Saturday, December 4, 2010

Sophie Casterwill Toy

in the (Chaos) Bakery ...

; Take all ingredients viiiiiiiiiiiiiele ... and we respected the bottom right of the small head that just watch out exactly what happened ... since so
hey, first of all you you can really feel honored that Mama you a glimpse into our kitchen,
for that is the most hated room ..
mom hates our kitchen ...
Well that does not matter here ...
I am the least total
damn ... I'm just totally impressed by the degree of what's going on ..
delicious hmmmmmmmmmmm,
mama has always loved as a child, oh rubbish .. she loves it today .. hehe
dough snack ... : D
and they are self-evident to me more ... yamyam
that's it?
Mama I want more ... mennoooo ...
Na is yet: D
But one thing I ask myself now?

Where are they your beautiful mountains?
So think Mom still has some learning * * kopfschüttel

maybe they even get the 2nd Round out better ...

Does not that ever so wrong .. from
Endresulatat can see , or leave? : D
So now we also have sometimes spread a little Christmas cheer: D

to denniii
your Jerry


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