Monday, November 29, 2010

Home Playset Blueprints

high life to him, high life to him ...

................ H O O O O O O O O O O O O O C H! ..............
H O O O O O C H !!
H O O O !!

viiiiiiiiiilerlei And today in terms ...
first of all my love People ...
I'm reaching what my mom is still to come ...
nääämlich ...
naja Okay, for me it is only months: D ..
but heyyy .. I am now, officially, on the 3 years, and will therefore always more of a groooooooooßer boy ...
and I'm now in the course of diagnosis also revealed each ...
the lady took me so last seen in January, shortly after .. so stupid hospital stay (Ohman, even after a year, which pursues us still ...) but is now
FINAL .. so
now a new wind is blowing in the house of M.
I just got a ooooooooh after another out of the mouths of Mama, KG, FF, and DR lured ...
I am all the time crawled
eye contact was maintained
did everything exactly followed
toys have adopted
also rejected ..
I drank from the cup
I have the cup back out of my mouth as I wanted more I looked like I
this vibration-paw anbekomme
they've done on my mouth
straight as I sat
have the torch of FR.DR. I have followed
stood straight as,
I'm even back a few steps I've gone
for few seconds. stood alone ...

uuuund I've said again MAMA !!!!!!!!!!!!!

wuhuuuuuuuuuuu .. you can you imagine that my mom just totally out of the house is .. udn all the time rumträllert only they have the coolest kid in the world ...
ACH mama, I love you too \u0026lt;3
And as if all this were not enough, and I have strained nerves Mamas enough
today but now really sense views in a positive ... :)
Mama do not know where everything already has with all her feelings of happiness ...

Mama just with me when they brought me into bed with me singing ..
times today, "The lied to me!
and that makes Mama also always busy with ..
and behave as a mom "Heart of Stone" and "I wave to you 'is sung, I've
YOUR hand out, and made this gesture to .. : D
Mama is ready to go, and is happy here, a hole in his stomach ..
so dear: D
because it was so beautiful:)

LG Jerry

Sunday, November 28, 2010

All Possible Combinations Calc

self is (s) of its jerry ...


tjaaaaa ... So there need my mom for a short time the room to forsaken to look after the noodles .. with us today, namely, there is pasta bake ... happens now and then this ...

because today is my dearest Mama later off than otherwise found hiding with lunch and then I have yet smooth Mamas with the pretzel sticks;), well familiar to me not at all, ne (my latest passion), ok ok not entirely innocent in it, because I'm asleep before lunch already am hehe ..
but heeey, I'm just a man .. and when I'm hungry, then eat IMMEDIATELY.
I can not help it when mom takes too long ...

itself is (s) of its Jerry;)

as Mama and during my little nap has cleaned taste the salt sticks from the floor particularly well.
What Mama just asks how I managed to make the can stand up there and have to get out the salt sticks just got? Did I do something reingeriffen and they kicked out?? (The so what would be totally new to me:) shaken) or am I just in the can, tjaaaa .. the only I know very well .. and I'll tell you it is not ...

what you think? though I still have the hunger noodle casserole? hihihihihi ... how many pretzels I've already gefuttert, well knows that is just me alone :)... because my mom was already 5 min in the kitchen .. and as I currently on the cartage of pretzel sticks .. can be quite a few .. lallaa ...
oh and by the way, watch your views on how great I take a single pretzel sticks (at the top of the pictures) .. something new too:) I lift something that thin:) ..
you are also delicious .. just can not get enough of them: D ..

Oh, mama says it is now eating ...
yeah, you ever eat .. I sit here with my pretzel sticks: D. ..

Up denniiiii
your Jerry

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 How To Leave Helicopter


yes it's me again ... I know I know is getting late. But I lie, too already in bed, and dream in front of me here ... and what I dream? I dream of Udee!
Mama pushes the yes over and over again in front of it ... but you know what it is .. now totally in common .. it shows you now only as little bit:) so in between ...
And the beginning she makes with the pictures of me and my cousin www.samea .
The images found my mom just sooooooooooooo sweet .. just right for fall .. (yeah mama spins again .. so I would express myself .. NIIIE already mist when mom takes the paperwork here ... really is the time to read and write I'm learning ...)
has Samea repays me drink the bottle helped! Why? Well, knows only love Samea: D because I can actually drink alone, but it really bothered me not ..
First, of course, it helps me to keep the bottle right up ...

Then to set it away ...

not forget to wipe your mouth, because that could become a real Fopa ...

Now a picture for the photo album ... THANK you Samea if not I would have, I know not like me once in a candle-light dinner with my loved ones behave Jolina should now ..... DANKÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖÖ

so, and, also to ne;)'m out. Samea you my bottle Tidying away so determined, right? Thank you ... <3

Drives For Ati Rage 6 Sdr 32mb

Mama is ready ....

is our beautiful little blogger world of peace, love and joy so for several weeks or even months around the Nähfieber.
to whom we owe it? The love fairy at the sewing machine (Soneas Mama) ...
Mama had so last month (was it last month, right?) Yes even bought a sewing machine .. but it has to darn again until now not dared to "correct" substances, and tries to always back to the great cover-fleece from Kik * grin.
But after Mom is so proud now its 1.Loop scarf for me, is she ready for substances. SAYS IT ... oh my people .. and I must also pay for all this Miseries yet ... I thought at least in 1.Augenblick .. but honestly .. I find the scarf even really great:). (Mom says that because the week is still stuff on it, a car or something .. he would be too boring) but I like him now totally happy.
Since I'm "normal" scarves a bit annoying, find and keep scarves in winter when I did not really warm, the mega cool alternative ne ...

okay okay .. Now none of that .. even with photos The Mama always have to exaggerate ... * Kopfschüttel *. So, well what do you say? is still chic, right? And Mama will always, I would be green so incredibly good ... (Eg light blue. They may not even me .. I would look like with mega babyish .. Whatever that means) ...

Oh .. and my general condition I do drink again as Wasserholicer ... ie .. a bottle at a time .. Eat .. Well .. yes mama thought yesterday it would run better ... but again this morning only half a loaf ... but oh well .. whatever. Drinking is always first in importance. As long as I at least some eat what my mom thinks.

mom the way, now also a tip-pattern sweater ordered wuhaaaaaa .. .. People, I say yes .. I must pay for it .. whether what is? My mom and corner stitch sweater? It will be interesting ...


Friday, November 19, 2010

What Size Earring Is Needed For The Rook

Hospital, EEG results, new friendships aaand conversation in the Kita

Sooo dear ones, you've

promised that today you will hear from me and I will reimburse you diligently report what was going on with us as a week in hospital. I have: two new friends :)... also the same way I had to make quite a few of ... Deniz probably even more than me. The is 18 months old, (no DS), but for serious heart defects bonded and had a stomach or something. Mama does not know quite so well. But even 4 weeks lay in intensive care and now needs just as I re-learn everything again .. However, he has already made great progress in the hospital. But Mom felt right back in the past put back .. especially Gülcan (deniz his mom) my stuff has repeatedly asked ...
And then I have met the love Caro .. but it was only two days since, Caro also has the little extra in luggage .. is 3.5 years old .. and was like balm for mothers soul .. the mom has seen me in it in a year .. they can not really run yet, grade begins Sun gaaaaanz slowly nudge to make some ... what Mama somehow brought back to print something ... but we got supi .. I've just watched all the time, and I think even .. has flirted with me .. hollaaa ... But wiiiie ... have sat together on the sofa and she leaned over to me and made "ei-ei-ei" ... But nene .. I remain my favorite Jolina course true \u0026lt;3 \u0026lt;3
But the two were indeed released faster than me .. So Mom had to play me then my animator and Keep the fun ... and of course you can best in "Eppendorf Kreativstüppchen"
now you wonder what that is guaranteed, or? No there is no sewing machine ... ;).... that's creative little room just for us kids .. to be more precise, it is the mega of all mega coolest game room at the Children's Heart Station ... look here ... That looks like a real children, right?
Since one can really be fun .. and there is all what a child's heart desires .. we were already in some KHS, but honestly ... is not a game room as big as this here :)... but well ok, there are some children for weeks or months ... just like the parents, the parents' room is too powerful ne ... even laptops you can borrow at the sisters with free Internet access ... jaja ...
building blocks are also ne great thing, I even got to 1.Mal something out .. so where building blocks out of the bag .. But since Mama got, and I'm looking forward of course always directly with .. supported
Elmo, my constant companion was of course attending, and I was active in everything.
And now we come to MEGAAAAAAA Good news, Mom had even talked to the Doc because of EEG to look to see if I could possibly have brain damage ... AAAAB dear .. NEEEEEEEEE I'm NOT :)... my EEG is of course not "normal" I'm so indebted to my little extra gene, but it can also be seen no changes:). Can you even believe this is a total Mama's fallen off my mind, right? NO and NO autistic brain damage .. * * HUUURRAAAA So everything really "only" the trauma .. and would have laughed if we do not manage it, right?
And today when I was in kindergarten, une had my mom picked me up ... had the conversation because Kitak exchange. Mama had already pushed in front of weeks ago, but recommended as the Werner-Otto-Institute a change in your special education or day care center has confirmed ... knew my mom now she must sort out the times. was not so easy, Marta was suddenly totally sad.. (my mom has the heart almost broken .. but they fully understand and Katrin (Kita line) had to Petra probably know this talk about whether it is for me may not be the better alternative would be ... but it's still a little time until I might change. Boberger because the foxes (the mother looks at the day care soon) have until the summer of a place. And it is so clever, because otherwise I would have to 2 times change .. and that would be stupid.
Sun and otherwise, of course I still take antibotikum me .. but goes so far back good :)... drink today was even better .. Eat .. Well ok ... now we stay just with what is better .. The drink;) .. (You understand) ...

ye love
Guts Nächtle

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Rabbit Feeder Automatic

To my Dear Mama Imp ....

Hello my dear Mama Imp ...

Mama does all threaded yes, it means more presents for me. Where I can not say that I do not like * grin.
have Sunday and now you know thing or two about me, right? This will give you about ne idea who I am what I like and what not ...
So I'm 2.5 years old, will be in May 3, and hot and Jeremy have a little extra chromosome:) (Down syndrome) but I recently started becoming more and more of them all "jerry" called ... is all my friends just a bit easier. Why did my mom even think of such a serious name for children's mouths. * * Kopfschüttel

Okay, back to topic ... My favorite color is red .. wondering if I'm totally there on Elmo from Sesame Street ... ? I like everything that is somehow "make noise" or music. I like totally like bells, and everything that rustles, crackles, lights, flashes or reflecktiert (do not know if you this now to help you, but maybe you will indeed based on the info a "flash of ideas") ..
My favorite animals are Elideis .. ööhm my elephant ...
The theme in my books is a bit complicated .. I so difficult to attract me.
But what I like are good, books with lots of artwork .. because my mom could practice with me good sign:) My newest passion is radio plays ... and I liiiiiiiiiiiiebe children's songs ....
My dress size is tjaaaaa ... So in the upper parts bought my mom to me now because I have more 98 .. length 92 of the upper body is too short .. (But, strangely enough, fits on the arms totally great) in my pants mama would say 92nd .. . Shoe size, I'm 21, and head circumference is 47 cm .... super what we would naturally find themselves sewn:) if you are a creative mom ...

Sunday. I hope I helped you a little ...
supplement if my secretary (my mom) is still what comes, we are still ...

oh .. one more thing, please, please no stuffed animals namely that, we have already mega many, and flying around here anyway .. just because the only stuffed animals that I find amazing is my Elmo, and my music box ..

and a lot of fun with gnomes.
and am looking forward to your package ...

your Jerry ...

PS: And to all others: WE ARE FROM OUTSIDE THE KH:) .. the blog but there is tomorrow;).

Sunday, November 14, 2010

O.g. Mudbone Wikipedia.

the 2nd hospital

tjaaaaahaaa .. My dear readers ...
you read it right. I'm back in the hospital. And although since yesterday. Mama had since decided to go with me rather in hospital after I started on Thursday night to even extremely high fever (in 40 he area), and went up and down .. .. worse than riding roller coaster and even my mom says as inveterate Achterbahnfan ... Well no matter.
repays the night of Fr on Sat I'm choking NEN half after I get drunk, and I then decided simply nothing more to drink .. and to eat nothing more.
And that was it then something very weird .. yes because I adore my bottle. There is nothing better than to loll on the sofa to watch tv and drinking a bottle of apple juice ... nene .. really.
repays us then driven into the UKE (in our kh where we are always) .. and Mama had prudently packed stuff for a night in which they had suspected it anyway.
Because if I drink anything, which is quite critical for me. Namely dry pretty quickly.
After we almost 2.5 hours in the waiting area and sat my fever was also higher and higher, we finally got it.
diagnosis: pneumonia!
remember? 2 weeks ago it was a prospective pneumonia, and until last Tue I'm still the Cefaclorsaft taken. But that was probably sold a little early.
Well, the 1st night in the hospital time was the total horror. Totally slept restlessly, and at some point mama me then back to himself on the couch geholt.Die poorest I've kept awake all night. Therefore, runs the day with blinders around.
described briefly as a mom away from me, I was isolated from the infusion. I've now been drinking 300ml .. when I come to 1 liter, at least, I am again going on.
And starting tonight, I shall not leave my room again .. in the moments I find myself in solitary confinement that is .. ooh I'm ööhm isolated;). But when I got the Antibotikum 3 times, so I can get out .. out of my room.
We will continue to be guaranteed even some days in there, Mom is now back in there and hold dear.
Besides, my mom has mti just talked to the doctor .. account of the Werner Ottoi Institute (see previous post), and the probable diagnosis.
In short, my mom now has an EEG Anglo wobbles ... which is then made the next day.
For as one would see it repays if it should have happened to my brain a little.
The nurses were also very sad when they saw me ... one came last night to my mom and has spoken with her again over time. And also said that I was soooo a showcase Downie .. and what such a stupid stupid (useless) Op can destroy everything ..
Well .. we do not talk about it further .. wait what comes first in the EEG .. and on the I again schneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell recovering and may annoy my dearest mom at home more \u0026lt;3

If ye love
Mama grabs now things together, and then it will travel again to me ... I just nämlcih gesschlafen peaceful than it is .. going ..

to denniiiiiiiii

Friday, November 12, 2010

Pokemon Doujin Dawn Online

Who Dharma Sangha?

Dharma Sangha bekannt als Buddha-Boy, Palden Dorje, Ram Bomjan Can it be that through association with Dharma Sangha - whether about the sight of a photos , the utterance of a mantra, watching a video clip , on reading a reading, or just at the thought of him, that is awakened in us that connects us all with the A source?

Can it be that in this connection is what is happening, which brings our true nature is?

Can it be that we are in it other people or even our even recognize?

happens Or, make that with people from our area, reminiscent of changes in miracles?

Can it might even be that we recognize that it is not outside us but within us or we are in it or both?

To our mind no more to shatter with such incredible thought processes, I tell you a few key figures from his life from a brochure on the official website .

is Dharma Sangha was born on 9 April 1990 in the village in Bara district of Nepal Ratanpuri.

is Near to Lumbini, the birthplace of the great Buddha Sakyamuni. Dharma Sangha parents are farmers. His mother has the same name - Maya Devi - Sakyamuni Buddha as mother. During pregnancy, she could not eat meat without getting sick.

Dharma Sangha Gangajeet oldest brother remembers that Dharma Sangha as a young boy often left the house and he took him somewhere alone meditating. Am happiest Dharma Sangha was reading scriptures while meditating or walking under the Buddha tree.

later, when he studied at Som Bahadur Lama, Sudha, he turned more to meditation than reading books.

The Lama Dharma Sangha consecrated in the "Five ethical Principles Buddhas (Pancha Sila) box. Dharma Sangha refused contrary to the custom of the initiates to cut his hair short. As the two-year Buddhist education visited all Initiates Lumbini, the birthplace of Buddha Sakyamuni.

Dharma Sangha had completely taken with this place and its religious commitment seemed to deepen. He refused to return with the other initiates. Instead, he went

to teachers to Dehradun to continue his education. Later he returned to Pokhara, a beautiful lakeside city in Nepal, back. There was Dharma Sangha ill and could not move his lower body, after which it worried his teachers sent home to rest. During this time, Dharma Sangha pleaded to his family, sacrificing neither animals, nor to drink alcohol, would otherwise be complications.

He recovered, but he still limped when he one night, with just 15 years, disappeared from home. Like his mother recognized the situation, they alerted the village and everyone involved in the search for him.

A local boy claimed to have seen him when he shook a mango tree. Dharma Sangha had lifted a mango, and be fully clothed stepped into the flow. His family found it wise to keep an eye on him and some siblings were looking for him to stay with him.

Dharma Sanghas big sister Manu, who is now a Buddhist nun, recalls how he asked his younger brother Shyam him water, rice, his clothes Lama, a mala and a Buddha image to bring. She visited him and asked him to come home. When she saw how thin and weak he looked, she was crying.

Dharma Sangha was sitting in meditation posture, and seemed in a trance to go. He began to ask themselves questions and answer them out loud. The other villagers came and said to get him to stop this nonsense and go home. They feared he was ill or crazy. As Dharma Sangha older brother touched him, his body was extremely hot and red.

His older brother remembers Dil that Dharma Sangha told them they should leave him alone or he might die. He said that he would meditate for six years. His family and the villagers followed him as he a new meditation place in the woods looking for. Dharma Sangha told his family that he had to meditate at all costs further. He painted a limit to the meditation area and the villagers built a fence for him.

gathered more and more people on the site. All the witnesses claimed that Dharma Sangha neither ate, drank, still left the field to empty out. Many also said they saw a gleam of light above his head.

traders came to the pilgrims that it wanted to see and to pray to him to do business. It was said that he was the reincarnation of Buddha.

crowds were traveling in buses, cars and motorcycles. They were kept at about 50 meters distance, while Dharma Sangha Buddha just sat under the tree and meditated. The number of curious spectators rose.

Dharma Sangha experienced world-wide attention, as the "Discovery Channel" a documentary titled "The Boy with the divine forces" shot. Some believed the documentation, while others thought it was only for a further fraud.

The spectators were very surprised as Dharma Sangha of fire surrounded remained unaffected, but his clothes and hair were burning. His brothers shouted a cameraman, who filmed 10 minutes of this amazing event.

On 11 March 2006 Dharma Sangha disappeared from this place and left his clothes. Nevertheless, he was on 25 Discovered in December 2006. "There was no peace," said Dharma Sangha. "Since then I walk through the forest." He disappeared on several occasions. But most of the time he was meditating on the present site. For three months he meditated even underground.

He gave darshan and blessed his Trailers with a Vajra or Dorje until the end of October 2007 and again for over two weeks in November 2008 when over 400,000 devotees sometimes one to six kilometers long queue formed in order to be blessed by him.

On 30 October 2009 Dharma Sangha made the world public for the biggest animal sacrifice festival in the world closely. Only 30 kilometers from his meditation place every five years, the "Gadhi May Mela", where each of 250,000 innocent animals are sacrificed painfully in the hope that the MAI would appease goddess Ghadi and pilgrims come to prosperity.

Dharma Sangha called for an interfaith conference to clarify this situation.

And now why meditation Dharma Sangha?

could do most people avoid suffering and they do not take into account that one day sick and die:

He tells us in his speeches following. To not have to think what would happen, people flee to the material life. In meditation we turn our gaze inward. Regular practice enhances the understanding of the origin of our feelings and body sensations. During meditation, we will be more and more aware of our limitations, which eventually in experience, that there are no limits in consciousness is to dissolve.

We are all part of the same soul that Paramatma called Dharma Sangha. Awareness of the Paramatma and the fact that there are no limits to allow us even with the feelings and perceptions to be other over long distances the name, comparable to the Internet.

As we become conscious of the Paramatma occurs, a natural empathy with all living things, which we recognize the couple as part of ourselves. Dharma Sangha calls this the creation of loving kindness or Maitri Bhavana.

This awareness makes it impossible to people misdirected to action and gives a natural State of peace. If he can bring 10 people to this awareness, these 10 people for 10 people and this 10 again 10, and so on, this will change the consciousness of all humanity. He compares this with the lighting of candles or in Sanskrit "dip". Each candle will ignite another. So his meditation will kindle the light of peace.

More and more people are deeply touched by this strange young man sitting patiently under a tree. Could it be that you start some of this Paramatma and Maitri Bhavana exercise, which he sends into the world?

Currently, a Dharma Hall under construction. Dharma Sangha said that he in Terthup teach Dharma Dharma Hall, once he has completed six years in meditation.

May all beings be happy.

If you want to support the project of Terthup Dharma Hall, please visit the following websites: or http://www.etapasvi .com / en /
You can also "Palden Dorje" on Facebook participate in discussions and "Ram Bomjon / Palden Dorje" in the Google Group .

previous post about Dharma Sangha

Fireplace Damper Parts

Werner-Otto-Institute .. the diagnosis and this and that

H a l l i h a l l o

we jaja know
last entry is already ne while ago ..
but my dearest Mommy is bad gaaaaaaaanz is currently sooooo lazy ..
the blog with her at the time ... but today she thought it is definitely time!
Because we now have much good to tell ...
course, will you still determined to see more pictures from our meetings dwarf ..
but gives only later (promise!!)
First we want to tell you something else ..
today namely, the appointment was in the Werner-Otto-Institute.
Only my mom has completely lost, but thank God we still arrived on time ..
and Mom was totally flat. This
Werner-Otto-Institut is riiiiiiiesig ..
Mama has imagined quite differently. When we logged on to the reception, we are the elevator to the 1st Floor. oops .. and so I first made big eyes.
because right in the waiting area was a fire truck .. riiiiiiiiesiges
and we have many gaaaaanz Downies seen since .. that was the feeling mama hands here probably correct to be.
Then two women came to us, the psychologist and her assistant .. very very lovely women (one is now my new Kumpeline)
Mama were sooo many questions made, and she had to tell exactly what I was before when KH, and what I now return to the KH everything I learned.
And what it was for striking at me, etc. And, logically, was uch my trachea again talking point . And Fr.H. Mama asked if she would nurse .. * Giggle *.
My mom had in fact forget medical records, and then everything has its specialist told in Latin .. and my mom was not so aware of the .. jaja ..
as you can see again, I make my mom:). (Even though they certainly do without this kind of education could).
the other lady (My new Kumpeline) has changed in the period, only deals with me and always being made notes. I was then measured, weighed, listened to, etc. The usual.
procedure We have talked about the day care center. Mama is something torn whether it changes the day care center.
Because you've already said, I am the 1st child .. in my day care center So the 1.besondere .. and there are no special teachers .. and are 16 children with 2 teachers.
And Mama was so superior to most in a special education kindergarten stuck, because the more there viiiiiiiiiel can respond to me and targeted feeding can.
Fr.H. Mom has even placed very close to that which I should change ... Kita
because ... Now we come to the diagnosis.
I'm not autistic!
(ever pleasing)

like the diagnosis is now Mama does not really better ...
that this was for me a traumatic experience that is quite clear .. that can even think every baby .. but
... it looks like my brain has probably gotten some damage (it sounds now stupid to intubate somehow :-()
But this constant, extubate, reintubhieren, oxygen deficiency, respiratory arrest, not to mention all the drugs I have received, have left their mark.
why I am not far as a 2.5-year-old Downie developed child.
At Mamas ask if I can re-learn everything really .. you just said ..
I can certainly learn
.. but how far back I am the "old" Jeremy, can not say that.
(and this is precisely what makes mom a little sad) And
pop the head is probably really "only" because of the stimuli.
Furthermore, we were a 4-week stay at the offered www.werner gasoline .
would be something of a rehabilitation, where I in the 4th weeks may very intense early intervention, physiotherapy, logo, and would even get Ergo ..
and Mama get more tips and support.
We are now on the waiting list .. be it next week already going on go ..
but may also be that it still takes half a year .. this stupid waiting lists always ..
Daaaaaaaaaann something else.
actually wanted this weekend in the rabbit hole go ...
but since I've also once again put a spoke in the statement.
finger yesterday and I quite 39.5 suddenly had fever and wanted absolutely nothing to drink (which is totally abnormal for me .. .. because I'm so liiiiiiiiiiiebe Drinking a typical boredom drinker hehe like my mom)
Mom has done everything and then do it the fever goes down, and gave me a water ice .. because liquid;.)
I was even allowed to it the night in bed sleeping, * happy *
And this morning saw all from super ... until we were home again ...
temperature 40.5.
Oh terrible. Get Cold envelopes, Para and ice.
Schwubiduwup temperature was gone.
I'm now currently back 38.2.
hmm, why not?
Well the weekend in the rabbit hole is thus fallen into the water.
And my mom wanted and bunnies mama .. to the fabric market
so stupid.
my mom was really busy today.
While I was asleep, she called the office pediatrician, and has even asked him for
special educational day care centers.
And he has given her three numbers, with a targeted recommendation.
would I even be picked up by bus ... NEM
wuhuuuuuu ...
Mom has since called directly, and were promptly invited
us for Wednesday in the day care center for Advent crafts .. .
all goes 2 hours.
And so have my mum and I set up NEN insight into the day care center, and Mom can talk in peace with the day care center line. The position would I get from the summer.
thus still takes a while .. could indeed have previously .. but problem, I would quickly two times in time the day care change.
once of the cribs group (now) in the crib group of HP kita, and then when I'm 3 again in the elementary level ..
and that's complete nonsense, and that's my Mama save me even more.
from the Sun and posting pictures dwarf meeting my mom when I'm lying in bed), then they have peace.
While she is writing this entry, annoying I really nicely:).
hair pulling (yes just want to stroke), claw-in shoulder (but I will just pull up;)), you'll take the physical space and the freedom of will (I still lean and just cuddling)
short ...
and that's why my mom now even a break .. and you already have enough to read;)
On the rest of you can wait then again few minutes.)


Monday, November 8, 2010

Similar Games To Fantage And Club Penguin

Flirt Free Flirt

Tonight is the 3rd episode of the sixth season of Farmer Wants a Wife and yes, I'm looking forward to it. Also, this program is controversial. I personally like the - relatively authentic - clumsy kind of farmers in dealing with the love and the idyllic landscapes and farms. There is something of "ideal world" and it is one of the few programs that did without a lot of action and can still captivate. Similar Creatures Great and Small , really pretty spectacular. Sure, the show lives on many viewers of the "embarrassment" and love shown fates of farmers.

The point now is that flirting on television here again purely stereotyped is shown. It is a modern fairy tale. A Walt Disney cartoon without. One must not forget in all this that the reality is different and that flirting is usually a failure. Not even dating. My first tip to all farmers would be me, what makes your interior and once you buy new and presentable furniture, wallpaper, etc. Most women would run screaming from your house but if not for the camera would be here ;-)

Funny story about that edge, I still have such a nice old tube TV that has already various quirks. Actually, I hardly look television series and the farmers is really one of the few. But, I think actually buy it for me so a new LCD TV! Where it is clear from my favorite online shop Amazon a selection of cheap LCD TVs at Amazon .

write me a comment why I watch the show like her personally, or even why she can not, just like it.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Popsicle Bridge Plans Free

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Home sweet Home

Soooo , now officially ...

hihi na since I've been chasing you even a scare, huh? Mama gave me just your great comment on her last blog entry read, as many genes wooooooow Sung wishes only for me all alone! No wonder I'm back so quickly become fit, pressed in as many Däumis:).
So, and so you know this, I'm an aspiring Lungenentzündug .. but as already said I'm ready, fit and the doctors to trust my mom to deal with because of my history of the home further, the inhalation was again set high or inhaled 3x daily and now with Pulmicort Sultanol, but with the diesemal Pariboy ... Hubinhalation has now been sold in the first case, .. yes, and I have again this megaaaaaaaaa delicious juice cefaclor for 10 days .. still take but in all honesty? If it were me, would take the niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie be sold .. because is something of leckeeeeeeer .. yamyam .. you can put me in there really .... for those who know not yet .... totaaaaaaaal tastes like strawberry ...
The pharmaceutical industry knows how to make children so olle Medis mostly tasty:)

Traderjob Mama was again facing a major decision, and she hates something, yes. Especially when it comes to me, they hate these things .. because they are afraid of but probably have taken a wrong has letztendllich .. But times over.
Mom has already told you that the dear uncle, the doctor dismissed the reports brought back, and has even late at night to take home: o (yeah you read correctly) and has the well studied, because that's really gaaaaaaanz is already a big fat folder.
The next day he came to us somewhat ambivalent, and Mama says that with the dismissal of the reports would be things this way. In each would be in relation to my trachea is something other
(and in the ACC where we were this time are indeed the specialists what the trachea terms) in the report is that I had too soft a trachea, the other again, I might had a close, and in the other stands, intubation would have been difficult due to close at bronchoscopy, however, was found anything.
And he said that it might be thoughtfully consider a further bronchoscopy. Mama've gathered together the nape hair, and the doctor has also noticed that most directly mom was a bit anxious. He said because that is quick to add that I would decide, after all, and he would understand if I would say we can not make it .. just mainly because of my last serious KH stay with the 6-station where intense .. . And he said, the best mom again with a familiar person should talk about it ... and wen my mum .. then called directly? Genauuuuuu my dear aunt Ina :)... and she said exactly the same as Mom, by the visceral No more .. not yet! And it this doctor already sounds very reasonable, and I do not anything wants to believe.
mom then told him the next day their decision, which it currently does not want to make ... just for the reason because I am just so from past KH recover .. and from my schneckenhäusschen come crawling and 2 Mama would let sleeping dogs. that was in the first year of correct breathing again, and she already shows that it has improved my trachea to be. Because last year I had had any 2.Monat Show Average Sowat ..
she has also said if the case should be, and the now often repeated again ... they then repays again think about it.
If there were, if I have a tightness in the trachea have 2 methods. Once when she was in the middle, with a laser wegzulasern this corner. Or, could it be that my heart and trachea in each other's way sind.Denn through my heart defects have a bigger heart than I so maybe a healthy child's heart, and forces the heart to the trachea. In the fall they would hang up the air tube to the aorta or less. Or
version three, which can actually be typical of my little extra gene in the softness of the trachea, because nothing he can do. Only his hands in the shot put and wait and drink tea ... Mama hopes and yes it is the 3.Variante, and it in for them Moment even more appearances, she has told the nice doctor too.
Mama is totally away fro, because so far no one has it the thing with the trachea explains soooo great. And while even the most sympathetic. She has met so far only 2, and holding it Dr.Mir me always examined at the Children's Heart Station ...

lie so and now I am in MY bed, and I will hopefully spend a quiet night. you know, the 1st night at home is always the most critical and'll leave me now a week treat of Mama and betüdeln:) since kindergarten is not yes then first week. sniff. ... but wants to be so we meet at my Liiiiiebsten \u0026lt;3