Wednesday, October 27, 2010

How To Repair A Stained Table

humbokhokipus ... 3 times a black cat .. Hex Hex `

Mama regretted it right yesterday they could not go to parents evening in my kindergarten, for she has just as you have Petra and Marta told the laugh is against will not get everything that ... :) In my group
a baby boy who is new, 3 years old .. and he and his family are from Ghana, but are already tens of years in Germany.

And the mom of my friend is the Kita-priestess .. so .. the mark you schonmal:) ..
aufjedenfall I was back gaaaaaaaaanz big talking point at the parents' evening, as my dear friends gaaaaanz tell much about me at home.
And the parents have asked a lot about me (the new, the old who know I m already and know best about my little extra .. Mama hopes at least). Actually, all what knew with Down syndrome to start ..

only just the mom said no .. but she says the opposite .. But why do we now know that they really do know nothing about it ... (Actually, totally sweet, by Mama)
you would like to pray for me gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanz viiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiel evening, and while it is in London this week with their top guru (now simply called mama m al so) they will tell me ... and take a photo of me ... and the chief guru to me then 1000000000000000% "healthy" hokuspokussieren .. uuuuuuuuuuuuuh ... because you can heal the Down Syndrome yes .. there simply is HUMBUKhokibus 3 times a black cat .. Witch witch made and already the small Jeremy gaaaaaaaaanz noooooormal ..
now Mama calls "for God's sake ... Neiiiiiiiiiiiiiin" .. because my mom wants to not have otherwise: D and you gaaaaaar not normal .. nene .. as I pass so .. sometimes not at all to her because they do not really normal in their root is hehe ... Now Mom gets
tomorrow bring a book from the actually really sweet woman .. (She means it just loves, and like in their world of faith all this might have its "correctness" and much can be very determined to fight only with pure faith, believe in it .. my mom (but it is also the only believes what they are; )) but you can certainly not a whole chromosome gaaaaaaanz simply fudibu weghexen .. ) Nene Love My .. This does not work and we do NOT:).

so .. But now we come to my little personal disaster this afternoon.
You know all that I totally get up this puzzle game mats .. I can deal with it ... stuuuuuuundenlang well, just that I do now has become the destiny .. because I am dealing with really nothing more .. I sit there for hours, wagging the thing in front of my face or chewing a bit Rumm ... and nuuun?
YOU ARE GONE !!!!!!! ! Oh terrible evil evil
My mom she has hidden: o. .. can not make it easy? People call, please contact the youth office immediately!

Mama's defense is, that she hopes I am now busy with other things sometimes. And so once more come into the little slippers ...:) eg. my rocking horse .. and hey .. is not that bad: D. .. ick hoppe hoppe here alittle bit more time passes it to dinner. and you enjoy my images shine and let you laugh from my plug:) .. (Mama finds all pictures totally great, the show wants them to you all,): D

and I realize there are still better than this (stupid) game mats:)

a very magical Tschüüüüüssiiiiiiiiiiiiiii


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