Sunday, February 20, 2011

Catchphrase Game Volume

Sri Swami Vishwananda - Happiness

After a fulfilling weekend - satsang and darshan with Sri Swami Vishwananda of 18 and 19 February 2011 in stone, I'm looking forward to the next darshan of 28 Cudrefin in April 2011 in Switzerland.

In Satsang of 18 February 2011 Swami says that trust is the same thing as love ... This statement sounds to me to ... and I wonder ... who or what I trust 100%?

I'm lucky if I trust that God is 100% perfect.

I'm lucky if I trust that the universe is just as true as it is ... without knowing what, when, why is happening ... without condemning situations and actions and to be seen ...

Where I do not trust that something is to my benefit, I'm in strife in the outside, as in the interior - to put it blatantly, I find myself at war with God and with myself

What has consequences for the basic assumption that everything is God, everything is 100% good for the "free will"? For me, "free will" build on this attitude to be free of will. It means the idea of wanting to control life to give up. The control of life to an illusion for me and make me "better-Wisserin" a "no-better-Wisserin" and increasingly "non-Wisserin.

I thank Sri Swami Vishwananda for his light, his love, his presence, his speeches and his darshan. OM SHANTI SHANTI SHANTI

Sri Swami Vishwananda's speech of 29 August 2010

"Why are we not happy in the spiritual path?

This question we often ask ourselves or we ask someone for it. We are on the spiritual path, we will do everything possible to be happy, but still although we are on the spiritual path, we are not so happy. We're just a little bit of everything, but it is not this happiness, not this feel that we have in the beginning when we our spiritual Path start. But what happens then? There will be less and less. Why? It is the same thing in the world and it also happens in the outside. People go to work and are very happy at the beginning and then it decreases. Why is that? This is simply because people are on the spiritual or material way jealous in their working environment and if jealousy comes into the human spirit, the people blind. And if people are blind, you see not the light. your true self that needs light to survive. If we look at how the thinking of the mind works, we see that it draws you into the illusion. And when this occurs in the thoughts of envy, it means that your you one step away from the light or the light within yourself to be. It happens as if you have a mirror. You clean the mirror, it is clear and you can consider yourself good at it. But over time to accumulate dust on the mirror. What will you do? It cleanses him from the dust. But all the qualities of mind such as envy, jealousy, pride, ego - if these occur is very difficult to clean, it is even very hard. You try your best. But it is there. As if you clean the mirror to yourself to look at. It cleans it clean, it cleans it not dirty. But if people mind clean, to take a look at it, they always leave some residue of darkness in it. You really want to let go of everything, is totally free of everything, but it creates in them a sign of insecurity. Because if I let go of everything - what's for tomorrow? What did Christ?
If God takes care of everything, He cares not for you then? He cares so well for you. If you want to change something, change it. You must release all this negativity, you have to let go of all this darkness. you can not keep this dark and say: '. Yes, I change me' exactly the same: If jealousy enters into your mind, it makes you blind, for then you will always be jealous and angry about your neighbors. What happens inside you when you see that your neighbor comes forward spiritually or neighbor, your friend or colleague is making progress? You will try to compete with him, you will try to end the friendship with your colleagues to be the best or be. But consider: do you concentrate on your spiritual path or on his progress?

You should be happy when someone is making progress. Because if you start to make progress on a spiritual path, you develop this love and know that the love of God is the same for everyone, whether you have a person with weaknesses, or whether you're a holy person, it is the same. God is a holy person is not more than for a weaker person. God is the same. Therefore, by His grace so many people were weaknesses saints, that they can reflect His love. And this love is unique. The love of God is unique, because every person has a personal relationship. This relationship to the divine is only between you and the Lord, no other person is in between. And this uniqueness and this love surpasses all. True, it is good when you stop to compare or think this Person loves God more and I've tried my best, as he / she to be. But at the same time you must also be satisfied even with you. Only through your inner satisfaction, using only your introspection, you can do that you will be the same as that person and you will see what and how you can make a difference. It is not about to look at the others. Otherwise, the focus of your attention will always be outside and you think, for example, continuous: Oh, my goodness, this person has done so much - and what about me? You know, self-pity. The more we indulge in self-pity, the less our ability to grow or for our lives to be improved. Therefore, said that you think about your life and you convert, transform shalt. For this property must be transformed in you. You can not kill these properties, you are born with them, they are part of you, but it depends on how much attention you grant them. If you give them more attention, you will reject you own, you will begin to control you. But in reality you have to check these properties, for the Master are you and these properties are the master. As difficult as it seems, you have the divine in you And it is this light, of which I speak, which gives you energy, and the more you connected to this energy concentrate, the more the light will shine on you. But when you concentrate more on the negative - even then it will seem longer to you. So, what are you direct your thoughts as you go with them and how do you control them? These are many ways. Some ways are more difficult, others less difficult. You wonder why I do not say 'easy'. Why am I not 'easy' say? Because when you start, it's easy when you're in the middle, it is less easy. And then when you later meet a person, she says: 'Swamiji, I do not do that because it's difficult. " So I said, 'not so easy. " But if you decide to do it when you want it really, if you really trust yourself, then you will do it. It is the same, if you have self-confidence to do anything else. For example: Your boss has given you a particular job. Can you say: No, I do not, the job I do not argue? Can you this? Why can not it? Please answer! Yes, he's the boss. Well, God has also given certain tasks and he's the boss. So you do not weak by You give your attention negativity, but rather teach this strength in you awaken this love in you and let them grow, even if sometimes there are difficulties in the outside world. The Life does not always in a straight line, it goes up and down. But as you look at it - your view of things - and how you take it with a lot to your spiritual growth, as well as to your peace of mind. If the mind is darkened, you lose that peace. And if you lose your peace of mind, you lose everything. It does not help when you say yourself that you want to concentrate meditate you or if you lose your peace of mind. reach so that peace and be happy. Not a superficial happiness, but an inner satisfaction.
Jay Gurudev. "

German translation of


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