Monday, February 14, 2011

Make Orange Juicein A Blender

Dharma Sangha - May all beings be happy

Dharma Sangha Skulptur
I celebrated last New Year's Eve with sound, a gift from Mother Earth, who served the people always. The intuitive hands began to knead, press, highlight, knock. The sound took the form of Dharma Sangha's known as the Buddha Boy, it's.

present in this being, I realized once again that everything we see, experience, as shown by us, a mirror itself from us. That is why we need visions, teachers, gurus, role models to the divine - the immutable truth - to see us and live. We ourselves are to combine the heavens and earth and the One.

Prayer Dharma Sangha:

"Namo Buddhaya
Namo Dharmaya
Namo Sanghaya
Om Namo Guru Buddha Gyani
Om Nlrankar Paramatma Gyan Rupa

Namo Buddhas of all religions, both male and female from around the world and the 21 aspects of the Paramatma, and all levels of enlightenment to whose wisdom of the Union of Cosmic truth we heed from the bottom of the hearts: Bodhi Shravan Dharma Sangha. You bring us blessings and reveal your truth to us. I take refuge in you, dedicating all speech, my own body, soul, breath, indeed my whole life to you for the sake of all sentient beings that they may be happy and free. May I release all that is not within this path: all addictions, all desires, all materiality, all suffering from false view, all negative actions, all discrimination as I give myself entirely without
remain and unconditionally to the Cosmic Union, the Dharma and Sangha, the Cosmic Truth of the Universe.

May all beings be happy. "


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