Saturday, February 19, 2011

Cute Sayings To Tie On Bubbles At Weddings

the Night Monster (2nd week in woi including interruptions)

Ner so after long time we also report again ....
much has happened, many of you have the chance to witness it through Facebook, and for others I will tell it here again.
the 2nd week in the Werner-Otto-Institut I've started to cheer, only 38.6 where mom still thought I get the remaining teeth, but that then very quickly proved wrong, as the temperature rose further and did not get off to get more and we leave soon in 40ziger area again were, and I then nothing had been drinking, and really since only a heap was miserable. The next day, as
Fr.Dr.H. to me had looked again, she had asked Mama what we do now .. and she said only .. "I saw yesterday will have, as of the hospital." So she grabbed my
schonmal (were ok .. but somewhat more) 7sachen together and waited for the Gard-transport, which brought us into the UKE. Once there
thought mama she believe her ears not ... The doctor said I had scarlet fever .. without me even to hear or otherwise, and thought we could treat this at home. Since Mama is then mixed in, and said that I have NO guarantees scarlet, and I'm always so fiery red cheeks fever, etc. And when I drink or eat anything .. and also the death rattle is not back to normal and he requested to call on the cardiac ward, and he will confirm that it would be better here zubleiben .. then they did actually. And a smear was made, and what came out when??
Hold on tight .. Swine influenza including pneumonia. Super right? Mama has naturally infected as well as the complete station WOI in ... surprise surprise. So we found ourselves in a week in absoluteter isolation from a tiny little room. All we saw were masked and eingekittelte doctors and nurses who all came in contact with which we really only have tackled with gloves and have everything packed in bags of worn us out of the room.
oxygen I needed then again, since my saturation in the 80 'range was .. sometimes even in the 70's ... was further noted that the developed stenosis at my little heart. Say the second heart-op is more likely. can
a week later, I was so far fit, we decided that Mama homecoming ... that was before last wednesday. And on Monday we went back to the WOI, the 2nd week and were allowed to repeat once again complete.
As before, focus on my sleep disorder get to the bottom.
there are only slowly even at a loss. For now I sleep at night or before 4 clock last night until 4:50 even no longer. And if only very briefly .. and before that I am the nights always in std. clock woke. Conclusion, as I get the melatonin for the time it does not seem to help.
(me in the middle of the night sleep? NÖÖÖÖÖÖ)

Thus on Monday changed the dosage. probably double the amount but only if I am the 1.Mal awake .. and not directly to sleep.
Mama walks with a cane ..
(crawling here and sometimes alone in the shower, here is not a problem)
Physical therapy really is a lot to me .. Others I got ne Stehorthese, for the period in WOI where mama me now and then clean up so that I sometimes get the feeling to be completely free and also the hands freely to have around me to do other things .. I Total class is there ...
Mama also notes that, my essential bit changed .. eye contact occurs more often.
Oh, and the Autism Institute here in HH mama has now contacted me, and she is now waiting for an appointment. Because the issue is back as strong as never seen before. Mom is now 99% convinced of it ..
Furthermore, it is indeed practiced on food alone, Mama was yes to a grade in the WOI to correctly stressed the issue. And then Mama had always tried my hand at leadership .. but you can bend me. Because I HATE it when you touch down at the hands ... I'll be really, really krantig and then throw glass bowls ever full off the table. In the event of mother is crying the dining room ran out. And the subject has then chopped off. Mom has just now in the WOI to any banned me from the hands to tackle ... I come out by itself.
mom wants me now first give the feeling of touching the hands of what is beautiful, and so entirely without coercion.

with the physio yesterday and we had even a small sense of achievement (mama is so amazed at how creative and imaginative, the KG there), she has cut a hair curler and made it to the suitcase. And, behold, the suitcase was now interesting to me .. so I've touched him, and have tried to lead him in the mouth :)...
(but am tired I sleep the next morning .. but why? NÖÖÖÖÖÖÖ)
also my running-lazy-phase is over .. I really fancy the level again to walk on their hands .. actually we are moving in the WOI continued only on two legs. Must clearly mama me properly remove the balance ... but hey .. it's all a matter of principle ...



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