Friday, January 28, 2011

Brent Corrigan Full Movie Watch

the 1st week in the Werner-Otto-Institut ..

Yes for those who have not noticed yet, we are there since Tuesday:).
mom got a call from noon on Monday that if we spontaneously tomorrow our 4 week stay could compete there. The
of course immediately said yes. So we clock on tuesday at 9 and moved in with proper pack.
And I think it's great because great ... it may look dürt never imagined as a "hospital" or something. More like
ne hostel:) .. with NEM Kita everyday. And yes
Mama had initially expected more, I guarantee I'll move back because my children are too many .. Nope ... but I'm full of it and especially everywhere:). And they are all super nice there ... (Well okay except for one .. this woman .. it is impossible to really hammer some people what is actually afford ... there was a boy Fritz 2.5 years-mama to the 1.blick seen it also has a heart defect chalk-blue-lips repays his mom is also very nice .. but the two are left today .. and this impossible woman has written another mama and her 2 cards. One has a nice homemade card you get with a beautiful text, etc. And what was Fritz's mom at her bedroom door? A postcard with a cemetery on it, and so claims like .. If you ever think their way and find another spiritual path. It would not do anything right .. and God would have known why he has given her a child with only half a heart, etc. How impossible is that, please? )
Well. back to us :)...

This is our room ... pretty big, right?
little progress I've already made .. among other things, I now know that the ball is a "ball".
If Mom asks me where he is, I crawling out and get it to me. and throw it behind me, and crawling back afterwards.)
's Bees has done to me .. :) .. sings the sum-sum-sum bees hum around.
And Mom has a catchy tune for days .. Well, I do not care less total ... :)
Ne new strategy for the dice away, I have also developed. just have a bite:) and there you go ..
physiotherapy I had even 1 time a week, by the way already, and Mom was thrilled.
SOOOOO Mama is certainly useful and good physiotherapy ago, and not as it made the "old".
Since this week was pure observation phase (and Mom is now on the stock) will begin next week with the treatments correctly. 4 times a week and 3 times KG logo:). And Mom has 3 times talking with ner psychologist. The Mama funk up a little, because at the time really has no strength.
one has seen especially in last night again ... (Where I was filmed) and Mama is eventually fled because I was always awake again, and then uch clock 12:00 to 3:30 was awake: o.. Mom is added by 2 then fled into the dining room down at the table and was so tired that she fell asleep with the head opens the table. Yes and perished shortly after 3 then the night nurse and has mama first frightened to death.)
But when she came into the room again, I was still awake. they have their act together last power again and again has placed short to me, and since then I fell asleep pretty quickly. But even up by 7
From next week I get melatonin.
to enhance the sleep that. . And hopefully sleep through
me the itch but not the bean:)
am nevertheless in good spirits ...


Thursday, January 27, 2011

How Long Does Unopened Bottle Pinot Noir Last

interim report

that there's been a while quiet, has nothing to say, Goldbach CSU was industrious and has presented to the municipal market, a mature approach to the redevelopment of the village.

Krimm mayor and his majority party appear to have other plans. This is normal and would not be worth - if you would have at least taken the time for open discussion. Instead, the hasty sale of the former clothing factory was approved Bieber a Goldbacher investor. Background on this controversy can be found at the Main-Echo, on 26 January also reported.

Click here for the article . has

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Marshmallow Guns Walmart

corruption in 39% of NRW authorities

Trade Journal, November 2010: corruption, embezzlement, bribery
billion in damages from criminal authorities

the West January 2011:
food. alarming study on corruption in NRW offices " Over the past two years, injured nearly two-thirds of the authorities of this crime is clearly NRW. above the nationwide average. Often there is a lot of money "

the website of the PWC:
crime in the public sector in 2010 :

" The damage to the public administration through various forms of crime has long been an issue in the media, and the fight against corruption remained high on the agenda for local government, state and federal agencies. However, no figures are available on crime in the public sector. For PwC, it was, therefore, to make the "office scene" the subject of a study. "

counter-measures by local authorities on for detection of possible risk of corruption:

this possible corruption may not even be discovered, some municipalities have already taken action:

first Submission of applications for interim injunctions against critics in the local county or district court, in high amounts in dispute = Successful deterrence of publications. (Possible due to § 32 ZPO = flying jurisdiction) 2
The Authority can confirm by using sworn affidavits that they had never acted illegally.

No Reason for the adoption of partiality in the eyes of a magistrate is when in the injunction proceedings judge hearing both as knowledgeable citizens in the municipal council of the applicant city sits:
A district court judge, who sits at the same time as an "expert citizens" in the municipal council of the applicant municipality has a injunctive relief granted. The judge saw no reason to give his close relationship with the city administration announced.

more information and evidence: MonikaAr (at) No reason for the adoption of partiality, if the presiding judge in the court of appeal at the same time private contacts with the lawyer of the Authority maintains. There is no reason the private contacts with the lawyer for the authority in all proceedings brought by the Authority to disclose.

more information and evidence: MonikaAr (at) No reason for the action of local supervisors, if the authority, with the assistance of local financial resources injunctions, which are directed against critical statements about the authority are.

more information and evidence: MonikaAr (at)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Indonesian Chondro For Sale

events with Sri Swami Vishwananda in Switzerland

Satsang: Friday 18 February 2011, 19 clock
Darshan: Sunday, 19 February 2011, 19 clock

Venue: hall, school Strasse 32, CH-4332 Stein AG

What is Satsang?
The term Satsang means "gathering in truth." Usually get there with a spiritual master and has the opportunity to ask spiritual questions. It is in Satsang especially to being with oneself, with the one you are in truth.

What is Darshan? is
Under the Sanksritbegriff Darshan the sight and thus gave blessings of a holy person, a sacred statue and the vision of the divine in deep prayer and meditation understood.

music and vocals are the central elements of the event. With spiritual hymns and songs from all cultures, the divine is revered in his various names and aspects. Sri Swami Vishwananda encourages people to deepen their individual path to God and stop them from maintaining their personal faith and their own spiritual heritage.

"My job is to open people's hearts and to show them that it's infinite love in itself, and that it is very easy, this love unconditionally give to others. "
Sri Swami Vishwananda

The events of Sri Swami Vishwananda are free. At the meeting with him, no strings attached.

For Registratin and information: Sakarananda & Kiran, Email:

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Making Multile Dvd Copies With Avs

Dharma Sangha - Teaching 22.11.2008

ven. Dharma Shanga im Januar 2011 Dharma Sangha, become known as "Buddha Boy", Palden Dorje with the Buddhist name Ram Bahadur Bomjan meditated currently in his six years in the jungles of Nepal in Bara District, without food to and without drinking for the good of all living things and world peace. More and more people are deeply touched and see in his Maitreya Buddha.

On the official website it is exactly since Christmas 2010 German content, which I am very ...

Teaching 22.11.2008

I resort to Mahayana (large vehicle) took .

I have resorted to all the monks.

I have taken refuge in the Sangha (religious community) .

All living things are transient.

All current things are impermanent.

The changing of the mind perceived form is only appearance. By human beings until all sentient beings, all are of the type of birth, age and death in the cycle of mortal existence.

No one can prevent this.

The world knows the current form, the past form, the form of Arhatbewusstseins, which is the form of higher being, and that of non-form. These three forms have already made the world unstable. The true knowledge, the Maitreya knowledge (knowledge of the loving affection) is from no detected. to recognize the spirit of Maitreya means to understand way. Even if people do not follow the path of higher consciousness does not change the essence of this wisdom.

Despite the fact that there are so many ideologies and religions, they all speak about the same. People are incapable of their religions and ideologies also seen. Some people follow their religion bitterly for life, only to repent then all her life. Although the religious texts seem to be different, they contain the same ideas.

The wonderful combination of self (atma) and higher self (Paramatma) will never end, even when the mind is sinking out in selfish behavior and selfishness. If the Maitreya between self-confidence and higher self is detected, the false-Karma element of the world will be destroyed. But the world has sunk in selfish goals and no one with the search for consciousness and higher consciousness in the heart.

Nowadays the world in search of non-violence and the Maitreya-way, but it is still not found. Instead, the world today in fear and restless in the name of materialism. If this war generation with the path of Dhyana Marga (meditation) , which I follow, was changed, then the world will be transformed. I will Thousands of Buddhist texts and bring to light the path to wisdom through meditation.

up in today's world of Maitreya thought between consciousness and higher consciousness slowly walk. The Kali Yoga (dark age) has causes weakness and a lack of respect and devotion among the people. The people of the Maitreya-feeling between awareness and higher consciousness due to endeavor to forget the superficial pleasure. One day disappear tendencies to short-term pleasures and materialism of our religions. Instead, the repentance of a whole life to the blue sky will be who comes after death. If we know this Maitreya between Awareness and higher consciousness have developed subtle consciousness will emerge after the death.

this inner insight I have gained my life by the philosophy of hard meditation. The knowledge I have gained by my promise, will be enhanced through practical knowledge. In the task to liberate all living beings and the world to show the way to peace, I will to all men, the spiritual users of the Dharma teachings (spiritual practice) and Khenpo (spiritual teacher) about the wisdom and understanding of the Maitreya knowledge-speak as a form of philosophy. I have devoted my life for enlightenment wisdom for the benefit of all living things to spread all helpless creatures. This large vehicle or Yampa Dharma (Mahayana) is not just for me but for the liberation of all helpless creatures.

I have meditated with great difficulty and I became a teacher all dharmas. The first Dharma is the Dharma Shrawan (universal Dharma) . The other is the Dharma Bodhisattva vow to lead all helpless living beings to liberation. The Maitreya Buddha is manifested in hundreds of Ginphen Buddhas (Bodhisattvas?). All living beings, who perceive the presence of Maitreya will be among the hundreds Ginphen Semkoi. They form the Yampa Dharma, the vehicle of the largest vehicles.

The philosophy of the world will improve, and in terms of the philosophy of meditation seen from change. Once changed, the organisms do not have dissatisfied or angry. The philosophy of the whole world is changing. With a good guide the helpless creatures in the fortunate position to be eligible for the paths of wisdom to liberation. This is done by the miraculous power of the formless consciousness (anatman) or Maitreya consciousness. Riddhi Siddhi

, may all beings be happy.

(After the English translation of: Mukesh Lama)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Maybelline Dream Mousse Unde Gasesc

The right word at the right time ...

or even the wrong word, at the wrong time!

today I read sometimes as Nike:),
had before I even the report of the Werner-Otto-Institut ..
and I'm first again briefly fell into a hole when I read the list of diagnoses and remind me of the time where there is "only" Down syndrome and complete AV canal was.
And now?
congenital tracheomalacia,
disorder of gross and fine motor skills
Central hypotension
Orofacial regulation disorder
stereotype movement disorder
asleep and sleep disturbance
testicular malposition

and, moreover, as if all this would not be enough
hypoxic brain damage.

Do you remember the post where I was so happy that brain damage and autistic was excluded?
now begin again to all, and I really wonder whether the UKE did not want to cover up the whole only. (Although I do not blame them, yes) but if this should be the demonstration now ... my goodness. What do I do then? Anja me just now the recommended clinic in plies. I want to leave is now absolutely do another MRI to finally get clear views certainty.
Then I just got the mail from Martina read, and it has again opened his eyes in spite of this I all diagnoses but wirklcih a unique special child have ... which was given to me for some reason .. Why? The only know the good Lord. But the fact is we've got really great kids. No matter what all of us is still so ... I know we all together can somehow survive everything, right? This has shown me the last days of the understanding of many of you, I'm where I'm going crazy. And I do not know as I am now just about the time here should be in my apartment ... I know it .. this gave me some of you "Posivie Energy sent me and have made repays the last night already much easier .. You know what I'm talking about!
And I especially want to thank Angela that makes me a charm .. the me from something like what I have seen is to somehow protect / is!
I just want to say thank you and, for the right word at the right time is more valuable than anything else! And strangely enough, like all of us but somehow always! And believe it was / is somehow an abandonment of our children have been .. all of us together .. do not you think?

However, there is the option the right word, at the wrong time. And I had to realize in my own family.
You know all that my mom hard sick ... she is ill 2003 Hunting Transportation chorea.
And I can not call her that everything was going about my Stiefoma ... However, I had to always sound like my brother and my sister are not done properly .. and that with just me (God rest grad back tears in the eyes .. because I was just so-loaded). My brother and my sister are wonderful people, and my brother has always been my everything and the two are the best uncle and aunt, Jerry could get even ... and certainly is not something which so proceeding as it should be. But it DOES NOT GUARANTEE the two to blame.
Only They just do not see .. you have them repeatedly offered help and said that Mama therapies consumption, etc. But all of what they were told was wrong and you could argue well against a wall. It's obvious that it is enough at some point one or?
The two are so helpful people, and I do not really what I would do without them .. and I'm looking forward to it that I will soon live down there ...
And I am so proud of my brother,

he has decided, with 37 still to study to begin. Only even that is held against him.
I really wonder as narrow-minded and stubborn to actually be? I know that my mom even if she can not say .. PROUD OF BOTH OF U.S. IS!
And now pushed a wedge between us, and that breaks my heart. (Formerly of the two, and with me now .. and that's just because I said yesterday that once I've had enough, that the two be always bad.
Now I know again why I have decided as I flew out with 17 home and I was asked to come back again, it did not accept. Even if this in my life something went wrong, and I only now begin in school and professionally to achieve something. But I know I would only be gone quite broken! So a terrorist always unnecessary. It's all good, as long as you say amen and yes to everything. But as soon as times are contraindications, it is directly the bogeyman, and one in the discipline.
And I know my mom, it breaks my heart that everything is done now the Sun I can only offer my moral support (and my brother and Ina have given up, I can totally understand) and so does my mom. And I know they would make us never had any complaints. If they would learn in
but only the whole truth yet. It breaks my heart that she thinks no one is there for them (other than just her husband and my stiefoma) .. the they all have forgotten.
But this is not so ..
My mom is now almost in their disease Endstaduim .. now they can only liquid food eat. And then, the disease usually ends when the affected can no longer swallow .. and thus effectively canceling out ..
And now I learn not know how it goes with it .. how she is ... even though I know that she's not doing well. But with my calls (because she realizes that yes I call) they always knew that I have not forgotten them, and always inform me ...
and somehow this was one reason why I pull down to very often pass by in them ..
and now we are no longer welcome there ... Ohman, ye can not imagine how much I cry just for posting on this am.

your notes, then, Koenen words make a lot of broken .. the more I know you all appreciate that you always ALWAYS really the right word at the right time .. and I'm sure you now again, the right words for me will have .. and I guarantee will cry again when I read your comments .. Excuse

when this whole post might sound kind of messy .. but it bubbled grad somehow all so out of me .. and somehow I'm if I have it all now simply be written once, which I then feel liberated or something, and I find it ne load from the shoulder ... but somehow ... does not happen.
will die My mom and I can no longer accompany them in this last time ... and that breaks my heart!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Bushnell Pinseeker 1500 Comparison To 1600

volunteer translator (English, queen) for a complaint to the European Court of Justice sought

Dear Reader,

for complaints to the European Court of Human Rights looking concerned volunteer translator.


first concern Family Law Issues
second Questions of the official powers of youth services
third Issues of freedom of expression with respect to reports of the (youth welfare office) authorities actions

The complaints / complaints are to be published here on the blog in German, English and French, of course, with regard to your translation work.

I thank you on behalf of those affected.

Contact: Email: MonikaAr (at)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Generic Wedding Thank You Messages

the lost packet ...

Huhuuuu dear ...

what a surprise, but our grandma or collection package from her grandmother, Grandpa was messy and her sister, the post office, is now turned up again.
.... and what a great package ...
(first of all, however, does not scare today .. have a "bad -day ")
but the packages I need me, will you take a closer look ...
Huuuuiiiiii .. ne new winter jacket ..
even Mom is thrilled by it (the orange is not as pronounced as it now looks on the picture)
who sits with me like ne one, and can even to the very high close .. the problem is otherwise always look at me ... n
but something is still there ... so everything
okay .. not so exciting .. new bodys that will fit me, then next year: D
why buy omis so "important" things always umpteen numbers larger
I wax as yet pure,
bodys but it is real? ne thing that must fit
Mama gets there is always the giggle:)
and the people here .. is the ultimate book for books muffle the way I am.
Find is soooooo unspectacular
.. but this ...
are there always so small "buttons" and then the really authentic animal sounds are of themselves,
will fit into the story ... totally cool thing ..

and here again my entire yield from the package ...

you greetings
Jerry ...
and NEN fat Knutscher

Monday, January 3, 2011

Point & Shoot Digital Fast Shutter Speed

the year has just begun ... ..

and I will now deliver this had been a 1.Highlight.
wuhuuuuuuu ....
Mama is totally out of the little house ...
it has indeed taken the intent that I run in some degree this year so am learning ..
but they still saw the not so realistic .. wirkich
but ...
I have Christmas to get the ultimate yes Haba-shift car, bring
to my running skills a little bit in bold ..
I'm more on the hands so something is wrong but ...
and Mom was also not really sure if I would take the car ..
and least of all she has expected such
I would accept it SOOOOOOOO FAST.
Cause I need new toys always some time before I notice them .. give
but look here ...
Reference is made to price the car ...
approach special scenes ... ;
detention ...
Hoooooooooochziehen ...
And ick Stand ...
look around ...
Tipp-Tapp, Tipp-Tapp
It is a ji-ja man-jerry-
Heruuuuum ...

Fidibuuuuuuuuuumm ... and proud as bolle ick bin: D ..

naaaaaa you would have thought this of me?
would be ridiculous if I can not hammer out this year, right?? : D
And there's something new ..
I turn right right now as the sign for eat ..
they've changed something .. and you have to look closely ..
because between my playmate of the gesture with the hands and there is only a small difference but very fine. the rumalbern I knock on my lip in fasting .. I knock on the chin ..
how do I get it?
well, that also asks mama ..
And even if I want more, or give me something is not fast enough .. I knock on the table .. and that so long until I got what I want.
glasses are also interesting hooooooooch .. always want more to drink from the glass .. and I call a.
when I have a glass or bottle (not mine), I see the right hands then stretch out.

na .. Määs its not bad is it? : D