Sunday, October 3, 2010

Shaker-style Wall Paint Colors

contents of the memo

  1. sacraments with a future?

- baptism, confirmation and first communion, as the lead in the future?

Think-Tank sacramental catechesis

deacons, deacon and experienced men dedicate

Firm preparation and preparation for Baptism adults from community prepare

for the priestly ministry of women

First Communion in the ordinary worship

first communion dresses

From the tangible community to credible sacraments

sermon on the importance of sacraments

First Communion too soon - together as a sacrament of maturity with Confirmation (14-15 years )

Church goes to school, tolls. later religious lesson - introduction to the sacrament

way of monitoring by "strong" catechists,

way the company accompanied by parents, curious parents made

old braids cut

baptismal Rethinking

cross-community events such as Sunday mornings First Communion meeting KoKi + parents more inviting

godfather of the community, families and baptized accompany

difficulty that parents accompany their children to Sunday school, such as sports monitoring should provide, family support

First Communion , baptism, thinking Confirmation new (3 years Sabbath), set up think-tank to initiation rethinking combine

First Communion and Confirmation, because many parents are not willing to accompany their children, model evangelical fellow Christians

sacrament of marriage company?

  1. On the way to a new parish in 2014 or 2018

- Ideas to grow together

quasi Demokartie - please do not

2014 should be the unification date. The newly elected bodies PGR and KV should work in the next 4 years that this is possible. This is a difficult but challenging task

a parish verschlangt the management task is particularly the pastor massive free for other tasks. It provides the crucial impetus to zusammenzuraufen at all and building the new community. 2014, `why not earlier? I wish

I consider a quick decision (TV)

new name, municipality term to run all 3 together (incentives, co) = criticism of default name

legal group is the last step, not the first!

  1. What next with less money?

- The work of the church board members: finance, premises, staff

The bridge was to press on 20 have. If should have the financial background, must also be considered.

combine administrative tasks.

Financial Committee (Committees) soon equal representation from the communities, then choose together.

Someone has his hat on

have from the outside, get input, Georg Schmomaker report can

pick for difficult situations mediators / facilitators from outside the "neutral" to accompany the processes

courage of money to talk


Content and money combine

increasing the transparency of the collections would be good for the community. If known exactly what the collection is being used, could increase the donor pool.

transparency of municipal finances for interested

emphasis in community / church related, concentration of issues and people (eg: Elizabeth: Family / Kids, Wiho: Seniors, Joseph: Youth)

professionalism of the administrative structures

more on voluntary initiative

Add to diocese level less invest in real estate

No market distortion by church (eg acquisition of hospitals)

use of the buildings as an education building, library

  1. wish!

- As a regular Sunday Mass attendees, I think about the future of the Church ...

Transport for the joint events

Pastor Baumgart may contact the decisions of the PGR does not anticipate

revenues of the parish celebrations more in children and young people's own communities

interesting deals in the groups, altar boy

More approach to activities with the altar servers that are the children who remain (money, groups, activities)

groups of children after communion, money for child labor

Youth Band in St. Wiho, it was announced that enough young people in St.Wiho play an instrument

overall name for communities

I hope that women also Priests can be. I am convinced nicth it. that women have equal rights.

I would find great, if it were visible, which is where: the churches, nursery schools, the community center. In short, a Leitwegesystem, also of updates to

I wish that go in every Sunday service, the children in our father to the front (RU-teacher) who actually wants

separating Protestant and Catholic? Not me!

I hope the abolition of celibacy. Priesthood should become more "pastoral care" to be.

reconsider celibacy, abolish!

women in church responsibility

remarried divorcees

More involvement of community members

worship. Furthermore, a Sunday church service in the vicinity of a "Christian era", from 10.00 clock

divorcees should be seen and to have equal rights

I want a proper conduct of the altar boy. It would also be nice if they could pray with the basic encoder Pray.

I want a bulletin board in the parish hall, where people speak for projects other people

I would like to see less envy and resentment between the groups exists.

It is important that our 3 communities continue to find a common path and determine its general direction. Nevertheless, the different characters can not be ignored and there should be no "sameness". Meaningful are certainly deals in which groups (or individuals) can participate in all towns, such as courses, lectures, excursions

5th worship with children and families

- Family fairs, elementary schools, church services and other forms crawling

home edition help or offer assistance in the parish house for immigrant children who want to improve the German language.

Joint program for families with children, community-wide, for as in the Easter period.

How to appeal to as many as possible children and young people?

a church space for other services and projects

Familienbibeltag with services for children and adults, separately and together

Project Choirs "for families

St. Ansgar and St. Wiho should together into the tent camp run

camp for families

Frequent joint services as today

request of my daughter for the Communion teaching: Is there a group where I learn about God do? Pending confirmation, it will take so long.

kids are around the age of 9-10 years is so enthusiastic and then broke. Play groups and Messdienersein fill the "spiritual" hole is not

"lounge" (no separate room), staying where children during the service (as close to the altar)

information exchange for the preparation of play worship

"transition service" for children after Crawling the worship and before the youth service on which they are themselves involved in preparing the group

youth service for all 3 communities, Saturdays at 19.00 clock, before Youth group

  1. kindergarten and community

- Cooperation is good: Lesefeen, community festivals, church services, parental involvement

reach church advertising in school / daycare

How the children of the Whitman School, wilderness school, Elisabeth school vent . handouts for special services

community should be on school to go and rooms offer

proposal of cooperation: Prepare Sternsinger large-scale, school and community, joint design of a religious

requires it of joint projects: Kita-school-community: initialize points Actions

St. Joseph: School children do not know the pastor. Know the community officer not

cooperation school community: parents work ... in St. Joseph, Palm Stock tinkering off more than it brings together

body lacks coordination

kindergarten is not represented today, link is missing in Elizabeth, involvement in community service in Josef

ecumenism? Separation to make sense? Ök cooperation in school

Missing linkages between school and community

Intensified dialogue with parents on "religious education" tolls. Round Table as an accompaniment for Catechists Parents offer

Old afternoon kindergarten children offer (singing, reading, making things)

working group, school and local community or network level?

request: Pro community a partner for co-Kita school community, to coordinate services

- Experienced men of the 3rd "I have long been in!" Life stage see the future of the church

Old afternoon: not only coffee, but the everyday issues: dementia, Parkinson's, will

meeting with kindergarten children: Singing, reading, crafts

I hope that after each service until the lights are turned off, though all are outside. You always have the feeling that after-work and you have to leave the church as quickly as possible.

I think 60 outer wear as well: Locker, diverse

60 haywire: Once a year a religious issue?

The services on weekends at 17:00 in all communities evenly

recognition of Frauendiakonats

More children and young people: more money for it and the speakers for more training (opinion of a 82-year-old)

  1. "Can not do anything with a difference?"

ideas of youth and young adults in our communities

more ecumenical, more modern church design

openness of the clergy

promote positive youth

Cross-LT (municipalities)

modern youth services


Amusement Park

weekend trips

exchange of group leaders of individual communities

more spontaneous actions Football, forest games, games afternoon

Funny worship

more outside fairs

More Freitzeitfahrten

stay What: Zaltlager, KJG

What else will be: more rides for all, more leisure

offers for 13-16-year-old : experiential learning-faith experience, boat stubborn ones, faith experience

All young people of the three towns should regularly make their worship

Youth Band

Firm project are good: But why you're not already with offers from Grade 6 there?

focus only on everything from vintage Firm

youth groups are all 3 communities, leaders should still here

be at least 13 which lead to PC

Joint Municipal Day (disco)

When groups of children are an older to a younger, then fall with the Abi not both gone and the group dissolves on



trips for 12-15 year

leaders meeting

There are too few professional youth work in communities, youth development is a difficult, belonging

What services can church do that from those " distinguish secular "institution or bump into a gap? New superior!

theme weekends for young people (10-13, 14-16 years) 1-2 * a year, tolls. open to all 3 communities

Can I "come out" that I participate in the church. How can I Großverantaltungen, "World Youth Day / Catholic Day", where many young people are bringing into the community? For many young people there is interest

9th groups and associations - just keep it up?

- KFD, KAB, Kolping, KJG, men's and women's groups

proposal for Hasbergen: Education .. By 5-4 large groups (women [kfd / Caritas], Kolping, church choir, KJG tolls also merge with St. Elizabeth and St. Wiho groups

Equality Officer for men: active organization of men working in the diocese

Summary actions. crossroad devotions, Main prayers, united across and community across this way to prepare more participants in the events

All associations along a God serves in a church once a year

activities of KFD in the evening or on weekends there are also professional women

is youth work. important (CFG), but should in the community Remain as it is there a fixed size and shapes the community sector. A merger is unprofitable and would endanger the existence, because there is more than one association, it is join a community

  1. more fun!

- Liturgical services, from altar boy to lector, communion assistants and Kantor

adults as an altar boy in Sunday services

If already 15 altar boys, why can not grown men and women?

This is not just what children Liturgical

Change service in the church, should be positive experiences in Christ the King Cross


The communities themselves to address people who can participate. It does not all be perfect

Caritas: Mobile services for members living away

11th believe in the future - in sickness, death and grief

- Visiting services, anointing of the sick and sick Sunday, where we help each other

offer for dealing with grief (family support) (3 times)

bereavement support in the communities by lay people?

The first bank in the release 3 churches for disabled

  1. Diakonia and Caritas

- How can I help?

Single Christmas tolls. Afternoon, late afternoon

camp, etc., should be free for poor families financial donations

on "child poverty", how many are involved with us? Can we reach them?

We want more connectivity with the associational Caritas. Can it be more locally? Training of volunteers from Caritas

Volunteering is good, but I can not afford the (travel expenses?)

13th As a couple living

-weddings, parties with family life and living alone - separation and more

young couples (still) no children: How can they integrate into the community?

discussion groups for couples: (open evenings): theme nights, present its consulting services, professional help, common faith praying in the relationship

marriage preparation courses

"course" for couples: love / relationship kept alive, speakers

neutral point of the community association with marital problems

bereavement support

What about open tenders for couples? Changing topics? Would we go there? At the community level composite

topics for pair-group:

How we live our faith? How do I organize myself as a couple, when children leave the house, a partner to retire? We do we communicate? Where are we stuck? Married single? Positive on for childless couples

14th There's music in it!

- 7 bands make our communities alive - What it is

music workshops? With choir / band, youth

focus areas

network of musically interested

bands play music in all 3 communities in turn

practice facilities (closed space) for "community bonded ribbon"

performance opportunities for all groups (concert)

coordination and are getting to know all the groups

cooperation in reliance

known music groups can

inter-municipal choir singing alongside spiritual and secular songs fleet

Percussion Group form

project-related work: people must not bind themselves permanently

project choir based

  1. faith differently celebrate - from parts of the Bible for devotions

- If you want other forms of worship help develop?

Bible study for men and youth, not only for women (Elizabeth)

Speech-gottedienst: someone asks what is spontaneous and to the preaching

Why do you have to endure the preaching about himself, without asking questions can

Fixed times of fairs, but at rotating locations. Example, would have all the time at 10.00 clock the fair (2 times)

Our Father consciously pray

Communion consciously receive

sermon topic

modern songs

more stanzas of Gottesloblieder

Not so fast services

Why not be the levels of prayer prayed more?


  1. courses faith, spirituality and more

- Who wants to deepen faith, beacon and things that do not exist yet ...

communities less "grounded" open groups, the other invites

"On the go-his" pilgrimages etc.

in the worship service everyone is missing for themselves, sense of community groups who believe reflects

spiritual wilderness, worship is the drops, you want small groups, not to die of thirst

get away from thinking that it is in "meeting" is no leader

exchange of faith for granted?

faith live together, retreats in daily life

Community Day in the community. After the mass groups form

"I'm looking for a pair of glasses to read the Bible again"

regular meetings of small groups (10): Everyday life in the light of faith discuss

Bible differently, newly put into play

We can however much faith Course visit when they reach but not our hearts, we can not carry on the faith.

17th The Diocese of Osnabrück

- Why must we change ... background on the situation of the Church in our worship word

Allow to communion, ask counter the erosion in the communities

celibacy in question, women's ordination

women do the work, just ask about all the offices

is our biggest asset

women as Bishop

communication: Is there a newsletter?

public meet board members, communication

There are always people who go back to church, come back as.

Why are not these people welcomed by the bishop, 'Why do not you advertise them for volunteer assignments? Why does not Disksussionsforum to them?

communication statement clearer. Board submits! Please do not waste energy

in long merger process! goes to 2018 but it differently: Does faith have a role in society? (Böckenförde-dictum)

  1. ecumenism with 7 communities?

- What do Christians think of our four neighboring communities? What in the ecumenical movement is doing ...

confession Several pairs? Is there a group for young couples?

more ecumenical church services on Sunday

every Saturday Ec. Prayer for Peace at St. Mary's on the market

contact points for children? Convergence

revive exchange sermon once a year

Ecumenical walk was very good. St. Joseph is still missing

  1. your idea is appreciated!

- What say you've always wanted

Firm mixed groups of 3 communities well!

groups invite each time a

Political issues are missing: Christmas Single sustainable ecological organic structure, orientation

- We get through it? Do not work there, share

A democratically elected leadership team of pastoral counseling) differ

Church: a classic, one for other DGs overcome a culture there for it

pilgrims, the knock on us? Hostel type?

welcome and personal consultation services for new community members (not only in Elizabeth's)

On the way from the priest and sacrament-centered community in sustainable community. What are viable roots?

Our communities need to be a "multi-generation house", not just 1000 individual groups

"Table Wipe - Delete and start all think

contacts with the newcomers would be well

Common family afternoon

The" other woman afternoon "happy to 2 times a year

sponsorships for the socially disadvantaged in the communities

church youth work in the schools get, AG

theater groups for children and young people

Please coffee at church coffee in St. Elizabeth is not so much cook

children include after Communion more in community

populist sermons

There are also here in the communities in need not only in the world (several times)

Church must be more cool deals for 10-15 years

regular joint services, like today

Great! A beautiful service at another location. Please repeat

separation of pastoral care and leadership in the community

women dedicate

proposal: form a house group: discussions on the concerns and needs, which remains in the circle go, shared reading of religious and other texts, a spiritual path.

  1. from volunteering for the Voluntary Agency

- We are looking for new ways of cooperating, not too tight: Our SOS team

I wish to participate in projects without my long-term commitment to have

support of mothers by seniors

list of wanted volunteer activities on the Internet, interested parties to report

Driving Services for older

A kind of reciprocity, mutual aid: tuition to repair?


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