Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Maybelline Dream Mousse Unde Gasesc

The right word at the right time ...

or even the wrong word, at the wrong time!

today I read sometimes as Nike:),
had before I even the report of the Werner-Otto-Institut ..
and I'm first again briefly fell into a hole when I read the list of diagnoses and remind me of the time where there is "only" Down syndrome and complete AV canal was.
And now?
congenital tracheomalacia,
disorder of gross and fine motor skills
Central hypotension
Orofacial regulation disorder
stereotype movement disorder
asleep and sleep disturbance
testicular malposition

and, moreover, as if all this would not be enough
hypoxic brain damage.

Do you remember the post where I was so happy that brain damage and autistic was excluded?
now begin again to all, and I really wonder whether the UKE did not want to cover up the whole only. (Although I do not blame them, yes) but if this should be the demonstration now ... my goodness. What do I do then? Anja me just now the recommended clinic in plies. I want to leave is now absolutely do another MRI to finally get clear views certainty.
Then I just got the mail from Martina read, and it has again opened his eyes in spite of this I all diagnoses but wirklcih a unique special child have ... which was given to me for some reason .. Why? The only know the good Lord. But the fact is we've got really great kids. No matter what all of us is still so ... I know we all together can somehow survive everything, right? This has shown me the last days of the understanding of many of you, I'm where I'm going crazy. And I do not know as I am now just about the time here should be in my apartment ... I know it .. this gave me some of you "Posivie Energy sent me and have made repays the last night already much easier .. You know what I'm talking about!
And I especially want to thank Angela that makes me a charm .. the me from something like what I have seen is to somehow protect / is!
I just want to say thank you and, for the right word at the right time is more valuable than anything else! And strangely enough, like all of us but somehow always! And believe it was / is somehow an abandonment of our children have been .. all of us together .. do not you think?

However, there is the option the right word, at the wrong time. And I had to realize in my own family.
You know all that my mom hard sick ... she is ill 2003 Hunting Transportation chorea.
And I can not call her that everything was going about my Stiefoma ... However, I had to always sound like my brother and my sister are not done properly .. and that with just me (God rest grad back tears in the eyes .. because I was just so-loaded). My brother and my sister are wonderful people, and my brother has always been my everything and the two are the best uncle and aunt, Jerry could get even ... and certainly is not something which so proceeding as it should be. But it DOES NOT GUARANTEE the two to blame.
Only They just do not see .. you have them repeatedly offered help and said that Mama therapies consumption, etc. But all of what they were told was wrong and you could argue well against a wall. It's obvious that it is enough at some point one or?
The two are so helpful people, and I do not really what I would do without them .. and I'm looking forward to it that I will soon live down there ...
And I am so proud of my brother,

he has decided, with 37 still to study to begin. Only even that is held against him.
I really wonder as narrow-minded and stubborn to actually be? I know that my mom even if she can not say .. PROUD OF BOTH OF U.S. IS!
And now pushed a wedge between us, and that breaks my heart. (Formerly of the two, and with me now .. and that's just because I said yesterday that once I've had enough, that the two be always bad.
Now I know again why I have decided as I flew out with 17 home and I was asked to come back again, it did not accept. Even if this in my life something went wrong, and I only now begin in school and professionally to achieve something. But I know I would only be gone quite broken! So a terrorist always unnecessary. It's all good, as long as you say amen and yes to everything. But as soon as times are contraindications, it is directly the bogeyman, and one in the discipline.
And I know my mom, it breaks my heart that everything is done now the Sun I can only offer my moral support (and my brother and Ina have given up, I can totally understand) and so does my mom. And I know they would make us never had any complaints. If they would learn in
but only the whole truth yet. It breaks my heart that she thinks no one is there for them (other than just her husband and my stiefoma) .. the they all have forgotten.
But this is not so ..
My mom is now almost in their disease Endstaduim .. now they can only liquid food eat. And then, the disease usually ends when the affected can no longer swallow .. and thus effectively canceling out ..
And now I learn not know how it goes with it .. how she is ... even though I know that she's not doing well. But with my calls (because she realizes that yes I call) they always knew that I have not forgotten them, and always inform me ...
and somehow this was one reason why I pull down to very often pass by in them ..
and now we are no longer welcome there ... Ohman, ye can not imagine how much I cry just for posting on this am.

your notes, then, Koenen words make a lot of broken .. the more I know you all appreciate that you always ALWAYS really the right word at the right time .. and I'm sure you now again, the right words for me will have .. and I guarantee will cry again when I read your comments .. Excuse

when this whole post might sound kind of messy .. but it bubbled grad somehow all so out of me .. and somehow I'm if I have it all now simply be written once, which I then feel liberated or something, and I find it ne load from the shoulder ... but somehow ... does not happen.
will die My mom and I can no longer accompany them in this last time ... and that breaks my heart!


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