Saturday, October 30, 2010

Birthday Cake Ice Skate

sea of lights for HH, and a ding-a-ling for me: - / I

while it was sooooooooooo schööööööööööön but ... thought my mom ... Okay, let's start from scratch ...
we were on the soooooo schöööööööööönen lantern parade for handicapped children, everything was actually quite tolli, except that I was rather bad mood.
So that my mom sometime genommmen me on the arm, and I totally fell asleep quickly ...
after 15 minutes or so, I was awake again, and my mom has already told Nicole that I listen to my grad terrible. I have refereed in every hole .. and I was totally nervous and I cried. Mama I do not have get more rest.
After 10 minutes the mother was too colorful, and they wanted to quickly go home with me to inhale.
Well, plan backfired. For while we were sitting in the car, my condition has worsened dramatically .. in short, I sum breathing NR15
mom is with me jumped out of the car and has meanwhile been called the ding-a-ling. There was also very quick and totally loving were the well.
you have inhaled it quickly with adrenaline, and given me a cortisone Zäpchen that my airways again wide. However, I was not always one n och to bed to get what really hurt me because that I have spent more needed oxygen. And I was right even aggressive, got cut and everything .. but only because I was afraid ...'ll even get the older and always with more and understand it even more what's going on with me .. aufjedenfall I was put under anesthesia.
ins UKE we could not because there was no place for me .. sniff .. and Mom was a bit anxious, you know how Mama responds to other KHS seeeeeeeeeeeeeehr skeptical ... ..
aaaaaaaaber was totally in vain ... which are as dear to all total, I even get paid by the emergency physician NEN teddy bears (or love?) in the emergency room where I was again stable, only to halt drug and was wiped out completely ... which was also the same for an x-ray used ... but for X-rays I was fit again. Back in the treatment room I got blasted again, and it was decided to put on MCIH normal station .. was where I fell asleep in peace ..
This morning, the world saw it for now from viiiiiiiiiiel better, I always though no ch röchel something but I shine again all over his face and I also schonw ieder all my spell broken ... ;
And now to touch the pile of chicken, it looks like I'll come tomorrow tomorrow homecoming again:)
and then my mom told you in peace what all happened exactly, and what is planned.
Because maybe you can help me with my last trachea .. let's see .. Mama has to take right now, the first medical reports with love to the nice doctor ... oh and by the way ...
how could it be otherwise??
and finally a little greeting from me:)


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