Saturday, February 26, 2011

Can I Use Shellac Over Acrlyic

the 3rd week in WOI ..

hey dear,

man man .. slowly we bow down to the end ... only 1.5 weeks, we will release ...
mom but a bit afraid of the dismissal, for my sleep situation has changed is that we do not really before. Although I get still the melatonin, which speeds fall asleep during the first time, but then the 2nd task in the night me and my body can pretty much cold. and so I'm usually between 1 and 2 again on the legs. Although yes, the dose was doubled already ...
are now continuing to experiment with rum on the right dosage. Now they have deleted
go the last few days, when melatonin 1.gabe to bed and I wake up only when the 1.Mal to give 1.Dosis .. tjaaaaaa .. which I thought would be determined without the medicine to clock up 23 or so sleep .. tjaaaaaa not with me ... ;)... I sleep of course true only up to min 30-45. Say I'm awake again to 20:30 at the latest. And when I'm awake time, and mom to me puts me to sleep my make-ritual ... I let go by the not. I propose mama, they bite, kick her in the belly (just to me because the release, so I can get up) you see, I am a real disgust then ... .
and Mom puts me to sleep already in the extra Snoezel room. There is ne disco ball, and water column, a water bed (where the mom always her nap on it does;)), Uind oh so much there. Great for children with perceptual disorders :)...
But hey, nothing comes against the swing ... yeah .. I even crawling up to her alone when I want it, and let me plop down on it for half ... I consider it war but not yet out his knee on it ...
and if I want to back down, so then I let myself slide down very cleverly with the legs ... but quite slowly, so mom also will notice that I want down .. for so larifari swing is not for me .. I need all right anschwung ... (Extreme incentives stop, ne)
and since I was in kindergarten of the carnival celebration has indeed miss, mom thought she is dressed me here .. first with a slick new hairdo ... .. * Eye roll *
and then even a leopard ... this is much more to my liking. The costume has me the way, Torben, showing my new buddy ... He is 3.5 and has Asperger's. Torben even lend me his monster-truck cars (which he shares with ANYONE else, and has given me a ball) ...
Torben and I at the music group drumming

we two are already a pretty cool team ... and us true the saying "opposites attract" the nail on the head. The more glaring it would hardly walk. I am the total quiet, and Torben .. the absolute wild. (Nike: roll and replace at night, even as they die ... grrrrrrr)

one and if I can still learn something, then so is the drumming. I am the master drum at all ... Mama says if I get to play an instrument is the drums .. then .. jaaaaa ...

Oh, and there's Ayla ... think that is on me .. But pssssssst! Just as you can see, I stay in my beloved something of true ... ! Ayla will always caress me and kiss ... Nenene .. but not with me .. I show her something of the cold shoulder ... it is for me just a friend ...

She came again today even in our room to say goodbye to me .. and since we played a round yet again ...
and she showed me again how to get plugged the adit stars on it ... I get it off after only myself .. jaa .. also was relatively new :)
Sooooooooo, and now most recently:) .. I was looking at the hairdresser, and mama was super dupa mega proud of me. Weiiiiiiiiiil, I've bitched NOT, NOT gezappelt .. but quite good sitting still.
Yes and because we have now, the care level 2 .. (Jaaaaaaaaaaa for which there do not know:) we have retrospective effect from May last year to get * * hurra hurra *) is mama and me when times gekönnt what. For me, this chic jacket .. came out in mama she liiiiiiiiiebt. And I think to be honest and that to me is very good.
tjaaaaaaaa, and now there are other very nice message. Mama had tears in his eyes yesterday for joy. For me yesterday experiences what has been before this terrible KH-story any more.
had tickled me .. and I laugh myself always limp, and then have clapped your hands .. and whenever mama so did they came up with the 10 Zappelfinger, I've thrown away before me laugh, and went on cursing .. although they had done nothing really. And I find the game still mega cool. This shows Mama, the RE in my perception happens. It reads just so much about the topic autism, and adheres to all the many little advice to be found about it .. mama and find real, this is really something to bring. Even the physio and the logo is already noticed that I seem much more "awake" and lot'm curious, and yes even a new toy I'm not so reluctant, but really curious and attentive.
Also my back is more stable .. but run .. yes I find that we stupid in front .. except ..

in the baby walker .. I find now paint on but not as silly as even last year in the summer ... so but I do schonmal few steps ... or at the hands of mama I do that, too .. But I'll never lernen.weil I run so high because the hands must always keep .. (Otherwise I'll do it that is not)

Yes, and because the topic autism .. Mama is still pretty much alone with their thoughts as the WOI .. except the KG, which is still its Mama opinion.
The Love Jana, yes mama now sent a link to the DS offers ambulance in June, a seminar on children with DS + autism on .. because mama will log the same even directly .. Because that is really like called ...

love And Elizabeth, I will tell you from my mom that it really is better get it clear, if one is really active myself ... it is its easier to accept it as it is, and to make a statement about why I'm so different. She has thought about again, and there was actually before the KH story that one has some anziehcen but perhaps not recognized .. Mama never had a comparable, since I am her first child, yes.

we wish you all a wonderful weekend ..

your Jerry:)


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