Tuesday, May 25, 2010

How To Clean Slippers Airwalk

Wuppertal Regional Court and Youth in City funds: Court clerks can not modify a court order guardianship!

motto LG Wuppertal has 6 T 201/10
  • transfer a magistrate / judge a parental responsibility to a guardian, a guardianship bill is not to be initiated by a / an Legal Care Nurse.
legal bases - quote from the case:
"The decision on the selection of the new guardian was and is not the Legal guardian of the District Court - Guardianship Tribunal - appointed. Rather, the decision rests on the selection of the new guardian of the Judge / Judge of the Family Court. Because the judge of the Family Court from the order of 14 December 2007 - 3 F 307/04 - the transfer of the child's mother removed from parental custody to a guardian complete and under their jurisdiction (§ 1697 BGB aF) are parties to 4) (Note = Youth Department of the City funds) as guardian selected. "

The decision of the legal guardian of the Guardianship Tribunal replaces the decision of the judge offered / not the judge of the Family Court (§ 8 paragraph 4 RPFlG p. 1). That the . Selection of the new registrars to the guardian of the guardianship court through a judicial proceeding under § 7 RPflG would be assigned (§ 8 paragraph 4 p. 2 RPflG, validity of transactions), but you can "
See also: ( BGH) - case law on § 8 RPflG

This creates the district court of Wuppertal, where judges have been deeply involved with the legal bases of the powers of registrars, clarity, a happy trained, but apparently illegal practice of youth services and registrars will be there. like the "short" paths, bypassing the necessary hearings and legal checks modified by the court, the guardianship.

The circumvention of the law judge found frequently at first place at the level of youth services:
Instead, as in § 8a SGB VIII - Protective Order with child welfare risk and § 1666 Civil Code - Judicial measures in case of danger to the child (under the old and new law intended!), not the court, but the guardianship court is called.

There is then the / the - active judicial officer / legal guardian - the law keepers law jurisdiction.

really should take that right-carers - Refrain from such unlawful practice - given the small number in the section known as the Judicial Code of just 40 Clause.

And really you should have expected that youth services should know the § § 8a SGB VIII (= Children and Youth Services Act) and 1666 Civil Code.
Even before coming into force of FamFG, ie before 01.09.2009 was an alleged child welfare risk always! . the court and not to call the guardianship court Refer to the requirements of "old", ie before 01.09.2009 valid law:

§ 1666 BGB (old!)
Court actions in endangering the child.
  • 3 (1) If the physical, mental or moral welfare of the child or his assets at risk and the parents are unwilling or unable to avert the danger, then the Family Court to take the measures necessary to prevent the hazard is necessary.

PS: The District Court of Kleve was mounted in exactly the same grandparents case under the temporary arrangement method of a different opinion (October 2007!).

The anonymous Judgement of the LG Wuppertal:

Friday, May 21, 2010

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Remarkable response of a medical association in the event of a breach of confidentiality

Obviously, and one can not trust a doctor more, it goes to the legal department of the Medical Council.

concerned had sent a complaint to the local medical association. This included demonstrable confidentiality violations of a pediatrician and a clinic. The Youth Office has said the children's doctor that, in kindergarten abuse occurred, and signs were asked the doctor for information and investigation. The physician has complied with this request immediately even though pre-set from a medical point of view had no child welfare risk. Then he then noted in his opinion.

The medical reports of the clinic have been ordered by the pediatrician and sent without the knowledge of those concerned with custody of the Youth Welfare Office has been. Only on the court record, the parties have become aware of these confidentiality obligations.

The Medical Association felt that no breach of professional regulations.
was the responsibility of this Medical Association, moreover, there are other cases of similar violations of confidentiality, which also only because of a suspicion expressed by the youth office without the knowledge and understanding of those affected were sent.

CONCLUSION: When it comes to this medical association any doctor can give information to authorities about you and your children

may forget the victims appeared to these regulations.

§ 9

(1) doctors have about what has become entrusted to them in their medical status or known - about the death of the patient or the patient has - to mention. This and written communications are the patient or of patients, medical records, radiographs and other investigation findings.
(2) doctors are entitled to disclosure, unless they are exempted from the confidentiality or if the disclosure is necessary to protect the legal interests of a higher quality. Legal statement and notification requirements remain unaffected. As far as legal rules restrict medical confidentiality, the patient or the patient should be informed about it.

How should parents behave, whom they can no longer trust in such circumstances a doctor? There are many Doctors, who take their confidentiality very seriously. Actually, to a Medical Board shall ensure that patients trust the medical profession and the legal orders of confidentiality can. In addition, a Medical Board shall ensure that those doctors provide, which have high moral and ethical standards to themselves, are not brought into disrepute by doctors, which, as here, negligence handle their confidentiality. This harms the reputation of the medical association of medical practitioners.

Fortunately, there are also medical associations, which take the legal secrecy actually serious. Let's hope that these doctors chamber, a single case remains.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

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court date 09.06.2010 - Injunction II: Mayor Ulrich Janssen.. Monika Armand

the injunction proceedings of the Mayor Ulrich Janssen and the head of the General refers to social service Monika Armand on

Wednesday, 06/09/2010
10.30 clock
1. Floor, Conference Room A 115, Schlossberg 1 (Swan Castle), 47533 Kleve

a trial date instead.

At the entrance of the court held admission control. To avoid delays please bring a valid identity document.

from Supreme Court ruling VI. Civil Division 22.4.2008 - VI ZR 83/07
Although falls significantly in favor of the defendant's significant that the control of the institutions of public authority is a primary task of the press [...]. Therefore, the press needs to fulfill their monitoring role of the special protection from government interference if it is to carry out this task effectively .

injunction II - Blog Posts:

Sunday 9 May 2010 injunction (in) system in Germany .... lawyers always win

Monday, 1 February 2010 Whenever the district court of Kleve and the BGH the Federal Constitutional Court in the injunction II: Mayor Ulrich Janssen against Armand?

Thursday 28 January 2010 injunction procedure II of the Mayor Ulrich Janssen against me, "reply the city funds"

Wednesday 20 January 2010 Youth Office of the City funds: "Grandparents case" and the frustration of dealing Vormündin (Part 1 to the 2 summons)

Monday 18 January 2010 warning Jugendamt city funds: I let it get me down and fight in court next

Monday 18 January 2010 Mayor Ulrich Janssen and director of the ASD of the city funds remind me for statements made in the "Grandparents case" with help from lawyers

Abgemahnt blog post after removal of the defendant "ingredients"
Monday 11 January 2010 city funds? "Grandparent case," illegal use prevention of the unlawful activities Vormündin (Part 10) Amendment to the blog post due to the ruling of the District Court of Kleve on 22/01/2010 (see: seems

How To Reduce Sweetness In Chili

charges of illegal adoptions and trafficking

a small success with regard to illegal adoption agencies may
NDR exclusively charged with trafficking in children for adoption placement
The children remain with their adoptive parents - no matter: give how the process proceeds. (Archive photo) A Hamburg adoption agency suspected of having illegally taught children from Russia to Germany. After four years of investigation, the prosecutor for information from Hamburg NDR 90,3 and NDR Info has now charged three main leaders of the association's International Child Care Organisation (ICCO) collected for commercial child trafficking.

further information:
investigation of adoption Company
adoptive parents paid 25,000 € for child placement
Jugendamt critics unterstelllen individual youth office staff also, that there "forced adoptions" with legally questionable Background would be practiced.

The Youth Stewart home was in such a case has become obvious:
A true thriller Sunday
of Monika Armand 02 , 2009, 17:35

This "real" crime would probably not be possible if youth services stood at an actual control. He would not be possible if youth agencies would abide by the regulations in Book VIII (Children and Youth Services Act) and he would not be possible if youth services have a real control authority. For some very carefully working youth offices in Germany, this "crime" and probably just as incomprehensible as for me and many others ......
This "true crime" is further indication that youth services exceed its discretion and without any supervision, and the limits of the law and behave in criminally relevant manner (§ 235 StGB child abduction and child welfare hazard). In this case, an adoptive term couple, a Bulgarian young mother who had to experience in Germany a lot of pain and discomfort (forced into prostitution, credit fraud) and in the meantime 1 1 / 2 year old child really victims of the alleged on child benefit active state guard office :
further Here:
A true Sunday Crime

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

How To Clean 87 Phazer Carbs

mothers and fathers in Erzwingungshaft because the sexual education of their children do not want to leave the school

If you think that can come into Germany only to people who are in prison, which is also a crime committed, increasingly are wrong:

Quote from: "sex education" is often modest offensive and disinhibiting
Regine Schwarzhoff: Article 6 of the Basic Law, we have to educate parents as the very first right and duty to our children. If using state institutions such coercive measures to the education of children in a family intervention, which performs this responsibility very conscious of this country from an indictment. The affected families, the Christian in a Baptist church are to be systematically placed under pressure, only the fathers, the mothers in Erzwingungshaft then taken and treated as criminals sentenced to prison. And because they take their rights and responsibilities as parents of their faith and belief seriously. (Go here: "sex education" is often modest offensive and disinhibiting )

one case, a picture of your child that a parent has published "illegal", the other is the refusal of parents to sex education, which is actually the intimacy of a family affected, not "committed" to have carried out teachers.

parents are forced by individual schools, the concepts of the school regarding sex education of their children participate to have. It then differences in values and world views come together. As a former teacher, I am of the opinion that the teacher can make would be happy if parents take on this task, because in my view, have teachers and to seek their own personal belief is nothing in the genital area of a family.

is under the label of the alleged "abuse prevention" that the play "My body belongs to me" is sealed, were forced by each school parents when their children the play to let go "compulsory school event."

this go some schools have extremely aggressive, if parents refuse to let the family enter the school in intimate areas. So bring some schools, the privacy of the family protective parents because of "violation of the Compulsory Education" in court, with the result that the change of the parents of the children end up in prison.

course, there are many schools that this procedure completely different. There, the parents in the context of parents 'days or parents' evenings are first heard, there is first discussed what components are theamtisiert lessons in sex education and what not ..
There ideologically opposite values are respected by parents and created the possibility that the affected children on the one hand to fulfill their compulsory education, and also not the constraint of a predefined ideological sex education lessons to be suspended.

If sex education should take place after the provision of a school and without regard to ideological differences with the parents, one may rightly question the educational concept of the school. One may rightly ask whether the question here because children can develop confidence in their teachers if they - rather than to operate competently and in dialogue with the parents - to these parents on the complaint prison . Bring Where here is the information self-determination of family, where the law here is out to teach sexual values and standards for their own beliefs to be allowed? Where here is the protection of the family under Article 8 ECHR and Article 6 GG?

Such "educational concept" in a school, in my view leads to "abuse" with the "abuse". It is seen educationally very difficult to understand when in the name of alleged child's interests, the child's parents are sent to prison.

I have in the main school teaches sex education and forced to know that teachers and children with the privacy of the peers and their families to shockingly obvious way to face.

As students candidly reveal their masturbation techniques and their sexual fantasies. It reports students on precarious, very intimate family situations, such as random and unwanted confrontations with parental intimacies that are not suitable for the ears of many present classmates. Parents ask for concern, because if their child had also been reported as open-hearted about the privacy of her family ........ and no teacher can assure good conscience that the privacy of the families in the context of sex education can be maintained. While

have developed elsewhere lawyers by using warnings and temporary arrangement a great zeal for the protection of individual rights, so here's a no man's land exists without any fundamental rights. Why are subject to strict confidentiality teachers with regard to their special knowledge of the privacy of families, if this knowledge freely across the classroom and chatting about the family and intimate privacy passed like?

For these reports, the exchange students, nor on unmolested by constitutionally inviolable dignity and privacy of thought, class discussion and the "larger" the intimacies Schoolyard. Many a parent learns by the reports of their children, which has experienced child XY happened to intimacy between his parents and much more.

All these reports come to light because the children are excited by "role models" to speak openly about this subject.

Unfortunately many educators firmly believe that sexual abuse could be prevented only through this form of education.

Still, there is no research that could prove that the information ban on threats, dangers, too. Everyone knows that smoking, how harmful smoking is white, but each of the alcohol and drugs without measure consumed, that he would have to stop this behavior immediately ....

Nevertheless they smoke they drink anyway ..... ..... anyway ...... .

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Rose And Champagne Wedding

three weeks in prison for a father because he has published on the Internet the names of his daughter

According to the father, the mother had frustrated dealing with his daughter, his legal battle and suffering, you shall not see his daughter, says the father on the Internet:

I love my mother and my Father!

And because of this father published the names of his daughter, he is sentenced to a complaint from the mother to pay € 1,000 fine or three weeks be fined by the district court Stade. By the way: For Lawyers These are extremely lucrative lawsuits. While other processes for Children's Law Lawyers in financial terms are not interesting, this opens up a lucrative action area. So it is understandable that these forms of action are becoming increasingly popular.

Is it possible that for this reason here lost a healthy amount of legal, education, psychology and morality is completely?
experts not surprised that degenerate in the face of existing legal structures, some disputes over the joint before children in regular Wars of the Roses and the best interests of this certainly will be the loser.

No one seems are here to worry about the fact that those forms of the Wars of the Roses inflict the affected children more harm than a published name, or a published children's picture. For in such a name and picture ban complaints about not considered that

  • processes on behalf of children against abusive ex-partner under the stress of child welfare interests that affect the welfare of children especially.
  • processes on behalf of children against the ex-partner, which go beyond legal maintenance claims inflame the conflict and hostility, and thereby harm the child's interest longer than a published Image or a published name. The possibility of relaxed handling events for the benefit of the children has been built and fueled controversy mood is at the expense of the children involved.
three weeks in prison, that a father is allowed to publicly mention the name of his child? The legal basis for this one looks in vain .... these judgments come from the so-called judicial further education.

any theft, damages which third parties will be punished less severely ........

Some people perceive this as the criminalization of father feelings. As the daughter think when she grows up once and then must determine what methods and means they had been kept away from her father?

rate For the record I concerned parents keep court records, because many adult children would like to hear the truth .......

Friday, May 14, 2010

How Long Do Pinot Noirs Last?

Sankaracharya: The knowledge of the wise

Anyone who believes: "I am the body" remains ignorant, just as one who believes "this body belongs to me" - as if he an empty vessel as his own considered.

"I am truly mind, without distinction, unchangeable and naturally the only reality, knowledge and happiness. So I am not the body that is constantly subjected to constant change. "That is what knowledge the wise.

" I am immutable, formless, without error and without decay. Therefore, I am not the body that is unreal. "The wise men call knowledge.

" I am without disease, without license, without opposition and all-pervasive. Therefore I am not the body that is unreal. "That is what knowledge the wise.

" I am without qualities, without action, ever, ever free and indestructible. Therefore, I am not the body that is unreal. " That is what the wise knowledge.

"I am perfect, without movement, without end, pure, and untouched by age and death. So I am not the body that is unreal." That is what the wise knowledge.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

What Can I Put On A Fresh Tattoo

in mistreatment and abuse institutionalized educational institutions

  • is possible through the power of silence
  • is possible through the power of oppression
  • is possible through the powers of the cover-up
  • is possible due to the dependence of children on the staff
  • is possible by the dependence the pedagogical employees by their employer
  • is possible by the power of the dependency courts acting evaluators of their clients
  • is possible because no one checked whether the laws are respected in practice
  • is possible, because authorities have "relations" Determination of power and
  • is possible because with government power and injunctions to detect prevent abuses of successful

is possible

  • because child abuse and child abuse in institutional and foster care facilities not provided and no law and no authority to protect against such abuses
  • because children under the Custody is no longer the state can be observed
  • because the "state child care" is not controlled
  • because there is little food and hardly authorities that take care of legitimate ads and complaints from members of affected children
  • because abusing individual authorities their power
  • ......
  • ......

detail at tagesspiegel.de:
Rise of the unprotected
Our author Caroline Fetscher has recently written a much discussed essay on child abuse. Now updated and expanded our author for Tagesspiegel.de their contribution. She takes inspiration from the ongoing debate on the subject.

more here:
Rise of the unprotected

Creative Creations Sneakers

3 satellite television: The case of homes and be "life" in a Christian children's home

under the title: "The Case of Homes - The fate of a former Home Child
yesterday reported the 3sat-TV about the fate of a former Caritas Home child:
.. should not be sad history are public, the children's home under the then Head Homes sued for libel and slander the book, the homes had written should be banned Finally, created in 1981 the television documentary ". Concerned: The Lost Childhood of Alexander H. "ZDF-author Bernd Wiegmann." As Beiständin
reminds me of interested parties on the whole, recent reports from parents and relatives about the situation of their children in the home.

Links: Short Film: http://www.3sat.de/webtv/?100512_homes_kuz.rm

Like all attempts to grievances is to hide at all costs be found on the website of 3Sat:

"In the debate about the home took up the Hessian Minister President Holger Börner protectively in front of the flagship facility. Homes allegations were seen as targeted character assassination. President's wife Veronica Carstens was the exemplary Device presented. [.....] The state is dependent on the religious homes because the state for financial reasons, not in a position to lead all the homes under state control or ownership "
more detail here: ." The Fall Homes - The fate of a former Home Child

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

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Recommended Reading: How is the family support

CHILD DEVELOPMENT NO. 5: How is the family support is
give security, overcoming crises
child development No. 5
father and mother influence their children to be a necessary - but not the only one! For other related parties to determine how the young develop emotionally and how well he can cope with later crises. What grandparents can contribute? What is the role of siblings? How do children want a divorce? Such questions are central to the fifth edition of Brain & Mind Series "child development".

Family News
Risky anesthesia, "replacement children" have a hard time in the hands of the mouth, noise absorption, sensitive to Babyface, Scars of childhood, crying in French, dull morning.

The lack of seriousness of purpose for life
free play, the young often little time. Psychologists see this with concern: For games not only strengthens the creativity it allows children to mature and happier adults.

Interview: What makes children strong?
some people cope with crises seems to be easier than others. The developmental psychologist Wassilios Fthenakis explains how the foundation is laid for mental resilience in childhood.

The crew that I cried
Many children have imaginary friends at times, with which they hold dialogue. This helps them to manage difficult development steps better.

vagina hurts
how girls and boys handle the separation of parents depends on many factors - including how to address the parents' divorce.

It should be noted! All for one - the child's psychological expert Uwe
Jopt of Bielefeld University hopes that a new law in divorce law, the child's stronger moves to center.

siblings influence each other: As role models, allies and rivals, they affect what Niche each occupies in the family - and what place you are in later life studied.

grandson's favorite
for grandparents grandson a fountain of youth. The little ones on the other hand find Grandma and Grandpa additional security. Psychologists explore how both generations benefit most from each other.

Make Poverty stupid?
How are the brain and the abilities of a child depends greatly on wealth and education level of parents.

interview: "The young people get
Hardly a psychologist has affected the juvenile justice system in the United States as strong as Laurence Steinberg - from the abolition of the death penalty to limitations in the license award.

Sensitive years
A unique "experiment" in Romania shows to stay home sooner children in foster care, the greater is their chance to overcome cognitive and emotional residues.

good in bed
Fight insomnia with the offspring, the whole family suffers. Often, it really helps during the day to comply with certain rules. If not, however, a specialized therapist should be consulted.

The power of the family system
therapists consider a man in isolation but include parents and siblings always one. They want patterns, weaknesses and strengths of the family track down

trauma miscarriage
few couples talk about it, but the loss of a baby during pregnancy, many crashes into a deep crisis. Researchers from the University of Münster developed an Internet therapy helps couples to overcome the pain.

98 pages, ISBN 978-3-941205-46-6, € 8.90

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Neck Pain The Gets Worse During The Day

injunction (in) essentially Lawyers always win in Germany ....

injunctions: dispute about values. 10 000 € and more

lawyer => legal costs € 1,500 per instance
CONCLUSION: The "prevailing party" pay that is 2 x 1.500 €

court costs: 500 €
CONCLUSION: Costs 1 Instance about 3.500 to 4.00 €

The next instance is even more costs - legal costs about 700 €
legal costs about 2 x 1.500 €

who are the real "winner" of injunctions?

injunctions by way of interim orders are - as far as I know, not the law ... and the risk of repetition where one seeks in vain (except in competition law)

are injunctions - As far as I know - so-called outcome of judicial development of the law. Judicial development of the law is unprofessional words, "Act like" which is adopted in parallel by several (most) judges in the courts and not to be found in the law itself in this form.

There are even the laws and the other - no laws - the so-called judicial legal development.

The judicial development of the law is somehow a kind of "quasi-law", except that this quasi-law usually know again only judges and lawyers, for it is indeed nowhere in the law.

The layman wonders who these "legal development" really benefit and more asks the layman, then what the Basic Law in Article 20 means with the statement "binding in law."

This one would once again know what "right" and what "law" means. Is now "law" that which has the "judicial development of the law" created in addition to the law?

course, there are harsh conditions such as public insults and degrading, which may not remain unpunished and punished. There are as far as I know, the German criminal law .... provides

While a criminal accused of no punishment without guilt, it is different on the Zivilgerichtsweg. This can also be punished, although not accused of guilt exists. Here are the penalties - if one considers the military values and the high legal fees - in effect, even higher.

And instead of encouraging people to solve their disputes by peaceful means, open for lawyers accuse joyful hardly affected, many sufferers, Stark-affected, including the omission affected sham judicial action ......

In criminal proceedings the accused can defend themselves. He can defend himself without counsel.
This is not in injunction proceedings. This lawyer is

In criminal proceedings the accused is questioned only on the allegations, he can take a position, and it takes a lawyer too.
In the injunction proceedings, the accused was "convicted" before he is questioned and then correct the plaintiff and the judge does not like a "criminal case, as many are condemned, without the" offender "really understand why they were ever convicted.

interfere But that no judge and no accuser and no lawyer. Some here have nothing to lose and the others have to win something.

the convicted defendant interferes in. .. Who cares .......

So there is in Germany an enemy communications and, above all lucrative tool for a single winner ............ This

winner never lose ..... no matter whether it is subject to the decision or won.

to him who thinks in this way the President's Men could be bribed.

Many a renegade thinker but this seems to believe and because some ruling gives up some puzzles, and the German Michel sees only hard to see how and why he was actually convicted for now, some people believe in circumstances beyond law and morality. Or should we say "circumstances beyond the law?"

Of course this is wrong, because:

judges and lawyers are "the institutions of justice." Therefore can not be what should not be.

question is the only German Michel, what actually means the term "institutions of justice"??

I think he prefers further still. For as the 15th Senate of the Higher Regional Court of Dusseldorf suspected, there re-offending when I'm in my modified injunction undertaking announcing that I would like to exercise my right to freedom of expression:

Quote: Method I-15 U 303/09 - Higher Regional Court of Dusseldorf - decision without a hearing and without any possibility of revision on the basis of § 522 ZPO.

Formerly, when Germany still a democratic country and Germany was proud of his fundamental rights, there was in Germany, nor the right to freedom of expression. It stood and still stands in the Basic Law. may

But as we see here is his fundamental right,

which is in the constitution, do not always use,

because otherwise there is danger of re ....

and the risk of repetition is

far as I know, not the law!

the past, the fundamental rights were the rights of judges and today?