Friday, January 28, 2011

Brent Corrigan Full Movie Watch

the 1st week in the Werner-Otto-Institut ..

Yes for those who have not noticed yet, we are there since Tuesday:).
mom got a call from noon on Monday that if we spontaneously tomorrow our 4 week stay could compete there. The
of course immediately said yes. So we clock on tuesday at 9 and moved in with proper pack.
And I think it's great because great ... it may look dürt never imagined as a "hospital" or something. More like
ne hostel:) .. with NEM Kita everyday. And yes
Mama had initially expected more, I guarantee I'll move back because my children are too many .. Nope ... but I'm full of it and especially everywhere:). And they are all super nice there ... (Well okay except for one .. this woman .. it is impossible to really hammer some people what is actually afford ... there was a boy Fritz 2.5 years-mama to the 1.blick seen it also has a heart defect chalk-blue-lips repays his mom is also very nice .. but the two are left today .. and this impossible woman has written another mama and her 2 cards. One has a nice homemade card you get with a beautiful text, etc. And what was Fritz's mom at her bedroom door? A postcard with a cemetery on it, and so claims like .. If you ever think their way and find another spiritual path. It would not do anything right .. and God would have known why he has given her a child with only half a heart, etc. How impossible is that, please? )
Well. back to us :)...

This is our room ... pretty big, right?
little progress I've already made .. among other things, I now know that the ball is a "ball".
If Mom asks me where he is, I crawling out and get it to me. and throw it behind me, and crawling back afterwards.)
's Bees has done to me .. :) .. sings the sum-sum-sum bees hum around.
And Mom has a catchy tune for days .. Well, I do not care less total ... :)
Ne new strategy for the dice away, I have also developed. just have a bite:) and there you go ..
physiotherapy I had even 1 time a week, by the way already, and Mom was thrilled.
SOOOOO Mama is certainly useful and good physiotherapy ago, and not as it made the "old".
Since this week was pure observation phase (and Mom is now on the stock) will begin next week with the treatments correctly. 4 times a week and 3 times KG logo:). And Mom has 3 times talking with ner psychologist. The Mama funk up a little, because at the time really has no strength.
one has seen especially in last night again ... (Where I was filmed) and Mama is eventually fled because I was always awake again, and then uch clock 12:00 to 3:30 was awake: o.. Mom is added by 2 then fled into the dining room down at the table and was so tired that she fell asleep with the head opens the table. Yes and perished shortly after 3 then the night nurse and has mama first frightened to death.)
But when she came into the room again, I was still awake. they have their act together last power again and again has placed short to me, and since then I fell asleep pretty quickly. But even up by 7
From next week I get melatonin.
to enhance the sleep that. . And hopefully sleep through
me the itch but not the bean:)
am nevertheless in good spirits ...



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