that after the death can not be born again. No, because of our virtuous deeds, we are human. We reap the fruits of our meritorious work. The world is now dominated by three forms. The first form is the greed, the second form is the anger, the third form are arrested and jealousy. You control this world. Might change all religious traditions. All religious people have to first find the truth and by the cultivation of compassion, of compassion, nonviolence and peace in their hearts the world adorn the path of salvation. I will still remember me for the redemption of all living things and for that meditate and focus on the path of wisdom, until I have attained the highest form of enlightenment, Samyak Sambodhi. I greet the highest form of enlightenment and peace with all his might. "

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Sayings To Put On Bubbles At A Wedding

Federal Constitutional Court: Family Court opinions may not be enforced

The decision of the Federal Constitutional Court of 02.04.2009, 1 BvR 683/09, the Court finds: fear
because the message reveals that the district court of a commitment by the child's mother to take part in the assessment proceeds. This would be inconsistent with the jurisprudence of the Federal Constitutional Court.

Then there is a lack of the associated with the exploration operation in the protection of personal rights (article 2 paragraph 1 related with Article 1 para a GG ) justifying constitutionally required clear and unambiguous legal basis (BVerfGK a , 167 \u0026lt;170 et seq. "The
court therefore has no authority to investigate the complainant a )
to . force

concerns also met the notice the court may at the lack of involvement in the assessment according to the principles of evidence frustration assume that the child's parent education unfit and incapable is. Because this suggests that the District Court of the character of this
custody proceedings as a method voluntary jurisdiction has missed with official establishment principle. As a result of the related investigative obligation of the Court of the parties is not a subjective burden of proof (proof load) is imposed (see Briesemeister, in:. Jansen, FGG, 3rd edition, 2006, §

para 13). In addition, the district court is obviously assume the child's mother incumbent the burden of proof for their educational suitability and capacity. This does not reflect the legal situation. Although judge the consequences of Nichtfeststeilbarkeit a fact in the official investigation by the principles of substantive burden of proof (establishing load) (see Briesemeister, in: Jansen, FGG, 3 On
2006, § 12 Rn 13!..).

Can a proceeding under § 1666 BGB, but the legal event for the infringement of fundamental rights, namely the risk to the child and the absence of risk aversion will and ability of the parents, not identified appropriate measures must be omitted (see
Briesemeister, in: Jansen, FGG, 3 to 2006, § 12 Rn 15!..).

binding decisions of the Federal Constitutional Court, all courts and authorities:

§ 31 BVerfGG
66 laws refer from 67 products to § 31
(1) Decisions of the Federal Constitutional Court are binding on the constitutional authorities of the Federal and State and all courts and Authorities.
(2) In the cases of § 13 No. 6, 6a, 11, 12 and 14, the decision of the Federal Constitutional Court, the force of law. This is also true in the cases of § 13 No. 8, when the Supreme Court declared a law with the Basic Law or incompatible or invalid. As far as a law with the Basic Law or other federal law to make them compatible or is revoked, the decision formula is to be published by the Federal Ministry of Justice in the Federal Gazette. The same formula applies to the decision in the cases of § 13 No. 12 and 14
Source: = 31 & g = BVerfGG short = & ag = 6165 & SCC

CONCLUSION: any court shall be allowed to a person against their will "zwangsbegutachten" to be as long as there is no legal basis for this. The emergency assessment is an intervention in the general right dar. The new FamFG offers no legal basis for a compulsory examination.

The Federal Constitutional Court with this decision again, that not for your parents' parenting skills evidentiary requirement (which is anyway not be established with serious scientific methods), but that youth services available in the burden of proof if they believe that parental education endangers the child's welfare

way. The decisions of the European Court of Human Rights are binding upon courts and authorities.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Change Padlock Combination

11 injunctions of the textile discounter KIK against the NDR

According to reports in the media, the television broadcast of the critical contribution of the textile company "KIK" of the NDR, which could be rotated through a very complex investigation by Christoph Lütgert, by using 11 injunctions are prevented. "Exclusive ARD: The KiK Story

The sordid business of the price trigger

reports on the film, too cheap at a price

The KiK Story 2: failed attempt at censorship

NDR sets in the suit against KiK successfully earn after

Legal injunctions to very good. Possible that this also decreases the threshold when it comes to mandates to assume their action claims seem questionable.

Unfortunately, it appears that few Lawyers, who call themselves as "the institutions of justice", a free report with the help of the given legal possibilities - to help prevent - thanks to Worth's own possibilities.

The Movie: review: ARD-exclusiv: The Story KiK (NDR), the lousy methods of textile discounter: aired Wednesday, 4 August 2010, 21.45 clock in the First

video for broadcast

injunctions are actually a curious construct. Thanks Zivilgerichtsweg here can possibly real or alleged "crime" with high value, and without the strict rules of evidence in criminal law be pursued.

addition, the injunctions are based on less tangible, that is concrete and easily verifiable violations of the law, but rather on vague, undefined rights, which should make ethical and moral claims originally enforceable in court. There should be about fairness in business dealings and to consideration of individual rights. Although Germany is the principle that the Court is bound by applicable law, we look in vain for injunctions clear and concrete bases for claims in the law. Rather

is more "law" to keep what the particular judge for that. And so finds many a Omission complained that his behavior is evaluated depending on the dish location completely different and that each of the second court can be the determining factor for a conviction or a denial of the injunction desire. The principle of presumption of innocence "in dupio the doubt - the doubt until proven guilty" does not apply here. Rather, in "Who complains has (mostly) right."

In technical terms this Vorgehebsweise outside specifically formulated laws and "judicial development of the law" is mentioned. And as the judicial development of the law is applied differently in each case, the law is regarding such complaints also from completely different. This leads to the conclusion that the Zivilgerichtsweg criminal "convictions" can be enforced, which could possibly keep in any state criminal court.

The so-called "flying jurisdiction" seek applicants from those courts and court facilities, which - put the rights of the plaintiffs right to free speech - thanks to the particular (subjective) judicial intuition. Plaintiffs are thus in a particularly strong position
  • you only need to take an oath to say that the defendant lays false statements of fact.
  • Who makes such a statutory declaration - even if it is untrue - has little to fear at first.
  • looking from the court, which for its "plaintiff-friendly" is known
Another advantage for the plaintiff. The defendant can not be heard before a decision. He is surprised with a verdict. Even the legal costs of such a sentence is immediately enforceable without having to wait for the plaintiff lawyer to complete the procedure.

It appears not only in the KIK-case but also in other injunction proceedings in many cases, the applicants less about their rights or ethics and morality to go, but rather on the prevention of the existing reporting Grievances, which should be possible still kept hidden.

afraid According to reporting by KIK - not plaintiffs in court before return to real facts in question.

is clear from this example:
Our judicial system and the possibility, without obtaining the right to a hearing to the opposing party, within a few days enforceable "final judgments" has reversed these original laws of thought into its opposite:

For the courts are subject to only a superficial requirement for consideration. Depending on the type of presentation is an examination of the applicant Presentation of court side - without evidence - not possible. Only adversary, who are financially well equipped and have access to appropriate public interest may effectively defend themselves against it and encourage that the courts seised review, according to the facts in detail.

The German judiciary is swamped by injunctions, so that in many cases, unfortunately, no longer a major review and is therefore likely to proceed along the lines, and must be moved:

"Who complains is right"

Lots of money can - thanks to high values in dispute - Do with injunctions, so that the applicants representatives - including the "institutions of justice" referred to - not so much on the former principles of the civil legal way to enforce morality and Ehtik, but rather be based on their interest in lucrative income.

injunctions increasingly seem to serve only one purpose:

"Who has something to hide, complaining ".....

Last night was the film in the ARD.

  • When you consider that the main clientele at KIK are especially Hartz-IV-families and
  • If you consider that expected of Hartz IV recipients is that they are to meet their clothing needs at cheap discount stores ....
  • when you consider that this could in turn promote the plight of children in other countries unterstützenund ...
  • when you consider that German youth welfare offices were forced because of an obvious risk in child welfare for those countries so affected children taken into care
  • here but if you consider that Chris is impressed by Lütgert family cohesion in the families so affected children ...
then we must ask ourselves the question: Why

is the finding a child's welfare at risk of neglect, poverty, disease, inadequate nutrition, etc. so different from when children are involved in another country? Listens to charity at the German border on, or has there about the emotional and family ties and relationships is more important than in Germany? been noted Lütgert

like in the movies Chrisoph report to law was: "Everything is somehow connected to everything." I think it is very important that we should be particularly much about them, such as employee exploitation in Germany and abroad and how rude business practices negatively affect existing social and family conditions may have. How much charity is allowed or possible in a society where such exploitative practices in such a short set limits?
this movie report, which is after the recent searches (caused by the injunctions against the NDR) came about, I can recommend it.
Panorama - The Reporter : New allegations against KiK
After the first episode of "KiK Story" came forward many KiK employees. Reporter Chris Lütgert has gone to new clues in the discount clothing more
The interview with the KIK-Advocate

KIK ATTORNEY: Do you like fighting for exploiters, Mr. Scheuerl? The textile giant KiK is massively under fire interview CHRISTOPH HEINEMANN
"[...] Scheuerl. KiK's not a sweatshop There are many false claims have been put into circulation "..

My next suggestion for an interesting report. (Who knows what could see for scandalous new information to the public eye .......):

"fact suppression by using injunctions. Facts and Background "