Friday, November 19, 2010

What Size Earring Is Needed For The Rook

Hospital, EEG results, new friendships aaand conversation in the Kita

Sooo dear ones, you've

promised that today you will hear from me and I will reimburse you diligently report what was going on with us as a week in hospital. I have: two new friends :)... also the same way I had to make quite a few of ... Deniz probably even more than me. The is 18 months old, (no DS), but for serious heart defects bonded and had a stomach or something. Mama does not know quite so well. But even 4 weeks lay in intensive care and now needs just as I re-learn everything again .. However, he has already made great progress in the hospital. But Mom felt right back in the past put back .. especially Gülcan (deniz his mom) my stuff has repeatedly asked ...
And then I have met the love Caro .. but it was only two days since, Caro also has the little extra in luggage .. is 3.5 years old .. and was like balm for mothers soul .. the mom has seen me in it in a year .. they can not really run yet, grade begins Sun gaaaaanz slowly nudge to make some ... what Mama somehow brought back to print something ... but we got supi .. I've just watched all the time, and I think even .. has flirted with me .. hollaaa ... But wiiiie ... have sat together on the sofa and she leaned over to me and made "ei-ei-ei" ... But nene .. I remain my favorite Jolina course true \u0026lt;3 \u0026lt;3
But the two were indeed released faster than me .. So Mom had to play me then my animator and Keep the fun ... and of course you can best in "Eppendorf Kreativstüppchen"
now you wonder what that is guaranteed, or? No there is no sewing machine ... ;).... that's creative little room just for us kids .. to be more precise, it is the mega of all mega coolest game room at the Children's Heart Station ... look here ... That looks like a real children, right?
Since one can really be fun .. and there is all what a child's heart desires .. we were already in some KHS, but honestly ... is not a game room as big as this here :)... but well ok, there are some children for weeks or months ... just like the parents, the parents' room is too powerful ne ... even laptops you can borrow at the sisters with free Internet access ... jaja ...
building blocks are also ne great thing, I even got to 1.Mal something out .. so where building blocks out of the bag .. But since Mama got, and I'm looking forward of course always directly with .. supported
Elmo, my constant companion was of course attending, and I was active in everything.
And now we come to MEGAAAAAAA Good news, Mom had even talked to the Doc because of EEG to look to see if I could possibly have brain damage ... AAAAB dear .. NEEEEEEEEE I'm NOT :)... my EEG is of course not "normal" I'm so indebted to my little extra gene, but it can also be seen no changes:). Can you even believe this is a total Mama's fallen off my mind, right? NO and NO autistic brain damage .. * * HUUURRAAAA So everything really "only" the trauma .. and would have laughed if we do not manage it, right?
And today when I was in kindergarten, une had my mom picked me up ... had the conversation because Kitak exchange. Mama had already pushed in front of weeks ago, but recommended as the Werner-Otto-Institute a change in your special education or day care center has confirmed ... knew my mom now she must sort out the times. was not so easy, Marta was suddenly totally sad.. (my mom has the heart almost broken .. but they fully understand and Katrin (Kita line) had to Petra probably know this talk about whether it is for me may not be the better alternative would be ... but it's still a little time until I might change. Boberger because the foxes (the mother looks at the day care soon) have until the summer of a place. And it is so clever, because otherwise I would have to 2 times change .. and that would be stupid.
Sun and otherwise, of course I still take antibotikum me .. but goes so far back good :)... drink today was even better .. Eat .. Well ok ... now we stay just with what is better .. The drink;) .. (You understand) ...

ye love
Guts Nächtle


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