Wednesday, May 19, 2010

How To Clean 87 Phazer Carbs

mothers and fathers in Erzwingungshaft because the sexual education of their children do not want to leave the school

If you think that can come into Germany only to people who are in prison, which is also a crime committed, increasingly are wrong:

Quote from: "sex education" is often modest offensive and disinhibiting
Regine Schwarzhoff: Article 6 of the Basic Law, we have to educate parents as the very first right and duty to our children. If using state institutions such coercive measures to the education of children in a family intervention, which performs this responsibility very conscious of this country from an indictment. The affected families, the Christian in a Baptist church are to be systematically placed under pressure, only the fathers, the mothers in Erzwingungshaft then taken and treated as criminals sentenced to prison. And because they take their rights and responsibilities as parents of their faith and belief seriously. (Go here: "sex education" is often modest offensive and disinhibiting )

one case, a picture of your child that a parent has published "illegal", the other is the refusal of parents to sex education, which is actually the intimacy of a family affected, not "committed" to have carried out teachers.

parents are forced by individual schools, the concepts of the school regarding sex education of their children participate to have. It then differences in values and world views come together. As a former teacher, I am of the opinion that the teacher can make would be happy if parents take on this task, because in my view, have teachers and to seek their own personal belief is nothing in the genital area of a family.

is under the label of the alleged "abuse prevention" that the play "My body belongs to me" is sealed, were forced by each school parents when their children the play to let go "compulsory school event."

this go some schools have extremely aggressive, if parents refuse to let the family enter the school in intimate areas. So bring some schools, the privacy of the family protective parents because of "violation of the Compulsory Education" in court, with the result that the change of the parents of the children end up in prison.

course, there are many schools that this procedure completely different. There, the parents in the context of parents 'days or parents' evenings are first heard, there is first discussed what components are theamtisiert lessons in sex education and what not ..
There ideologically opposite values are respected by parents and created the possibility that the affected children on the one hand to fulfill their compulsory education, and also not the constraint of a predefined ideological sex education lessons to be suspended.

If sex education should take place after the provision of a school and without regard to ideological differences with the parents, one may rightly question the educational concept of the school. One may rightly ask whether the question here because children can develop confidence in their teachers if they - rather than to operate competently and in dialogue with the parents - to these parents on the complaint prison . Bring Where here is the information self-determination of family, where the law here is out to teach sexual values and standards for their own beliefs to be allowed? Where here is the protection of the family under Article 8 ECHR and Article 6 GG?

Such "educational concept" in a school, in my view leads to "abuse" with the "abuse". It is seen educationally very difficult to understand when in the name of alleged child's interests, the child's parents are sent to prison.

I have in the main school teaches sex education and forced to know that teachers and children with the privacy of the peers and their families to shockingly obvious way to face.

As students candidly reveal their masturbation techniques and their sexual fantasies. It reports students on precarious, very intimate family situations, such as random and unwanted confrontations with parental intimacies that are not suitable for the ears of many present classmates. Parents ask for concern, because if their child had also been reported as open-hearted about the privacy of her family ........ and no teacher can assure good conscience that the privacy of the families in the context of sex education can be maintained. While

have developed elsewhere lawyers by using warnings and temporary arrangement a great zeal for the protection of individual rights, so here's a no man's land exists without any fundamental rights. Why are subject to strict confidentiality teachers with regard to their special knowledge of the privacy of families, if this knowledge freely across the classroom and chatting about the family and intimate privacy passed like?

For these reports, the exchange students, nor on unmolested by constitutionally inviolable dignity and privacy of thought, class discussion and the "larger" the intimacies Schoolyard. Many a parent learns by the reports of their children, which has experienced child XY happened to intimacy between his parents and much more.

All these reports come to light because the children are excited by "role models" to speak openly about this subject.

Unfortunately many educators firmly believe that sexual abuse could be prevented only through this form of education.

Still, there is no research that could prove that the information ban on threats, dangers, too. Everyone knows that smoking, how harmful smoking is white, but each of the alcohol and drugs without measure consumed, that he would have to stop this behavior immediately ....

Nevertheless they smoke they drink anyway ..... ..... anyway ...... .


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