Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Find Shiny Pokemon Heart Gold

Kiesha Crowther's speech in November 2010 Zurich

Kiesha Crowhter - Littele Grandmother Thank you, dear Angela, for the wonderful translation of Kieshas speech. Thank you for the text of this blog provide - may Little Grand Mother's message reach as many people .

It is a great honor to be here in Switzerland. I see your beautiful faces, different races and places of origin and if I do, I see my family: "The people of different colors." I am very glad to be here with you.

A few months ago I had another workshop in Arizona in the United States. And when I out there, like every night praying I was shown something very special: I saw a beautiful city, and heard the ringing of bells and before me I saw a large building that I thought it was a church around which led lights. I was told that I should go to Switzerland, to convey the message to the people and I chimed. Not a week later I received the invitation and I said "yes, I will go." It was my destiny. And today I saw the building with the lights and heard the bells, just like in my prayers. Now I saw it the second time and knew I was right where I should be.

My name is Kiesha Crowther and I come from a tiny town in Colorado. Since I was a kid, I could see energy in all that life was. Many colors, pulsating through everything that lives. I could talk with animals and hear what they have to say. Many people think that it is "cool" to talk with animals, but because I had trouble because I was not like the other children. A voice from the other side informed me. should you told me things I learn and pass on one day. But I have a long time thought that I was crazy and would be different and I just did not understand why a voice said to me, how I see energy and speak with animals. I thought there was no place for me in this world. But when I was 30, I got a call from an old Indian tribe, did you know I had been taught from the other side. And that the time had come to be one that would be called Little Grandmother: a shaman and teacher of wisdom. Besides me, there are 11 other "guardians of wisdom," which also received messages and play an important role on the earth.

to speak before audience is, very difficult for me. But I promised to give my best as a "guardian of the wisdom" and shaman. And although it's scary, I'm here to you to forward the messages that I received from the other side of Mother Earth and the tribal elders. Long ago something incredible happened on Earth: The poles shifted. The people who lived at the time were the Atlantean, Lemurian and Sumerians. They were real people and not legends or mythical creatures. They were real and our Vorwahren. As the poles shifted and began the ice age, they lived in this cold. But the ice melted and flooded their countries. As the water continued to rise, they left with their ships and fled the country to other countries and continents. The Mayans are Atlanteans. Aborigines are the Atlanteans. The Hawaiians and the people of the Indonesian islands are Sumerians. The New Zealanders are Lemurian. Thus remained alive their wisdom. Your ancestors knew the truth and now they have to communicate this truth to people. In their prophecies it is said that the poles would shift again. And now the time has come. For centuries, they predicted that change mother earth and would be recreated. Then they will be reborn as a paradise. The man would have to change its thinking and begin to act with your heart, if he wants to be enlightened during these changes. There should come a people whose minds and souls that would be the strongest, which have ever existed on Earth. These people would be embarrassed awareness of the head to the heart and change the world. These people would call "The People of different colors." How are "The people of the different colors. " you have said about us. We are the ones to which we have been waiting for. The poles will shift, they have already begun. Now this is no story more. The sages say that this is happening now. North is not north, everything changes and the poles will not stop until they have completely shifted. A universal truth, we must understand is that Mother Earth is sacred to all its inhabitants. And we will be killing people can never. Nevertheless, we are very close to it. How did things of which we have no answers. We have done things that no one can fix by our scientists. We are the ones the way our lives have to change. No one will come and save us. There is no savior that will save us. We must help ourselves. The ozone layer disappears. The earth's temperature has risen by 2 ° C. Although 2 degrees more can not harm the human body is nothing to influence these 2 degrees nature serious.

The water temperature of the white fish, to spawn when he, and not when. The fish no longer spawn. Now some fish spawn all year long. Normally the jellyfish waiting all year long to the right temperature and if it is so far to slip, thousands from their eggs. But now changes the water temperature is no more and the Chinese seas are now fully of jellyfish, there are no other fish more. 2 ° C degrees allow more insects and vermin to live in the north, in Arctic animals. Until recently, there was none. They kill thousands of reindeer and polar bears.

We produce the only creatures on earth, the refuse. And there is a huge waste carpet, the size of Texas floating in the Atlantic Ocean. An even bigger problem is the oil pollution in the Gulf of Mexico. It is even worse than already known. If the oil flows out for 30 days this is sufficient to eradicate the entire Gulf. The oil flowed for 90 days. The entire Gulf of Mexico's dead All life in the Gulf of Mexico is extinct. Even the oxygen in the water is dead All the turtles that spawn just in the Gulf of Mexico, are currently on death. The oil moves faster than the whales can swim. 90% of all large fish are dead, it is not only the problem of the Gulf, because the flow flushes the oil to Europe. In the passage from which it came out, a chamber is the size of Mount Everest - full with oil and toxic gases. The chamber is large enough to North America split into two parts. If only a small part of the gas comes out, is this enough for it to wipe out all life within a radius of 20 km. And what happens when only a small portion comes out of the gas. We have caused damage which we have no answers. No scientist has an idea how to fix this damage. We are killing Mother Earth. And yet it gives us everything, oxygen, each sip of water we have ever drunk, every meal that we have ever tasted. For she loves us. We must build a relationship with Mother Earth. She is our mother. It is a universal law that it is holy for all living things. And it is a universal law, that mother lives on earth, but mankind will be removed before the planet is destroyed. And now we understand why the years are so important. The poles are already moving. It will be reborn. But if we want to come with her, we must begin with the heart to think. The more love you give, the more intelligent is you'll's our only chance, not a fairy tale. It really happened. Many people go through their daily lives without realizing what's going on. Nevertheless, these things happen. But we need have no fear, because the sages tell us that we must learn to think with your heart. Because the more love we give, the more intelligent we become. If we are to love, we get the answers to how we can save our planet. Only then we can stay. If not, there is no future for our children. How it looks. At the moment we have no idea how we can heal the wounds of our planet. But we get the answers as soon as we have learned to think with their hearts and not our heads. There is no other generation of people who have been chosen to do so. You have been chosen. For we are the strongest of the strongest souls who ever lived on the planet.

Each of us was born into a world with human-made rules and religions. Now we have to say that we want the truth, because there are more than this we can only change and save us, if we remember who we are. We were taught that God is separate from us. Religions told us we were full of sin and evil. The sky, we would have to earn. But I say to you today something you should never forget: You are God. Your soul is God. You are not separated from God. Each of you has a strong self, which is God. Your soul, your self is part of a great mind. God is not a man or woman. God is knowledge that God is all. God is light and love and creation. God made your soul. And your soul lives inside of you: You are God. Each one of us a strong self and it was your self has decided that send you to go there. You have decided to come. Ask yourself: Why am I here? Your powerful self-care is down here for you. You decided to send a spark from you on the ground. And every experience you gain, every interaction with another person, a plant or an animal is an experience that you can send your self. Therefore there are no mistakes and sins, you are here to learn. Life on earth is a school. Everything that you experience every day, whether good or bad it looks, is an experience. And you can grow anything and learn from everything, whether it looks good or bad, hard or easy. So understand who you truly since: ye gods and goddesses. If I am God, then, and collect on my own journey, my personal experience, I can not condemn other people and nobody can judge me. You are perfect. Life is about learning and growing. Maybe you like the decisions your neighbor, but he learns exactly the lesson that he needs. This knowledge makes you free. It does not matter what other people think of you. We do not have the right to judge other people. We are all on our own journey, we learn, grow and experience. My grandparents told me once: "It you can not care what other people think of you." And they were right. Your social status is not important. How much money you earn does not matter. This thinking comes only from the ego. Living the ego, is the wrong way. Only ego separates you from God, because we human created religion inculcates that we are separated from God. So we took away our power of religious leaders. Religions take the power of the individual and separate us from God. They rob us of the power in our lives we even in the afterlife. Give them not your power. No one has the right to say to you, whether deserved or not their God. You are co-create your existence. We are asked to think with your heart, not with your head and ego. The biggest wound of the planet is that we love yourself. Who are you really? And you love this person? This is the deepest wound on Earth. If you have anyone who tells you that you are loving, lovable and valuable, then you hold yourself up for lovable and valuable? Our mistakes do not make ugly, but strong. We have all done things that we thought they were mistakes. We need to stop seeing this as a bug, but for what they are: The ability to learn.

And we can let go of self-hatred and self-doubt and remember that we are a part of God - and beautiful. We must love each other because we are brothers and sisters. We share a mother we are born of God. We are living the best time of the history of our planet and we are the strongest of the strongest souls that were ever here. We have the power to change the world. All we need is to be love. For if you live by love, everything changes. Through love you remember about who you are. With love you judge anyone. Since you love When you change are the world's consciousness from the head to the heart. Love is the answer. For thousands of years, ancient cultures speak of a people who would come to earth. They would change the way of life on the planet. One would call it the "people of different colors." All over the world say the ancient cultures that we are there. We are the ones that we have been waiting and we can be enlightened with Mother Earth. The poles have already begun to shift. That is the truth. In some years it will be over. Now humanity has the choice: We continue as before and the planet away, or we remember who we are live, love to be enlightened and proceed with our earth. It is very easy to deal with the heart. It is the simplest, to which one might ask of us. Each of us has to feel his way and love to wear your heart open. I go out to most like in nature, to trees and other plants or hear beautiful music. to spend time with a child or animal can also help. But each of us does so in its own way, so you are looking for out of you, in whatever way you get the easiest to your heart. Stay for a while in this state, go even 5 minutes a day. We are asked our consciousness from the ego-state head-to-heart condition to . Change There is an energy that can be called a world consciousness. Everything is energy. Our own consciousness is also energy and at the moment, the world's energy controlled by the head. Love energy is 10 times stronger than hate energy. If only 1 / 3 of the people live by love, this is sufficient to alter the consciousness of the world population. At the moment the strongest awareness comes from our minds. That is why we make our decisions by thinking and not our feeling. We should make our decisions with the heart. the entire consciousness changes from head to heart, because we all have a share. When thinking ie 1 / 3 of us with the heart and mind remember who we are, we are really changing our planet. Since the knowledge of the heart grows and grows, it will supersede the head thinking. Therefore the sages say to us that it's not about to do something. We need to do anything to change the world. We just have to be love. Just to be love, to dwell in this consciousness and the world to give love changes the world.

We can send love the oceans, the animals, the earth and the people so that their wounds heal. There are only two things on this planet with the same vibration: the earth itself, and man. What we do with the feminine, we and the planet. What we are doing to mother Earth, we do ourselves even on. We also have to give the female love and affection, to heal Mother Earth. And we must remember that our alien brothers and sisters in the universe really exist. You live here long, yet they hide where we would never look: in our patients. Our intellectual disability are sacred. They hide where you would never look. They are rejected by us and yet they are loved more than other people. You are here to keep a strong vibration of the earth's population. It is a lesson for all of us: How do I treat someone who looks so different from me? Our star brothers and sisters want to come and help us. And the only reason why they do not show up is because we fear them. You do not solve our problems, but to teach us. They love us very much. And they want to be on our side and help us. We do not afraid of them. This is no fairy tale, they really do exist. Our governments are beginning to acknowledge this. On many websites say former government officials. "Yes, we know that they are real, because we have interacted with them," thousands of them were seen in the last two weeks. Hundreds of Manhattan in New York and California, at the airport in New York and China. I think it will be announced in next year known to be here are. When we meditate, we should our love not only ship to the planet and to the people, but also to our star brothers and sisters, and ask them to come again and show us how we can heal ourselves and the earth. Our time here is the most impressive that has ever existed. We will see things that no one has seen before. In a few years the earth will be completely different. And I hope that we will all be there. We need to be only love. Love is the answer to everything.

Official Website of Kiesha Crowther


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