Saturday, February 26, 2011

Can I Use Shellac Over Acrlyic

the 3rd week in WOI ..

hey dear,

man man .. slowly we bow down to the end ... only 1.5 weeks, we will release ...
mom but a bit afraid of the dismissal, for my sleep situation has changed is that we do not really before. Although I get still the melatonin, which speeds fall asleep during the first time, but then the 2nd task in the night me and my body can pretty much cold. and so I'm usually between 1 and 2 again on the legs. Although yes, the dose was doubled already ...
are now continuing to experiment with rum on the right dosage. Now they have deleted
go the last few days, when melatonin 1.gabe to bed and I wake up only when the 1.Mal to give 1.Dosis .. tjaaaaaa .. which I thought would be determined without the medicine to clock up 23 or so sleep .. tjaaaaaa not with me ... ;)... I sleep of course true only up to min 30-45. Say I'm awake again to 20:30 at the latest. And when I'm awake time, and mom to me puts me to sleep my make-ritual ... I let go by the not. I propose mama, they bite, kick her in the belly (just to me because the release, so I can get up) you see, I am a real disgust then ... .
and Mom puts me to sleep already in the extra Snoezel room. There is ne disco ball, and water column, a water bed (where the mom always her nap on it does;)), Uind oh so much there. Great for children with perceptual disorders :)...
But hey, nothing comes against the swing ... yeah .. I even crawling up to her alone when I want it, and let me plop down on it for half ... I consider it war but not yet out his knee on it ...
and if I want to back down, so then I let myself slide down very cleverly with the legs ... but quite slowly, so mom also will notice that I want down .. for so larifari swing is not for me .. I need all right anschwung ... (Extreme incentives stop, ne)
and since I was in kindergarten of the carnival celebration has indeed miss, mom thought she is dressed me here .. first with a slick new hairdo ... .. * Eye roll *
and then even a leopard ... this is much more to my liking. The costume has me the way, Torben, showing my new buddy ... He is 3.5 and has Asperger's. Torben even lend me his monster-truck cars (which he shares with ANYONE else, and has given me a ball) ...
Torben and I at the music group drumming

we two are already a pretty cool team ... and us true the saying "opposites attract" the nail on the head. The more glaring it would hardly walk. I am the total quiet, and Torben .. the absolute wild. (Nike: roll and replace at night, even as they die ... grrrrrrr)

one and if I can still learn something, then so is the drumming. I am the master drum at all ... Mama says if I get to play an instrument is the drums .. then .. jaaaaa ...

Oh, and there's Ayla ... think that is on me .. But pssssssst! Just as you can see, I stay in my beloved something of true ... ! Ayla will always caress me and kiss ... Nenene .. but not with me .. I show her something of the cold shoulder ... it is for me just a friend ...

She came again today even in our room to say goodbye to me .. and since we played a round yet again ...
and she showed me again how to get plugged the adit stars on it ... I get it off after only myself .. jaa .. also was relatively new :)
Sooooooooo, and now most recently:) .. I was looking at the hairdresser, and mama was super dupa mega proud of me. Weiiiiiiiiiil, I've bitched NOT, NOT gezappelt .. but quite good sitting still.
Yes and because we have now, the care level 2 .. (Jaaaaaaaaaaa for which there do not know:) we have retrospective effect from May last year to get * * hurra hurra *) is mama and me when times gekönnt what. For me, this chic jacket .. came out in mama she liiiiiiiiiebt. And I think to be honest and that to me is very good.
tjaaaaaaaa, and now there are other very nice message. Mama had tears in his eyes yesterday for joy. For me yesterday experiences what has been before this terrible KH-story any more.
had tickled me .. and I laugh myself always limp, and then have clapped your hands .. and whenever mama so did they came up with the 10 Zappelfinger, I've thrown away before me laugh, and went on cursing .. although they had done nothing really. And I find the game still mega cool. This shows Mama, the RE in my perception happens. It reads just so much about the topic autism, and adheres to all the many little advice to be found about it .. mama and find real, this is really something to bring. Even the physio and the logo is already noticed that I seem much more "awake" and lot'm curious, and yes even a new toy I'm not so reluctant, but really curious and attentive.
Also my back is more stable .. but run .. yes I find that we stupid in front .. except ..

in the baby walker .. I find now paint on but not as silly as even last year in the summer ... so but I do schonmal few steps ... or at the hands of mama I do that, too .. But I'll never lernen.weil I run so high because the hands must always keep .. (Otherwise I'll do it that is not)

Yes, and because the topic autism .. Mama is still pretty much alone with their thoughts as the WOI .. except the KG, which is still its Mama opinion.
The Love Jana, yes mama now sent a link to the DS offers ambulance in June, a seminar on children with DS + autism on .. because mama will log the same even directly .. Because that is really like called ...

love And Elizabeth, I will tell you from my mom that it really is better get it clear, if one is really active myself ... it is its easier to accept it as it is, and to make a statement about why I'm so different. She has thought about again, and there was actually before the KH story that one has some anziehcen but perhaps not recognized .. Mama never had a comparable, since I am her first child, yes.

we wish you all a wonderful weekend ..

your Jerry:)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Catchphrase Game Volume

Sri Swami Vishwananda - Happiness

After a fulfilling weekend - satsang and darshan with Sri Swami Vishwananda of 18 and 19 February 2011 in stone, I'm looking forward to the next darshan of 28 Cudrefin in April 2011 in Switzerland.

In Satsang of 18 February 2011 Swami says that trust is the same thing as love ... This statement sounds to me to ... and I wonder ... who or what I trust 100%?

I'm lucky if I trust that God is 100% perfect.

I'm lucky if I trust that the universe is just as true as it is ... without knowing what, when, why is happening ... without condemning situations and actions and to be seen ...

Where I do not trust that something is to my benefit, I'm in strife in the outside, as in the interior - to put it blatantly, I find myself at war with God and with myself

What has consequences for the basic assumption that everything is God, everything is 100% good for the "free will"? For me, "free will" build on this attitude to be free of will. It means the idea of wanting to control life to give up. The control of life to an illusion for me and make me "better-Wisserin" a "no-better-Wisserin" and increasingly "non-Wisserin.

I thank Sri Swami Vishwananda for his light, his love, his presence, his speeches and his darshan. OM SHANTI SHANTI SHANTI

Sri Swami Vishwananda's speech of 29 August 2010

"Why are we not happy in the spiritual path?

This question we often ask ourselves or we ask someone for it. We are on the spiritual path, we will do everything possible to be happy, but still although we are on the spiritual path, we are not so happy. We're just a little bit of everything, but it is not this happiness, not this feel that we have in the beginning when we our spiritual Path start. But what happens then? There will be less and less. Why? It is the same thing in the world and it also happens in the outside. People go to work and are very happy at the beginning and then it decreases. Why is that? This is simply because people are on the spiritual or material way jealous in their working environment and if jealousy comes into the human spirit, the people blind. And if people are blind, you see not the light. your true self that needs light to survive. If we look at how the thinking of the mind works, we see that it draws you into the illusion. And when this occurs in the thoughts of envy, it means that your you one step away from the light or the light within yourself to be. It happens as if you have a mirror. You clean the mirror, it is clear and you can consider yourself good at it. But over time to accumulate dust on the mirror. What will you do? It cleanses him from the dust. But all the qualities of mind such as envy, jealousy, pride, ego - if these occur is very difficult to clean, it is even very hard. You try your best. But it is there. As if you clean the mirror to yourself to look at. It cleans it clean, it cleans it not dirty. But if people mind clean, to take a look at it, they always leave some residue of darkness in it. You really want to let go of everything, is totally free of everything, but it creates in them a sign of insecurity. Because if I let go of everything - what's for tomorrow? What did Christ?
If God takes care of everything, He cares not for you then? He cares so well for you. If you want to change something, change it. You must release all this negativity, you have to let go of all this darkness. you can not keep this dark and say: '. Yes, I change me' exactly the same: If jealousy enters into your mind, it makes you blind, for then you will always be jealous and angry about your neighbors. What happens inside you when you see that your neighbor comes forward spiritually or neighbor, your friend or colleague is making progress? You will try to compete with him, you will try to end the friendship with your colleagues to be the best or be. But consider: do you concentrate on your spiritual path or on his progress?

You should be happy when someone is making progress. Because if you start to make progress on a spiritual path, you develop this love and know that the love of God is the same for everyone, whether you have a person with weaknesses, or whether you're a holy person, it is the same. God is a holy person is not more than for a weaker person. God is the same. Therefore, by His grace so many people were weaknesses saints, that they can reflect His love. And this love is unique. The love of God is unique, because every person has a personal relationship. This relationship to the divine is only between you and the Lord, no other person is in between. And this uniqueness and this love surpasses all. True, it is good when you stop to compare or think this Person loves God more and I've tried my best, as he / she to be. But at the same time you must also be satisfied even with you. Only through your inner satisfaction, using only your introspection, you can do that you will be the same as that person and you will see what and how you can make a difference. It is not about to look at the others. Otherwise, the focus of your attention will always be outside and you think, for example, continuous: Oh, my goodness, this person has done so much - and what about me? You know, self-pity. The more we indulge in self-pity, the less our ability to grow or for our lives to be improved. Therefore, said that you think about your life and you convert, transform shalt. For this property must be transformed in you. You can not kill these properties, you are born with them, they are part of you, but it depends on how much attention you grant them. If you give them more attention, you will reject you own, you will begin to control you. But in reality you have to check these properties, for the Master are you and these properties are the master. As difficult as it seems, you have the divine in you And it is this light, of which I speak, which gives you energy, and the more you connected to this energy concentrate, the more the light will shine on you. But when you concentrate more on the negative - even then it will seem longer to you. So, what are you direct your thoughts as you go with them and how do you control them? These are many ways. Some ways are more difficult, others less difficult. You wonder why I do not say 'easy'. Why am I not 'easy' say? Because when you start, it's easy when you're in the middle, it is less easy. And then when you later meet a person, she says: 'Swamiji, I do not do that because it's difficult. " So I said, 'not so easy. " But if you decide to do it when you want it really, if you really trust yourself, then you will do it. It is the same, if you have self-confidence to do anything else. For example: Your boss has given you a particular job. Can you say: No, I do not, the job I do not argue? Can you this? Why can not it? Please answer! Yes, he's the boss. Well, God has also given certain tasks and he's the boss. So you do not weak by You give your attention negativity, but rather teach this strength in you awaken this love in you and let them grow, even if sometimes there are difficulties in the outside world. The Life does not always in a straight line, it goes up and down. But as you look at it - your view of things - and how you take it with a lot to your spiritual growth, as well as to your peace of mind. If the mind is darkened, you lose that peace. And if you lose your peace of mind, you lose everything. It does not help when you say yourself that you want to concentrate meditate you or if you lose your peace of mind. reach so that peace and be happy. Not a superficial happiness, but an inner satisfaction.
Jay Gurudev. "

German translation of

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Strongest Aa Recharge

Down syndrome plus autism, what does this mean?

Down syndrome and autistic disorders - what we know today?

(All that apply to us ... I will highlight red)
George T. Capone, MD
The author, George T. Capone MD, is director of the Down Syndrome Clinic and doctor in the Neurobehavioral Unit at Kennedy Krieger Institute in Baltimore, Maryland. This article appeared in the journal Disability Solutions, Volume 3, Issue 5 & 6, a publication of the Enoch-Gelbard Foundation.
Translation: Cora Halder, published in 'Life with Down Syndrome' No. 34, May 2000
There is little literature or studies on dual diagnosis of Down syndrome and autism. Rather, it was assumed before not very long ago, that these two diagnoses may occur together. They told parents that their child with Down syndrome mentally severely impaired, was without looking for a cause . Today, medicine has recognized that even occur in people with Down syndrome, pervasive developmental disorders such as autism or obsessive compulsive disorder, can. Because these findings for professionals in the medical and educational field are still relatively new, we know only little about children and adults with this dual diagnosis. The Kennedy Krieger Institute for some years been collecting data on the subject. First results are presented in this article.

Pay attention to what should I do? Signals and symptoms

It is normal that parents are always concerned about their child's development. It is also normal, that one has often to specific features only a partial knowledge. This is especially the case with the diagnosis of Down syndrome and autism, because it is so little information. This can be particularly worrying if your child suddenly shows a new behavior that you might associate with autistic behaviors, such as. the incessant shaking of an object . The children that we saw at the Kennedy Krieger Institute and the Down syndrome and autism show very different symptoms have been divided into two main areas have:

Group 1 (applies to all complete) show

children in the first group Early on a atypical behavior. As an infant, or during the toddler period one can possibly observe the following behaviors:
  • repetitive motor mannerisms, such as fast movements to be Banned from light-source fixing lamps, ceiling fans, or fingers
  • extreme deprivation of food, problems of hands and fingers
  • language comprehension (the child seems to sign not to understand and apply them yourself not to, which gives the impression that the child might not hear)
  • repetitive or stereotyped use of language
With these behaviors also a number of occurrence of other medical conditions, such as seizures, swallowing problems. Nystagmus or marked muscle weakness (hypotonia), which leads to a delay in motor development.
If your child with Down syndrome is still very small, you may make one or the other symptoms mentioned here laid. This does not mean that it must develop your child to an autistic disorder. It only means that the child should be investigated and perhaps could benefit from a special educational and therapeutic support program (such as sensory integration and visual communications).

Group 2

A second group of children is mostly older. These children can notice a dramatic decrease or stop in their language acquisition and a loss of language and social skills. This development may cause decline as a consequence of extreme sensitivity and anxiety and mark the start of repetitive behaviors. This situation occurs most often, the parents, according to according to a first for children with Down syndrome during normal development . Most parents report that the development decline between three and seven years occurs.
The medical treatment and support for these two groups may be different. It is still lacking in sufficient information order to assess this accurately. Regardless of the time, how and when autism disorders are discovered for the first time that children with the dual diagnosis should receive the necessary educational and therapeutic support.

What is autism? Different signals and symptoms

Although we will report some similarities that occur in children with Down syndrome and autism, they should not lose sight of the fact that autism is called a syndrome that includes a plurality of individual symptoms. This means that children with the diagnosis still differ greatly. Some do not speak other . Some of them need necessarily a specific routine and order, others are more flexible . This combined with the enormous variability in skills, which we find alone in Down syndrome, can be very confusing. The whole thing is to understand better when you have some knowledge about autism, regardless of Down syndrome. Infantile autism, autistic personality disorder, autistic disorders are terms which all mean more or less the same. Autism is now considered primarily seen from their behavior defined syndrome with a variety of symptoms and developmental delays in early childhood. These symptoms are based on a dysfunction of the brain, the different causes have, including Down syndrome can. Currently, there are differences of opinion among physicians on what criteria are needed to diagnose autism or how severe the core symptoms must be to make the diagnosis in a child with Down syndrome. To
Unfortunately the lack of a suitable diagnostic test procedure confusion among professionals, parents and others who know the child and develop the best medical care and effective learning programs. There is agreement on the following points:
  • Autism is a syndrome. It can be very different characteristics
  • Many symptoms overlap with those of other disorders such as obsessive-compulsive disorder or hyperactivity.
  • Autism is a developmental disorder. Symptoms depend on age and level of development of the child.
  • autism can occur together with an intellectual disability, epilepsy, or with Down syndrome
  • autism is a lifelong condition.
The problem areas that are described in connection with autism most often are:
  • communication (use and understand words and gestures )
  • social skills (in contact with others or in certain situations
  • stereotyped and repetitive body movements or behavior patterns .
are young children, especially during the time these abnormalities is not constantly present. The children, all or have only some characteristics of autism syndrome. Also, their skills under the same conditions are very volatile. Some of these variable characteristics, which we usually find in children with Down syndrome and autism syndrome:
  • unusual reaction to stimuli, especially noise, light, touch or pain),
  • refusal of food (a preference for certain foods or flavors)
  • strange game behavior or persistent preoccupation with objects
  • Unease over changes in daily routine or in the family environment,
  • little or no meaningful communication,
  • disturbing behaviors (aggressiveness, tantrums or extreme disobedience),
  • self-injurious behavior (on the skin pulling on the head strike or hit his head),
  • insomnia,
  • decline (especially in language and social skills). Sometimes you can
these abnormalities in other types of disorders that occur in childhood notice, such as hyperactivity or an obsessional neurosis. is sometimes not detected or autism comes as a possibility in a child with Down syndrome is not considered because of his cognitive deficits. example, if a child is very active and impulsive, is intended primarily for the diagnosis of hyperactivity. Recurrent behaviors are classified as SMD quickly, something that is common in people with severe intellectual disability. Most parents find it difficult to get these behavioral problems under control. In order to find solutions to these problems, families often seek the advice of experts. In fact, children with Down syndrome have a group in general, less behavioral or other mental problems than other children with a mental impairment. However, if there are behavioral problems, must be considered in the dual diagnosis. It is important for professionals that they are aware of the possibility of such a dual diagnosis, because
  1. perhaps can be improved through an educational and therapeutic services, the situation
  2. with an official diagnosis, the child has better access to special effective assistance
If you suspect that your child autistic disorders are present, make it from a professional. Wait do not you just see what happens.


It is difficult to specify how frequently Autism in children and adults with Down syndrome occurs. This comes on the one hand by the fact that there is disagreement on the precise criteria, and therefore the other hand, because a complete lack documentation of these cases. At present, the estimates range between one and ten percent. I think a number of five to seven percent most closely corresponds to reality. This is much higher than in the general population (0.04 percent) and less than in other groups of children with a mental disability (20 percent). It looks like that is greater in trisomy 21, the chance for the occurrence of autism. This can be caused by different genetic or biological Influences on brain development.
The literature on this subject since 1979, describes 36 cases of Down syndrome and autism (24 children and 12 adults). Of the 31 cases where the sex has been described, surprisingly, 28 were male. The ratio of male / female is much higher than that in autism in the general population.
also emerged from the reports, with the cognitive abilities have been described, shows that most children were severely mentally handicapped. In general, one understands little about the causes of autism and whether a correlation exists with Down syndrome. Some syndromes, such as the fragile X syndrome, other chromosomal disorders, epilepsy and in pre-or postnatal viral infections is autism more common. Also, the Down syndrome should be included on that list. Because the presence of Down syndrome plays a role in brain development and appears to be a critical factor in the occurrence of an autism disorder.

brain development and autism

The development and functioning of the brain differ in children with Down syndrome and autism from those children who only have Down syndrome. When these differences between two groups of children will be better studied and documented, we would understand children with Down syndrome and autism better and possible Treatment options available. A detailed analysis of the brain, as can be carried out during an autopsy, or by means of a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) shows that play in children with autism following regions of the brain involved:
  1. the limbic system, which is important for the emotional for mood and memory,
  2. the temporal Cortiz that are important for listening and for the processing of sounds
  3. the cerebellum, which coordinates the motor skills and some cognitive operations
  4. the corpus callosum, the two hemispheres of the forebrain together connects (I can do anything beruteilen bad .. fakt, it all seems somehow disturbed by us)
the Kennedy Krieger Institute is we have 25 children with Down syndrome and autism studied by magnetic resonance imaging. The first results confirm our suspicions that shows the cerebellum and the corpus callosum in these children a different appearance than in children with Down syndrome. We are also currently engaged with investigating the other brain regions, including the limbic system and all major regions of the cortex in order to get more clues as to whether and in what way they are striking in children with Down syndrome and autism.
How can I find out? If you suspect that your child is different with Down syndrome Characteristics of autism shows that it is important that you go with him to a specialist, who ideally has experience with children with mental retardation or Down syndrome, to introduce your child there. Some symptoms that occur in Down syndrome and autism, we can see in children, the extraordinary stress and are exposed to chaotic events.
It may happen that so-called 'hidden' medical problems such as ear pain, headache, toothache, sinusitis, etc. trigger behaviors such as self-injury, irritability or aggressive behavior reminiscent of autism. A detailed medical history and a thorough investigation is therefore absolutely necessary to rule out other causes for the behavior.
enhanced wear to a medical examination in our institute then asked parents to fill out a checklist. I'm using the Autism Behavior Checklist (ABS), but there are others that will be used, such as the Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS) and the Gilliam Autism Rating Scale (GARS). These questionnaires are either together in an interview with the parents or filled out by parents alone before the deadline. You will then be evaluated and together with the medical findings to a statement about the condition of the child. There

difficulties in diagnosis

Unfortunately, it is often unnecessary Difficulties for parents when seeking help for their children. from experience reports from parents can be summarized as follows: a.
The diagnosis is not recognized. This is very frustrating for everyone. If you are in such a situation and makes serious concerns about the child, you should not rest until you have found someone who is serious about having a child and the really very well studied
b. Confusion about the diagnosis.
c. There is the possibility of confusion with other behavioral or psychiatric disorders such as hyperactivity, obsessive compulsive disorder or depression.
parents sometimes have the feeling that it would be better if they were referred by their doctor in a medical teaching center or a Down syndrome clinic, where they present their child. However, this can cost families may be a lot of money because the costs are not covered by insurance. The schools are very hesitant because of the cost issue, to request extra help for children with Down syndrome and autism. This frustration and lack of access to the experts (both in the physician as the teacher) can cause parents to break off contact with traditional services and to resort to more unusual, alternative methods. This must not necessarily be wrong. Individual, creative solutions can be very valuable be, especially if there otherwise is no reliable tools. It is not correct, return the system to the very back, because it can drive families into isolation and then it gets harder to build a group of supporters for the child and his family. It will play in the future, sufficient stress on the family. Parents need urgent assistance.
d. lack of acceptance by experts
sometimes refuse to professionals to recognize that a child with Down syndrome, which usually has cognitive difficulties, at the same time can not have autism. They believe that this dual diagnosis is unnecessary, can not be right. They say the parents in such a Often the case, her child belongs with Down syndrome just to those who do not develop so well. We now know that this is wrong. Children with Down syndrome and autism can be distinguished clearly from children who only have Down syndrome, or those who have, in addition to Down syndrome or other delays in their development. Tests such as the ABS test to prove this clearly. The result may be that parents give up and not continue to change after medical treatment or assistance to the behaviors of the child, are looking for. E.
confusion among parents
often prevails with parents or other family members, particularly among young siblings, a lack of acceptance and understanding of the unknown situation or a lack of awareness of what exactly is going on. The initial reactions of parents or other family members vary from 'That will be so again in' to 'Why he does not progress as other children with Down syndrome? "
parents in this situation often know no way out and are also often divided among themselves how to estimate the behavior of their child and how they can change it. The result is that marriage, so the whole family life suffers as much. I've found that to withdraw completely in such a situation, unfortunately, these families from the Down syndrome group parents or other self-help groups. But there there are various reasons such as: "in the talking points of the other nothing to do with my problems 'or ' I find it difficult to do all the other children that are developing so much better than my child ' or' I feel that other parents feel that I my child promotes not enough that I'm not a good mother, because one child is so different acts. "
It is certainly desirable that someone is aware of the group and its just this family, offering extra help instead of sitting back and watching the retreating family. But just that does not happen normally. Especially parents who most need to get help, often in their non-support group. In addition, there will be within a support group often only a single child with Down syndrome and autism. Hence affected by this problem, the other hardly. However, it is absolutely necessary that can take place in affected families experience. Although Down syndrome is present, it may also be useful to make contact with a support group for parents of autistic children. But even here there is a risk that the parents do not feel really comfortable because of such a group is missing in the understanding of Down syndrome

first To understand behavioral aspects

the child really helps a diagnosis Down syndrome and autism alone little further. It is even more complicated because there is hardly any information on this diagnosis and you are therefore not know what medical and therapeutic treatments in question. To determine which behaviors occur most frequently in Down syndrome and autism, we have conducted various studies, which were control groups (for sex and age, Down syndrome and autism and Down syndrome only) were compared. In this study, we collected various data: first, the results we got from the ABC test, we need a detailed description of the development of the child and a detailed report on the child's behavior. From this study, we could deduce the following. Children with Down syndrome and autism show more often:
  1. development setbacks , including loss of language and social skills,
  2. poor communication skills (had many children have no meaningful language use also no sign),
  3. self-injurious or destructive behavior (such as skin picking, bite, cut on his head or hit his head)
  4. repetitive motor mannerisms (teeth grinding, rapid movements of hands, swings to the body),
  5. unusual Noisy (hum , buzzing or hoarse lute),
  6. unusual sensitivity to external stimuli (staring at lights, sensitivity to certain sounds),
  7. problems with food intake (refusal or strong preference for certain foods )
  8. excessive anxiety, or even f ehlende fear of real dangers, irritability, great unease over changes in the everyday environment , hyperactivity, sleep problems
More on much, that:
  • children with Down syndrome and autism clearly more points in all five areas (perception, interpersonal relationships, dealing with their own bodies and objects, use of language and social skills) of the ABC tests than children with Down syndrome only, (??????????? ? no idea)
  • children with Down syndrome and autism less deficits showed when taking social contacts than children who only had autism,
  • children with Down syndrome and autism more stereotyped body movements, and preoccupation with objects than did children with only autism .
  • children with Down syndrome and autism more points in all five areas of the ABC test as severely mentally disabled children,
  • children with Down syndrome who are severely mentally impaired, do not necessarily have autism. (Could also be including children with Down syndrome)
These studies have shown me that children are to be distinguished clearly with Down syndrome and autism from the 'typical' children with Down syndrome and even children with severe intellectual disability. And although it is true that autistic traits and a low level of development often occur together, it is not correct to say that autistic behaviors associated with a low cognitive level.

second Associated health problems

the question arises whether it also is a difference in the health status of children with Down syndrome and those with Down syndrome and autism. Also, we have pursued in our study and have the following distinctive features found but must be regarded only as preliminary results, as the number of the children is not yet sufficient to make definitive statements.
children with Down syndrome and autism are more likely:
  • congenital heart defects and problems in the gastro-intestinal tract,
  • neurological abnormalities (convulsions, swallowing problems ( this only when drinking ) and delay in motor Development, are often extremely hypotonic),
  • eye problems, respiratory problems
  • (pneumonia and sleep apnea) ,
  • total, more medical complications.

diagnose Down syndrome and autism. What to do?

If, after a long fruitless search for an explanation for the behavior of the child finally understands the diagnosis, this can initially be of advantage. But this new disability autism raises new questions . From a medical point of view it is important to consider whether the child should get drugs that are mainly in older children because of specific behavioral problems help can. Especially when the learning behavior and the social acceptance of children affected. Although there is neither a cure for the syndrome Dowhn yet for autism, certain behaviors are still treated. These include:
  • hyperactivity and attention problems
  • irritability, and fears, sleep disturbances,
  • aggressive or destructive behavior (can sometimes be reduced),
  • self-injurious behavior (can sometimes be reduced)
with all these efforts, they do so as much as possible to provide for the child, you should not the good of the family lose sight of. You should be aware that you can only put a certain time and energy into this 'project'. There will be good and bad times and if you have no refueling, is a 'burn-out syndrome' inevitable. There are for families in this situation actually a burden. Therefore, you should try to difficulties not 'put away', but always remain in dialogue with each other as parents and family and be in regular contact with experts. The only way to handle the situation.


In fact, little is known about children with Down syndrome in autistic behaviors . Show It is important for parents, as much as possible about Down syndrome and autism experience and knowledge to teach others. Families should try to build a team of doctors, therapists and teachers who are interested in working with their child, provide him the best possible conditions for a good development. Science has more reasons and early diagnostics research. Also in the development of the brain could be found references to what is typical for Down syndrome and autism. The potential benefits of different therapies must be investigated and documented. One should be aware of all this, that it is an extremely complex area of trade and therefore progress can be slow scoring. In any case, children with Down syndrome and autism should be and their families have our full support and understanding.

So you see, I am working very intensively with the topic again .. and if you look at my red labeled .. It is probably no longer ignore the jerry DIFFERENT IS !!!!!!!!! figure it is not why the Doctors are not easy .. It really upsets me.. (
Our psychologist also said the talk jerrys feelings against it and his social skills .. (so great is now not even better .. than autistic people only .. But worse than viiiiiiiel ONLY down syndrome) .. but if you look at the level dochmal look .. is the scale of 8:2 figuratively ne ...
and all the physical characteristics of Down syndrome Jerry has not .. so what? does that mean he has not the down-syndrome??

love thoughtful greetings