Friday, November 12, 2010

Fireplace Damper Parts

Werner-Otto-Institute .. the diagnosis and this and that

H a l l i h a l l o

we jaja know
last entry is already ne while ago ..
but my dearest Mommy is bad gaaaaaaaanz is currently sooooo lazy ..
the blog with her at the time ... but today she thought it is definitely time!
Because we now have much good to tell ...
course, will you still determined to see more pictures from our meetings dwarf ..
but gives only later (promise!!)
First we want to tell you something else ..
today namely, the appointment was in the Werner-Otto-Institute.
Only my mom has completely lost, but thank God we still arrived on time ..
and Mom was totally flat. This
Werner-Otto-Institut is riiiiiiiesig ..
Mama has imagined quite differently. When we logged on to the reception, we are the elevator to the 1st Floor. oops .. and so I first made big eyes.
because right in the waiting area was a fire truck .. riiiiiiiiesiges
and we have many gaaaaanz Downies seen since .. that was the feeling mama hands here probably correct to be.
Then two women came to us, the psychologist and her assistant .. very very lovely women (one is now my new Kumpeline)
Mama were sooo many questions made, and she had to tell exactly what I was before when KH, and what I now return to the KH everything I learned.
And what it was for striking at me, etc. And, logically, was uch my trachea again talking point . And Fr.H. Mama asked if she would nurse .. * Giggle *.
My mom had in fact forget medical records, and then everything has its specialist told in Latin .. and my mom was not so aware of the .. jaja ..
as you can see again, I make my mom:). (Even though they certainly do without this kind of education could).
the other lady (My new Kumpeline) has changed in the period, only deals with me and always being made notes. I was then measured, weighed, listened to, etc. The usual.
procedure We have talked about the day care center. Mama is something torn whether it changes the day care center.
Because you've already said, I am the 1st child .. in my day care center So the 1.besondere .. and there are no special teachers .. and are 16 children with 2 teachers.
And Mama was so superior to most in a special education kindergarten stuck, because the more there viiiiiiiiiel can respond to me and targeted feeding can.
Fr.H. Mom has even placed very close to that which I should change ... Kita
because ... Now we come to the diagnosis.
I'm not autistic!
(ever pleasing)

like the diagnosis is now Mama does not really better ...
that this was for me a traumatic experience that is quite clear .. that can even think every baby .. but
... it looks like my brain has probably gotten some damage (it sounds now stupid to intubate somehow :-()
But this constant, extubate, reintubhieren, oxygen deficiency, respiratory arrest, not to mention all the drugs I have received, have left their mark.
why I am not far as a 2.5-year-old Downie developed child.
At Mamas ask if I can re-learn everything really .. you just said ..
I can certainly learn
.. but how far back I am the "old" Jeremy, can not say that.
(and this is precisely what makes mom a little sad) And
pop the head is probably really "only" because of the stimuli.
Furthermore, we were a 4-week stay at the offered www.werner gasoline .
would be something of a rehabilitation, where I in the 4th weeks may very intense early intervention, physiotherapy, logo, and would even get Ergo ..
and Mama get more tips and support.
We are now on the waiting list .. be it next week already going on go ..
but may also be that it still takes half a year .. this stupid waiting lists always ..
Daaaaaaaaaann something else.
actually wanted this weekend in the rabbit hole go ...
but since I've also once again put a spoke in the statement.
finger yesterday and I quite 39.5 suddenly had fever and wanted absolutely nothing to drink (which is totally abnormal for me .. .. because I'm so liiiiiiiiiiiebe Drinking a typical boredom drinker hehe like my mom)
Mom has done everything and then do it the fever goes down, and gave me a water ice .. because liquid;.)
I was even allowed to it the night in bed sleeping, * happy *
And this morning saw all from super ... until we were home again ...
temperature 40.5.
Oh terrible. Get Cold envelopes, Para and ice.
Schwubiduwup temperature was gone.
I'm now currently back 38.2.
hmm, why not?
Well the weekend in the rabbit hole is thus fallen into the water.
And my mom wanted and bunnies mama .. to the fabric market
so stupid.
my mom was really busy today.
While I was asleep, she called the office pediatrician, and has even asked him for
special educational day care centers.
And he has given her three numbers, with a targeted recommendation.
would I even be picked up by bus ... NEM
wuhuuuuuu ...
Mom has since called directly, and were promptly invited
us for Wednesday in the day care center for Advent crafts .. .
all goes 2 hours.
And so have my mum and I set up NEN insight into the day care center, and Mom can talk in peace with the day care center line. The position would I get from the summer.
thus still takes a while .. could indeed have previously .. but problem, I would quickly two times in time the day care change.
once of the cribs group (now) in the crib group of HP kita, and then when I'm 3 again in the elementary level ..
and that's complete nonsense, and that's my Mama save me even more.
from the Sun and posting pictures dwarf meeting my mom when I'm lying in bed), then they have peace.
While she is writing this entry, annoying I really nicely:).
hair pulling (yes just want to stroke), claw-in shoulder (but I will just pull up;)), you'll take the physical space and the freedom of will (I still lean and just cuddling)
short ...
and that's why my mom now even a break .. and you already have enough to read;)
On the rest of you can wait then again few minutes.)



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