Monday, November 1, 2010

Popsicle Bridge Plans Free

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Home sweet Home

Soooo , now officially ...

hihi na since I've been chasing you even a scare, huh? Mama gave me just your great comment on her last blog entry read, as many genes wooooooow Sung wishes only for me all alone! No wonder I'm back so quickly become fit, pressed in as many Däumis:).
So, and so you know this, I'm an aspiring Lungenentzündug .. but as already said I'm ready, fit and the doctors to trust my mom to deal with because of my history of the home further, the inhalation was again set high or inhaled 3x daily and now with Pulmicort Sultanol, but with the diesemal Pariboy ... Hubinhalation has now been sold in the first case, .. yes, and I have again this megaaaaaaaaa delicious juice cefaclor for 10 days .. still take but in all honesty? If it were me, would take the niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie be sold .. because is something of leckeeeeeeer .. yamyam .. you can put me in there really .... for those who know not yet .... totaaaaaaaal tastes like strawberry ...
The pharmaceutical industry knows how to make children so olle Medis mostly tasty:)

Traderjob Mama was again facing a major decision, and she hates something, yes. Especially when it comes to me, they hate these things .. because they are afraid of but probably have taken a wrong has letztendllich .. But times over.
Mom has already told you that the dear uncle, the doctor dismissed the reports brought back, and has even late at night to take home: o (yeah you read correctly) and has the well studied, because that's really gaaaaaaanz is already a big fat folder.
The next day he came to us somewhat ambivalent, and Mama says that with the dismissal of the reports would be things this way. In each would be in relation to my trachea is something other
(and in the ACC where we were this time are indeed the specialists what the trachea terms) in the report is that I had too soft a trachea, the other again, I might had a close, and in the other stands, intubation would have been difficult due to close at bronchoscopy, however, was found anything.
And he said that it might be thoughtfully consider a further bronchoscopy. Mama've gathered together the nape hair, and the doctor has also noticed that most directly mom was a bit anxious. He said because that is quick to add that I would decide, after all, and he would understand if I would say we can not make it .. just mainly because of my last serious KH stay with the 6-station where intense .. . And he said, the best mom again with a familiar person should talk about it ... and wen my mum .. then called directly? Genauuuuuu my dear aunt Ina :)... and she said exactly the same as Mom, by the visceral No more .. not yet! And it this doctor already sounds very reasonable, and I do not anything wants to believe.
mom then told him the next day their decision, which it currently does not want to make ... just for the reason because I am just so from past KH recover .. and from my schneckenhäusschen come crawling and 2 Mama would let sleeping dogs. that was in the first year of correct breathing again, and she already shows that it has improved my trachea to be. Because last year I had had any 2.Monat Show Average Sowat ..
she has also said if the case should be, and the now often repeated again ... they then repays again think about it.
If there were, if I have a tightness in the trachea have 2 methods. Once when she was in the middle, with a laser wegzulasern this corner. Or, could it be that my heart and trachea in each other's way sind.Denn through my heart defects have a bigger heart than I so maybe a healthy child's heart, and forces the heart to the trachea. In the fall they would hang up the air tube to the aorta or less. Or
version three, which can actually be typical of my little extra gene in the softness of the trachea, because nothing he can do. Only his hands in the shot put and wait and drink tea ... Mama hopes and yes it is the 3.Variante, and it in for them Moment even more appearances, she has told the nice doctor too.
Mama is totally away fro, because so far no one has it the thing with the trachea explains soooo great. And while even the most sympathetic. She has met so far only 2, and holding it Dr.Mir me always examined at the Children's Heart Station ...

lie so and now I am in MY bed, and I will hopefully spend a quiet night. you know, the 1st night at home is always the most critical and'll leave me now a week treat of Mama and betüdeln:) since kindergarten is not yes then first week. sniff. ... but wants to be so we meet at my Liiiiiebsten \u0026lt;3


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