Monday, January 3, 2011

Point & Shoot Digital Fast Shutter Speed

the year has just begun ... ..

and I will now deliver this had been a 1.Highlight.
wuhuuuuuuu ....
Mama is totally out of the little house ...
it has indeed taken the intent that I run in some degree this year so am learning ..
but they still saw the not so realistic .. wirkich
but ...
I have Christmas to get the ultimate yes Haba-shift car, bring
to my running skills a little bit in bold ..
I'm more on the hands so something is wrong but ...
and Mom was also not really sure if I would take the car ..
and least of all she has expected such
I would accept it SOOOOOOOO FAST.
Cause I need new toys always some time before I notice them .. give
but look here ...
Reference is made to price the car ...
approach special scenes ... ;
detention ...
Hoooooooooochziehen ...
And ick Stand ...
look around ...
Tipp-Tapp, Tipp-Tapp
It is a ji-ja man-jerry-
Heruuuuum ...

Fidibuuuuuuuuuumm ... and proud as bolle ick bin: D ..

naaaaaa you would have thought this of me?
would be ridiculous if I can not hammer out this year, right?? : D
And there's something new ..
I turn right right now as the sign for eat ..
they've changed something .. and you have to look closely ..
because between my playmate of the gesture with the hands and there is only a small difference but very fine. the rumalbern I knock on my lip in fasting .. I knock on the chin ..
how do I get it?
well, that also asks mama ..
And even if I want more, or give me something is not fast enough .. I knock on the table .. and that so long until I got what I want.
glasses are also interesting hooooooooch .. always want more to drink from the glass .. and I call a.
when I have a glass or bottle (not mine), I see the right hands then stretch out.

na .. Määs its not bad is it? : D


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