Monday, October 11, 2010

Pubic Hair Growing Out Of Herpes?

steps toward inner peace

This year I attended a yoga workshop with Narayani and learned there the first time by Peace Pilgrim (1908 . -1981)

Peace Pilgrim walked over 40,000 km across the United States and passed on their message:

"This is the way of peace: Overcome evil with good, falsehood with truth and hatred with love. "

She believed that world peace would come when enough people have achieved inner peace. Their lives and their work shows that a person who has inner peace, can make a significant contribution to world peace.



first Take the right attitude to life is a. run away

Stop it, or to live on the surface, because this attitude causes disharmony in your life only. Join the open to life and immerse discovered in the shallow surface to his truths and realities. Solve the problems that life presents to you, and you will find that the release itself contributes to your inner development. Similarly, the common solving collective problems contributes to your development, and should avoid these problems, you never.

second Live the Good to which you believe.

The laws that govern human behavior, can be applied as strict as the law of gravity. Obedience to these laws leads to harmony, disobedience to disharmony. Since many of these laws already recognized are, you can start all the good to which you believe into action. A life can not be harmonious, as long as faith and implementation do not match.

third Find your place in the world system.

You share in the overall scheme of things. What proportion of it is, you can only find out yourself. Look for it in attentive silence. And live in harmony so gradually, by doing all the good things that you are motivated and these things in your life to give precedence over all the superficial things that usually fill the human life.

4th Simplify your life to bring inner and outer well-being.

Unnecessary property is unnecessary burdens. Often life is replete not only with unnecessary possessions but also with meaningless activities. A cluttered life is a life of harmony and calls for a simplification. Desire and need can become one in human life. If this is achieved, a sense of harmony will arise between the inner and outer well-being. Such a harmony is not only in personal life, but also in community life is indispensable.


first Purification of the physical temple.

Are you free from all bad habits? If you plant in your diet to original value food - fruits, whole grains, vegetables and nuts? Do you go to bed early, and do you have enough sleep? Do you have enough fresh air, sunshine, exercise and contact with nature? If you can answer all these questions is "yes", you've gone far down the path of purification of the physical temple.

second Purification of thoughts.

It is not enough to do the right thing to say. You have to think the right thing. Positive thoughts can be a great force for good. Negative thoughts can make you physically ill. You can be sure that there is no unpeaceful situation between you and other people if you harbor any unkind thoughts more, and only then can you live in inner harmony.

third Purification of desires.

Since you are here to live with the laws that govern human behavior, and with your share of the global structure in line, should focus your desires on this goal.

4th Purification of the designs.

course, your motives will never be greed, selfishness or self-glorification. You shall not even have the selfish motive to achieve inner peace for yourself. to serve your neighbor, it must be your motive before your life can be harmonious.


first Letting go of self-will.

you have, or it seems like you have two personalities: the low self, dominating you plain selfish, and the higher self that is just waiting to lead you wonderful. You have the low self-subordinate by failing in all non-good things that motivated you feel - not by their oppression, but by its transformation, so that the higher self take over your life.

second Let go of the feeling of separateness.

We all around the world, are cells in the body of humanity. You are not separated from your fellow man, and you can not find harmony for yourself alone. You can only find harmony when you realize the unity of all being and the welfare of all workers.

third Letting go of dependencies.

Only if you've solved all dependencies, you can be truly free. Material things are there to use them, and all that you can not let go, after it has outlived its usefulness for you, you have. You can play with your fellow human beings live in harmony only if you do not have the feeling of owning them and should not try to take their lives into their hands.

4th Letting go of all negative emotions.

working to release negative feelings. If you live in the present moment, the really the only moment is the need to live you, you'll be less likely to worry. When you realize that those who do low things are mentally ill, will transform your feelings of anger into feelings of compassion. When you realize that all of your inner pain is caused by your own wrong actions or omissions, will you stop hurting yourself.


We can all spend our lives trying to do good. Think of each encounter, what can you tell the people encouragement - a kind word, a helpful piece of advice, an expression of admiration. Think about any situation, what can you bring in goods - a well-considered gift, a considerate attitude, a helping hand.

There is one criterion by which you can judge the accuracy of your thoughts and your actions, namely: Have they brought you inner peace? If not, is something wrong with them not - that further search.

If you love the people really, they will respond lovingly. If I hurt someone, so I add myself to grief, because I know if my conduct had been correct, I would not hurt him, not even when he was not in my opinion. "Before . Can speak the tongue, it must have lost the sting of the injury "

To those who feel depressed, I would say. Surround yourself with beautiful music and beautiful flowers Lies call something or if something is in memory, the inspires you. Make a list of all the things for which you can be grateful. If there is any good thing that were going to do you always, to begin. Do a plan, and hold you to it.

If others feel sorry for you, have never had compassion for yourself - it has a deadly effect on mental well-being Recognize all problems, how difficult they may be, possibilities. to intellectual growth, and make the best of them.

Take all of what you read, and all the people you meet, the good - what recognizes your own 'inner Lehrer'als good for you - and leave the rest. For the proper guidance and for truth, it is much better to see through your own ìinneren Lehrerî the origin of the source as human or books. Books and people can only inspire you. If they do not awaken in you they are worthless.

No one is really free, which is still attached to material things or places or people. We have to use things can, if we need them, and they can let go without regret when they have outlived their usefulness. We must be able to be grateful to enjoy it and it still can leave with no regrets when we are elsewhere called the place where we are staying. We must be able to live with people in a loving community without feeling they have or take their lives into the hands to do. All you want to hold what you will capture you, and if you want freedom, you must give freedom.

The spiritual life is real life - everything else is illusion and self-deception. Only those who trust in God alone; are truly free. Only those who live according to their highest insights, live in harmony. Those who act out their highest motives to be a force for good. It is not important that others are touched visible. Results should never be sought or desired. Know that every right thing by you - every good word, every good thought of you - does something good.

Everyone can work for peace. Whenever you bring harmony into any unpeaceful situation, you contribute to the total peace picture. If you have peace in your own life, you shine it out into your surroundings and your world.

What receives from the outside, can be compared with knowledge. It leads to a faith that is rarely strong enough to cause an action. What has strengthened the inside after it has come into contact with the outside world, or what you receive directly from the inside (this is my way), can be compared with wisdom. It leads to a direct knowledge, which is accompanied by action.

In our spiritual development, we are often asked to roll up our home again and take out many chapters in our lives until we are no longer tied to material goods and love all people can, without being bound by them.

You can only be a situation without spiritual injury leave behind you when you leave it in love.

If you want to teach people, young or old, because you have to start where they are - on their level of understanding. If you see that they are already on your intellectual level also, so let them teach you. Since the steps are taken to spiritual growth in a very different order, we can usually teach each other.

physical violence, we can curb, even if we have not yet learned the way of love. But psychological violence will persist until we also go the way of love really. By law only outer peace can be created. The path to inner peace is through love.

Concentrate on giving, so you can open yourself to receive. Focus on that, according to live your highest insight, so you can open yourself to new insights.

Sometimes you have physical problems that will show you that the body is just a transitory garment - that reality is the indestructible spirit that activates the body.

Once you have found inner peace, spiritual development takes place harmoniously because you - well from the higher Self-guided - willing to do God's will and are no longer need to be pressured.

Nothing threatens those who do God's will, and God's will is love and faith. Those who feel hate and fear, does not live in harmony with God's will and is easy in difficulty.

All the difficulties in your life have meaning. They are pushing you into harmony with God's will.

There is always a way to do the right thing.

Our suffering is called immaturity. If we were mature people, the war would be no problem - it would be impossible.

course I trust the law of love! Since the universe is in accordance with the laws of love - how could I trust anything else.

insight I'm looking directly at the source of insight, not at one of her reflections. I also give new insights into my room while I'm under my greatest insights. Insight that comes straight from the source can not ignore you, because it is accompanied by a full understanding, so that you can explain it and talk about it.

Judging will bring you nothing and others hurt you mentally. Only if you can persuade others to judge themselves, have you accomplished something significant.

holding a real effort to never fruitless - any real effort brings good fruit, whether we see the result or not. Focus only on the thinking, living and acting for peace and on others to get into it, and leave the results of God's hands.

you can not change anyone except yourself is only when you give yourself an example, others you can get them to change.

In a conflict situation you have to give you a superior solution that will satisfy all concerned, rather than a solution that is to your advantage. Only a solution that will satisfy all concerned can work in the long term.

Your motives must be good if your work will bear fruit.


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