Sunday, May 16, 2010

Rose And Champagne Wedding

three weeks in prison for a father because he has published on the Internet the names of his daughter

According to the father, the mother had frustrated dealing with his daughter, his legal battle and suffering, you shall not see his daughter, says the father on the Internet:

I love my mother and my Father!

And because of this father published the names of his daughter, he is sentenced to a complaint from the mother to pay € 1,000 fine or three weeks be fined by the district court Stade. By the way: For Lawyers These are extremely lucrative lawsuits. While other processes for Children's Law Lawyers in financial terms are not interesting, this opens up a lucrative action area. So it is understandable that these forms of action are becoming increasingly popular.

Is it possible that for this reason here lost a healthy amount of legal, education, psychology and morality is completely?
experts not surprised that degenerate in the face of existing legal structures, some disputes over the joint before children in regular Wars of the Roses and the best interests of this certainly will be the loser.

No one seems are here to worry about the fact that those forms of the Wars of the Roses inflict the affected children more harm than a published name, or a published children's picture. For in such a name and picture ban complaints about not considered that

  • processes on behalf of children against abusive ex-partner under the stress of child welfare interests that affect the welfare of children especially.
  • processes on behalf of children against the ex-partner, which go beyond legal maintenance claims inflame the conflict and hostility, and thereby harm the child's interest longer than a published Image or a published name. The possibility of relaxed handling events for the benefit of the children has been built and fueled controversy mood is at the expense of the children involved.
three weeks in prison, that a father is allowed to publicly mention the name of his child? The legal basis for this one looks in vain .... these judgments come from the so-called judicial further education.

any theft, damages which third parties will be punished less severely ........

Some people perceive this as the criminalization of father feelings. As the daughter think when she grows up once and then must determine what methods and means they had been kept away from her father?

rate For the record I concerned parents keep court records, because many adult children would like to hear the truth .......


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