Friday, November 12, 2010

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Who Dharma Sangha?

Dharma Sangha bekannt als Buddha-Boy, Palden Dorje, Ram Bomjan Can it be that through association with Dharma Sangha - whether about the sight of a photos , the utterance of a mantra, watching a video clip , on reading a reading, or just at the thought of him, that is awakened in us that connects us all with the A source?

Can it be that in this connection is what is happening, which brings our true nature is?

Can it be that we are in it other people or even our even recognize?

happens Or, make that with people from our area, reminiscent of changes in miracles?

Can it might even be that we recognize that it is not outside us but within us or we are in it or both?

To our mind no more to shatter with such incredible thought processes, I tell you a few key figures from his life from a brochure on the official website .

is Dharma Sangha was born on 9 April 1990 in the village in Bara district of Nepal Ratanpuri.

is Near to Lumbini, the birthplace of the great Buddha Sakyamuni. Dharma Sangha parents are farmers. His mother has the same name - Maya Devi - Sakyamuni Buddha as mother. During pregnancy, she could not eat meat without getting sick.

Dharma Sangha Gangajeet oldest brother remembers that Dharma Sangha as a young boy often left the house and he took him somewhere alone meditating. Am happiest Dharma Sangha was reading scriptures while meditating or walking under the Buddha tree.

later, when he studied at Som Bahadur Lama, Sudha, he turned more to meditation than reading books.

The Lama Dharma Sangha consecrated in the "Five ethical Principles Buddhas (Pancha Sila) box. Dharma Sangha refused contrary to the custom of the initiates to cut his hair short. As the two-year Buddhist education visited all Initiates Lumbini, the birthplace of Buddha Sakyamuni.

Dharma Sangha had completely taken with this place and its religious commitment seemed to deepen. He refused to return with the other initiates. Instead, he went

to teachers to Dehradun to continue his education. Later he returned to Pokhara, a beautiful lakeside city in Nepal, back. There was Dharma Sangha ill and could not move his lower body, after which it worried his teachers sent home to rest. During this time, Dharma Sangha pleaded to his family, sacrificing neither animals, nor to drink alcohol, would otherwise be complications.

He recovered, but he still limped when he one night, with just 15 years, disappeared from home. Like his mother recognized the situation, they alerted the village and everyone involved in the search for him.

A local boy claimed to have seen him when he shook a mango tree. Dharma Sangha had lifted a mango, and be fully clothed stepped into the flow. His family found it wise to keep an eye on him and some siblings were looking for him to stay with him.

Dharma Sanghas big sister Manu, who is now a Buddhist nun, recalls how he asked his younger brother Shyam him water, rice, his clothes Lama, a mala and a Buddha image to bring. She visited him and asked him to come home. When she saw how thin and weak he looked, she was crying.

Dharma Sangha was sitting in meditation posture, and seemed in a trance to go. He began to ask themselves questions and answer them out loud. The other villagers came and said to get him to stop this nonsense and go home. They feared he was ill or crazy. As Dharma Sangha older brother touched him, his body was extremely hot and red.

His older brother remembers Dil that Dharma Sangha told them they should leave him alone or he might die. He said that he would meditate for six years. His family and the villagers followed him as he a new meditation place in the woods looking for. Dharma Sangha told his family that he had to meditate at all costs further. He painted a limit to the meditation area and the villagers built a fence for him.

gathered more and more people on the site. All the witnesses claimed that Dharma Sangha neither ate, drank, still left the field to empty out. Many also said they saw a gleam of light above his head.

traders came to the pilgrims that it wanted to see and to pray to him to do business. It was said that he was the reincarnation of Buddha.

crowds were traveling in buses, cars and motorcycles. They were kept at about 50 meters distance, while Dharma Sangha Buddha just sat under the tree and meditated. The number of curious spectators rose.

Dharma Sangha experienced world-wide attention, as the "Discovery Channel" a documentary titled "The Boy with the divine forces" shot. Some believed the documentation, while others thought it was only for a further fraud.

The spectators were very surprised as Dharma Sangha of fire surrounded remained unaffected, but his clothes and hair were burning. His brothers shouted a cameraman, who filmed 10 minutes of this amazing event.

On 11 March 2006 Dharma Sangha disappeared from this place and left his clothes. Nevertheless, he was on 25 Discovered in December 2006. "There was no peace," said Dharma Sangha. "Since then I walk through the forest." He disappeared on several occasions. But most of the time he was meditating on the present site. For three months he meditated even underground.

He gave darshan and blessed his Trailers with a Vajra or Dorje until the end of October 2007 and again for over two weeks in November 2008 when over 400,000 devotees sometimes one to six kilometers long queue formed in order to be blessed by him.

On 30 October 2009 Dharma Sangha made the world public for the biggest animal sacrifice festival in the world closely. Only 30 kilometers from his meditation place every five years, the "Gadhi May Mela", where each of 250,000 innocent animals are sacrificed painfully in the hope that the MAI would appease goddess Ghadi and pilgrims come to prosperity.

Dharma Sangha called for an interfaith conference to clarify this situation.

And now why meditation Dharma Sangha?

could do most people avoid suffering and they do not take into account that one day sick and die:

He tells us in his speeches following. To not have to think what would happen, people flee to the material life. In meditation we turn our gaze inward. Regular practice enhances the understanding of the origin of our feelings and body sensations. During meditation, we will be more and more aware of our limitations, which eventually in experience, that there are no limits in consciousness is to dissolve.

We are all part of the same soul that Paramatma called Dharma Sangha. Awareness of the Paramatma and the fact that there are no limits to allow us even with the feelings and perceptions to be other over long distances the name, comparable to the Internet.

As we become conscious of the Paramatma occurs, a natural empathy with all living things, which we recognize the couple as part of ourselves. Dharma Sangha calls this the creation of loving kindness or Maitri Bhavana.

This awareness makes it impossible to people misdirected to action and gives a natural State of peace. If he can bring 10 people to this awareness, these 10 people for 10 people and this 10 again 10, and so on, this will change the consciousness of all humanity. He compares this with the lighting of candles or in Sanskrit "dip". Each candle will ignite another. So his meditation will kindle the light of peace.

More and more people are deeply touched by this strange young man sitting patiently under a tree. Could it be that you start some of this Paramatma and Maitri Bhavana exercise, which he sends into the world?

Currently, a Dharma Hall under construction. Dharma Sangha said that he in Terthup teach Dharma Dharma Hall, once he has completed six years in meditation.

May all beings be happy.

If you want to support the project of Terthup Dharma Hall, please visit the following websites: or http://www.etapasvi .com / en /
You can also "Palden Dorje" on Facebook participate in discussions and "Ram Bomjon / Palden Dorje" in the Google Group .

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